Patrick Bass Show

Unlocking Spiritual Insights: Intuition, Astrology, and Healing with Jeannine Kim

September 11, 2024 Vanguard Radio Network

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In a captivating episode of The Patrick Bass Show, Patrick welcomed Jeannine Kim, an intuitive reader, medium, 5D astrologer, and holistic healer who has been transforming lives since 1999. Jeannine shared insights into her spiritual journey, discussing her early realizations of her unique abilities and how she navigated the divide between her career in the financial world and her passion for holistic health and spirituality.

Jeannine's approach to astrology and mediumship was particularly fascinating. She explained how the alignment of the stars and planets, especially in 5D astrology, offers profound insights into our lives and spiritual paths. Jeannine also shared how everyone has the innate ability to tap into their intuition, comparing it to an art form—some people are naturally gifted, while others can develop the skill with practice.

Patrick, being a Pisces, found the conversation even more enlightening, as Jeannine revealed that this astrological sign is deeply connected with spirituality and compassion. She delved into the upcoming astrological shifts, explaining how these cosmic movements often mirror the personal transformations we experience.

One of the highlights of the episode was Jeannine’s deep dive into mediumship. She explained how she tunes into the energy of both the living and the spiritual realms, using her body as an instrument to connect with other dimensions. Patrick, with his own background in spiritual experiences, resonated with this, and they explored the idea that all energy, even after death, simply changes form and continues to exist—a concept grounded in both spirituality and physics.

Jeannine’s holistic approach extends to healing practices like breathwork and yoga, which she recommends for regulating the nervous system and connecting more deeply with one’s body and energy. She emphasized that simple, consistent practices like mindful breathing can significantly improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Jeannine’s upcoming book, Dark Matters, promises to delve into the parts of ourselves we often avoid, exploring how facing our darkness is essential for healing. To learn more about Jeannine’s work, her upcoming events, and mentoring programs, check ou

Burn Your Ships: How to Conquer Doubt
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OK, cue everybody. We're going live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And now, live from Ford Smith, Arkansas, this is a planet -wide broadcast, courtesy of the World Wide Web and affiliate radio stations across the globe. It's The Patrick Bass Show with your host, Patrick Bass. the program. The Patrick Bass show on the Vanguard Radio Network. So incredibly glad you're with us today on what I call a magic carpet ride in the unknown. think you're going to really like today's guest as always. We've always got the best guest. I've said that a million times, and I'm gonna keep on saying it because it's true. Don't forget to check us out on our website, P w bass dot com and also on facebook dot com where we're live right now. We're live on LinkedIn, Twitch, Twitter, just about everywhere. You can be live. We're live right now, including several terrestrial stations. And then if you missed this transmission, if you're listening to this on a retransmission, don't forget we're live Monday through Friday from 5 p to 6 p Central Standard Time. And I want to remind you also, if you haven't been looking at my blog, take a look at that. I'm on a weight loss journey, 33 pounds down this month. and I'm posting everything, all the gruesome details right there on PWBass .com. Check that out. On today's show, we've got Jeannine Kim, who's a reader, a medium, a 5D astrologer. I don't know what that is, but we're going to find out. She's also a holistic healer. Just really cool stuff that you're going to not want to miss. So stay tuned, sit back, relax, strap in. and our open line is open right now. 855 -605 -8255, toll free number. If you want to get in on the program today, that's the number to call and you can talk to us. You'll be internet famous for like 15 seconds. Promise. All right. Stand by. This is the Patrick Bass show. Don't forget to hit our website at www .pwbass .com. More of the Patrick Bass show coming up. Brad's buzzed. yeah? Yeah. He's starting with the wutes. Now, speech. I just want to say that friendship is about heart. Heart and brain. Who's with me? Good thing is, he knows when he's buzzed. And my brain is saying, when it's time to go home, somebody call me a ride. Love that guy. Me too. Know your buzzed warning signs? Call for a ride when it's time to go home. Buzz driving is drunk driving. A message from NITTA and the Ad Council. Thank Having the conversations everyone else in the media are scared to have. Welcome back to the Patrick Bass Show. Jeannine Kim is with us today, a highly sought after intuitive reader, medium, astrologer, yoga instructor, holistic health practitioner. The list keeps going on and on and on. And she's been doing this kind of stuff since 1999, helping people worldwide on their spiritual journey, offering deep healing and transformational insights through their past life work. astrology and mediumship. We're going to find out what all that is. If it's confusing to you, stay tuned and welcome to the show. Jeannine how are you doing? I'm doing great, Patrick. Thank you so much for having me. I'm really happy to be here today. You're very welcome. We're excited to have you. we kind of got a theme going on this week. I told you in the pre -show that most of the, I think every guest this week is somebody who's kind of spiritually aware. And you said, hmm, that makes sense. And I was like, wow, OK, we'll have to figure out why that makes sense. What did you mean by that? The astrology, the astrology never lies. It's always shown as something about ourselves. So yeah, astrology points right to it. That's very amazing to me. Somehow I had a feeling it was something like that. Is there anything, you know, in particular you can dive into there or is it just really complex? You know, can we spend a couple of minutes on that? Yeah, we can, you know, it's wherever the sun goes in the sky, it's always highlighting something for each of us. So when it's your birthday, it's your solar return. Same sun every time of the year. Well, right now the sun is in Virgo and not to get too deep into astrology, but it's standing right across the sky from Pisces, the Saturn and Pisces moment, first time in 30 years. And then also Neptune's not too far away. we're really, that's, Pisces is all about spirituality. And so is Virgo a bit. So we're really kind of getting real about it. That's the Saturn part. So yeah. close a circle, is it significant then that I'm Pisces? Are you really? When's your birthday? my goodness. My husband's is February 23rd. Yeah, it's very significant. This is a big time for you. Huge, huge, Okay, wow. Yeah, we got a lot of stuff going on definitely here at the show and it does feel very significant to me. So all of that stuff is very interesting. You have a lot of callings, gifts, intuition, psychic ability, mediumship. How did all this start? When did you become aware of it? You know, I've been this way my whole life. So when you're kind of born this way, you just think everybody's like this, you know, isn't that what it is? Like, I mean, this is what it means to be human. But I started to really see the difference probably in my twenties. And then, you know, the things that I loved at the time were way different than what I was doing in my life. I was raised in Chicago and working in the city. I was an IPO trader. I was in the financial industry for about 10 years. Series seven, series 63, but on the side, was doing yoga, reading Shirley MacLean books and learning about holistic health. So, which was weird in the nineties. And yeah, I knew then that something was up. I was really different. Yeah, so is there a difference between psychic and intuition abilities? Is there a difference there? they related? I've heard different schools of thought. Right. No, to me, I feel it's all the same. I know that some people use the word psychic maybe to describe a certain way of reading. But to me, if you have an ability to read anything, you have an ability to read everything. Because everything is energy first. And from my perspective, we're all just kind of reading different streams of energy. And I get it that this is, now let me clarify myself. Is this a skill that can be learned? Do people have natural inclinations? Can somebody who has seemingly no ability go through a training program and gain some? How does that work? Yeah, actually, I just had a retreat this past March with a friend of mine. He's a doctor, scientist, neuroscientist. He maps my brain. So we love talking about this stuff as well. And he maps the brain of all the psychics. And so there is a certain space in your brain that we go to, but I fully believe that everybody is born this way. Everybody is born with the ability. And it's just a matter of, you know, some of us, it may be a little bit more on the fingertips and some of us, We have to work at it a bit, but it's absolutely something that we can all tune into. I guess it's kind of like going to art school. There's going to be people who are just naturally gifted artists and then others who can learn the mechanics of drawing. Exactly, exactly. And I do feel it's a birthright. It's just really, you know, I'm sure everywhere somewhere has had, someone has had this where you, could sense something was up or you had a hit that maybe you should do this instead of that. And if we don't dismiss them, if we get supported with them from a young age, they keep growing. You know, it's really just a matter too of how the world around us meets us with all. Yeah, I guess it's one of those things where if you have some kind of natural ability, if you keep being told it's bad or there's something wrong with it or if it's evil, you're going to probably suppress it or at least hide it, right? Absolutely. And I know growing up for me, you know, my parents weren't doing anything wrong, but it was, it was weird stuff. I mean, it was, I remember the first vision I ever had, I was a young girl and my mother and I were going to some kind of photo shoot thing. I was adopted and it was through the cradle out of Evanston, it's still there. And so my mom was really into philanthropic works with them. And so we're going to take some pictures and we're on our way there. And I'll mind you, this is the seventies. So nobody had a GPS, you know, my mom's like got a little piece of paper. She's figuring out how to get there. And on the way there, I'm like, mom, I see a house and it's got two Christmas trees next to it. And I had a dream about this house the other night. And I told her the whole description of the home. And then we pull up and she just froze in her seat because she was like, this is the house. And She froze, didn't say a word. Of course, as a young girl, I interpreted that as I had done something wrong or it was bad. None of her doing, you know, purposefully. And she just couldn't talk about it. So we didn't. you know, I take these little cues and I just kind of kept tucking it away. you know, things like that, instead of saying, wow, where did that come from? Let's explore that, you know, it really kind of sends those messages of what's acceptable. When you're acting as a medium or a psychic, do you kind of have to get in the right frame of mind? is it for you, you said you were kind of born this way. Is it as simple as smelling, you know, there's chocolate in the air, you sniff and you smell chocolate. It's kind of like that. It's just always there. And sometimes you focus in on it for a task. Or is it altogether different for you? How does it work? You know, the capacity is always there. That's really a great question. Capacity is always there. But I've learned through the years actually how to be specific and selective about when I allow that part of me to be on. And you have to know the difference. You have to know who you are with it, who you are without it. Otherwise, it could kind of like... permeate every aspect of your being and then everywhere you go could be overwhelming. So instead I can walk into Trader Joe's and maybe feel what this baby's feeling like as it cries in its mother's carrier, which I've done before. So I've learned how to kind of shut that off, turn it down a little bit and just kind of let that be while you know, the more human Jeannine is kind of there. But it's always there. It's always accessible, but I don't butt into people's boundaries. I stay out. and I really only use it for work or my home life. Sure, and I would kind of imagine you almost got to some degree put a filter on just so can go about your normal daily tasks. that's exactly it. Yeah, that's exactly it because I sense more. I feel more and the more I learn about who I am and the more I can sense how this information comes in, I'm able, like I said, you know, to kind of turn that off. Otherwise my nervous system just gets overwhelmed. Yeah. One of the things that I've experienced, and I was talking to somebody on yesterday's show about something very similar to this, I've always been very intuitive. When I was in public safety working as a police officer, I was like a human lie detector. And now that I'm doing different things, can still, it's almost like sometimes it's a curse, because people lie about stuff all the time. even when it's inconsequential. And to me, if you lie to me, you're dead to me. That's kind of how I am. And I've kind of had to filter that out, especially with people that I love. You know what I mean? But I've had some very unique experiences. I was an ordained Christian minister for a long time. And although I don't do that anymore, I have a different view of my own spirituality now that... is ever evolving, let us say, but I've been very in touch with the spirit world for most of my, actually all my life, but particularly focused in my adult life. So, a lot of this stuff is very interesting to me. One of the things that I've noticed is people will relate the same things in a way that makes sense to them in their own vernacular. somebody who's in a Christian faith might say, that's God, or angels, or... I feel lead of the spirit, all that kind of stuff. And somebody who's focused in a different direction is basically saying the same thing, but using different words. And if you look past the semantics, you see this common thread. And it becomes painfully obvious. And I hate to sound cliche, but I think this stuff is all connected. No, I feel the same way. I even tell my children, I have two boys. You know, it's like back in the day when all these different cultures were alive and well, but we weren't as connected as we are today. They were all interpreting the same thing, but with different, like you said, different references, know, different ways to speak it, different ways to put what they're getting together. So whenever I tell them that, know, which religion, which culture are you, I'd love to say all of the above. Like if we just drop what you said, the semantics, and we really get to the bottom of it, it is all the same. It's all the same. Because I've actually found, I've done comparative studies on different belief systems. And in most cases, there's always something very redeeming about almost every system of belief. Especially when you get into some of the Eastern philosophies, like how they view ethics. That, to me, is very striking. And it's just. The thing that I hate is division over words. Let's get to what's really important and let's not divide over words. And so I think that's part of the reason I have these shows, because we're actually being, one of our distribution networks is on a very, very conservative Christian platform, and they're probably freaking out right now trying to figure out how to pull my RSS feed. And that's okay, we still love you guys and we're still friends. But if this is uncomfortable for you, I'm sorry, you know, this is kind of the direction we're going. that it's it's very Pisces of you Patrick. must say my gosh it's so I love me some Pisces. I have Pisces very strong Pisces in my chart as well but no the Pisces is the Omega of the chart. It's the end game. It's kind of like that highest frequency of oneness and so you see beyond time and space there's something innate and inherent in how you kind of interpret the world and all of its treasures. Yeah yeah. What does 5D astrology mean? I've never heard, obviously I've heard of astrology, but I've never heard of 5D. Is that related to dimensions? Okay. you asked this question. It is, it is. So there's a couple layers to this. The first layer is, know, astrology has been around for thousands of years. Just about every culture that you could be aware of has some sort of astrology wisdom in the wheelhouse from, again, thousands of years, historically speaking. And so, A majority of them, what we would go off of are the planets that were kind of readily available to us, our main ones that we could see like Venus, Mars, Mercury, the sun, earth, Saturn, things like that, Jupiter. And those are called, well, we would call like the third dimension. And here we are in this earth plane. I don't, again, I'm with you with the words. I don't like words to catch us up. If we just look at everything as energy and frequency, which is very scientific by the way, for those who need that. So the third dimension is a certain frequency has a lot of the you know the polarization the polarized energies available to us and it has all those planets. are archetypes they're just archetypes that are put together and you make sentences with them you know it's richer than that but that's basic when you step over to the fifth dimension. These now for me are planets that are more modern that we were able to discover with our modern I. Planets have always been here. Chiron, for instance, Pallas, Athene, Quar, so many of these planets, they were always there. But there's a thing in astrology that says, or even astronomy for that matter, when you find a planet, it's named based on what's going on in the moment. So to us, it just reflects a bit of our consciousness or conscious awareness. now that we can see all these other planets, it's because we have all this other consciousness available to us. So I use those planets when I read somebody's chart. Okay, interesting. And so these, it's kind of just an evolution of what was previously known, it's building on new data, new information. Right, new information. And when I look at your birth chart, for instance, if I were to read your birth chart, date, time and place of birth, what would it show me is what those main archetypes say about you. Like for instance, Mars is your body. Saturn is father or it's, you know, what you're meant to do in this world. Like there's a bunch, it all means something. And then you throw in those 5D planets and they also mean other aspects. And so these are higher notes of who you are that can support you in your daily life or say something about your abilities, your capacities. So it's really fun to look at it from that perspective, not so polarized either. It's more about meshing those two extremes and how we can look at everything in an empowering way versus a, know, one thing's getting you and the other thing's taking sort of way. And these kinds of readings are really designed to provide folks with some guidance or insight, maybe reassurance that what they're doing is the correct thing or maybe sometimes, no, you need to about face and kind of reverse course here, you're on a wrong path. I don't know, what's typical of one of those sessions? OK, all right. love, what I've learned from astrology is I'll see something in my chart. And even like my whole life, here I am doing this. I mean, this is kind of weird. You know, let's face it. You could talk to dead people. I could, know, hear things, see things. And I'm born and raised in a Catholic family, South side of Chicago in the financial industry during a time where this isn't. I had nobody to talk to. I couldn't reach out to you and talk to you like this. Like it's really not an embraced thing. And so when I had my chart read and somebody would look at my chart and said, whoa, you're really spiritual. You have Chiron at the 20, at the 29th degree of Pisces at the top of your chart in the mid heaven. Like, what does that mean? And like, well, that's, that's one of the most spiritual spots you could have. You speak it, you channel it. Even though I heard those things, something inside of me was relieved. I was like, my gosh, I was born this way. Like something beyond me scripted this. Like this is my birth chart. And I see this for so many people. It's written in this patterning already there. And then yes, to answer your second question, there's a sky that's happening today. And this sky is a baby's birth chart, but it... activates your birth chart. Like maybe there's some kind of connection that hasn't happened yet. And so when it does, it's like, yeah, you could see the patterns. Like, this is happening for you. It happened how many years ago? It's happening again now. And it could prepare you. It's not to scare you. It's just to say, I'm riding the flow of a bigger messaging. And I'm able to work with it then and understand it and maybe not fight it so much. That's interesting. I've got so many questions. I'm trying to decide where to go. So let me ask you, asking for a friend. If you had a client who basically is in a position where you know, and by the way, I've heard other people say this, so this is not unique. They say something along the lines of, I feel like I've here for something that's very important that's not been fulfilled yet and I don't know exactly what that is but I'm looking for it. mean what kind of guidance do you give that person in one of these sessions? Is it very specific? Is it very vague? Does it kind of depend on what you're seeing? I mean I think I know the obvious answer but I'd like to hear it from you. Right, well, you know, there's so many people out there that have this gift, who are working with it, you know, they're really kind of warming up to sharing it with others. And to me, the delivery is everything. I'm just the telephone. I'm not the keeper of anybody's truth. And so I'm always try to direct the words in that way. It's, if something, let's say for instance, shows up in your chart and you're like, my gosh, this, is going to happen to you, instead of saying it's going to happen, there's a potential. In other words, if it's sunny outside, I could be the cosmic weatherman. It's going to be really sunny today, but you can't get a tan unless you go out and want to get one, right? Or if it's going to be raining today, that's all you can say. You're going to get wet if you don't bring your umbrella. Same thing with astrology. And if there is something that they can feel, You can see that happening as well. Like for instance, and I won't say too much, but Pisces people, starting this September, September 17th, you're having a lunar eclipse in Pisces. And it's kicking off a two year cycle. Happens once every 18 .6 years where you are going to be expanding your identity, letting go of old partnerships, moving into a new understanding of yourself. where you may be letting things go, you don't know what's coming next, but you know you got to go somewhere else. And what's leaving are old partnerships, things that are just reflective of the old you. Now you look at that and you're like, well, where was I 17 to 19 years ago? Were the same things going on or similar threads? And you could see that these cycles happen. And yeah, sometimes they do kick in. at a certain time and you could just let them know, let people know and support them in how they could best manifest that. interesting. This stuff is all very intriguing to me. You know, a lot of times I'm in the unique position of I get to talk to a wide variety of people, literally somebody new every day. And you hear some theories and in the back of your mind you're like, okay, whatever, you know? And then you hear other things and they just kind of resonate with you. You kind of hear them and you're like, I can't explain it, I don't fully understand it, but there's just something about it that sounds right. And I think that's where I'm at today, Jeannine. Let's talk about mediumship, because I've heard about this before, and I get it that you're communicating with a spirit that is not in this plane of existence, a non... somebody that's not in their body, I guess. Are these... Human spirits, who are you talking to? Yes, all of the above. know, spirits, animal. Elemental I know that's a little far out but I love what you said you said plane of existence and that is exactly what it is and and to be honest I I'm not too far off from what you do Patrick where I yeah in the sense that When you are let's say our radio and you want to connect with one song you adjust You adjust your dial to line up with that frequency and it comes Right. And so when I teach my students, you know, like some people will say, for instance, well, gosh, I could just read animals and I, hey, if that's their karma, I'm not, I'm not stepping on anybody's toes saying that's all, you know, that's all they say they can do. That's all they say they can do. Or I could just talk to people and not animals, like whatever it is. When I teach my students, I say, you know what, just drop the form and read the energy. And some people will say, well, I could only read on the live person, not a dead person. I'm like, there is no difference. When I do my readings, my eyes are closed. And so when you tap into that frequency, it's just you get yourself to the level of where they're at. Like you know how to move yourself into that space, energetically in the body, energetically my mind goes there. And then you're able to receive as a receiver their information. And then you go back into the human form, like into this dimension. this plane of existence, I'm just jumping into other realms, not unlike a dog whistle. The dog whistle's happening. We can't hear it. Does that mean it's not happening? Right? Exactly. And to those who are sitting there saying, that sounds crazy, there's something about in physics, you can't create or destroy energy. It can only really change its form. And that's, you know, for those who need some kind of scientific basis for what is being said here, you run, humans basically, our bodies run on electricity. If you ever doubt that when you go into cardiac arrest, that's why they use a defibrillator to send a blast of electricity through the heart in a hope that will resynchronize the firing of certain electrical impulses that will happen in a sequence that will pump your heart correctly. we're we're basically, we're batteries, I guess, our capacitors. We're electrical beings. And that's because there's something in us that is at its very root energy. And so when our physical body dies, from what I'm gathering, again, I'm the novice here, our energy just changes into a different form. Where it goes, I don't know. I'll find out one day, I guess. I don't know right now. I have my own theories, my own beliefs. They're probably different, you know, different for everybody, every person. I don't know where you'll go. Not 100 % sure where I'll go. I know where I hope I'll go. But the point is, the energy is still there. It's just changed into a different format. that's that's physics. I was gonna say that's psychic. That's physics, very similar word. It's physics. It's a fundamental proven concept of science, that energy is constant. And what you're doing is you're reading that energy. and you're able to communicate, you've, through natural ability and training, honed the ability to communicate with that energy field or form. That's exactly it. Our body is an instrument. And so I'm constantly tuning my instrument. And the way I love to see it, which might help the listeners to maybe start to grasp this within themselves, we have four bodies. We have a soul, which is separate, and then we have four bodies. We have our spiritual body, which is like that etheric kind of sense. will even, then we have the mental body, the mind, then we have the emotional body a little deeper, and then the physical. And I'm also a holistic health practitioner, so you may have heard the word somatic experience. It's kind of a catchphrase. It's a fancy word for saying the mind -body connection. It's just a fancy word for saying the mind -body connection. And what you learn when you're in this holistic work is that Whatever's going on inside, the body is the final reflection of the other three. The body is the densest form of these other three less dense energetic minds, bodies in a way. So in other words, you know, I used to tell my students when I taught massage years ago to go sit in a coffee shop and watch how people walk. and then try to mimic that, go home and mimic that and tell me what it makes you feel. Because, you know, if their shoulders are hunched over, anybody could do it now, walk around like that for a while. And what does that make you feel? Like not just like physically feel, but inside. And then walk around maybe like Goldie Hawn. I always love to use her because she's such a, like she just shines and her shoulders are down, her chest is open. And you know, it's like, that's a reflection. what's going on in here. And so when we start to know that and play with energy in that way, it allows us to know that there's other planes of existence that maybe we're not tapping into yet. And when I tune my instrument to get to those more refined levels of life, that's when I hear different things and I'm able to receive more information. You know what's interesting to me? That physics theory is actually the law of conservation of energy. It says that the total amount of energy will remain constant. So that kind of gives some credence to your statement that once we leave our body, goes somewhere. It doesn't dissipate. It goes somewhere. evidently a finite amount of energy and that total amount is neither going to decrease or increase in its totality, but it will be expressed or distributed in different ways. To me, to be able to draw a scientific connection to these concepts, I think is very important and to me it's just really interesting also. love that. I absolutely love that. And that's exactly what it feels like. And I could see that. Like when people leave their body or their existence, you know, I even see them moving in and out of that plane just before they pass. If they're like in a situation where they're laying there, the body is still moving, the heart is still beating, they're still breathing. But you could feel that the majority of them is out on the other side and then they're coming back in. It's almost like they're tempering, you know, like they're titrating moving back and forth back and forth and then finally they they leave altogether. Yeah, I don't know how many of you have ever been in the room or somebody in or in close vicinity to somebody who's passed. But in the times that I have been, it was like I almost knew at that exact moment, you know, something just changed in and I can't even describe it. I would say something changed in the air or there was a feeling or something. You know, I can't say if it was heavy or light or. good or bad, it was different. And because I was on the medical team at the time, I knew that looking at the instruments that the person at that moment had passed on. And again, like you, that had always happened to me. I thought it was just normal. I thought everybody was tuned into that. Turns out, you're kind of weird if you talk about it. So that was my experience. Yeah, I'm right. I feel you. I feel you, Patrick, in every way. It is so weird. You know the way I love to see this instead of weird, like if we could all look at it this way. So you know what a sommelier is, right? Okay, a sommelier is like a really educated wine tester, wine taster. Like they go to school for this. Or people that do this with perfumes as well. where they go and they, and restaurants hire like these sommeliers. And so they taste the wine, they drink the wine, and they're like, my gosh, it's 1973, it's France, it's raining, there's cherries and oak and little bunny rabbits jumping on the grass. And I drink it, I'm like, I have no clue, red? Like I'm out of it. I have no idea what's going on. And so that's revered. To be able to have a palate, that is so refined that you could take that sip and pick out 20 different things about that. It's a quality that's revered, it's valued, it's up there. I love to say that people like us are just spiritual sommeliers. Yeah, what if we were to look at it that way? Not be so scary. Like we could walk into a room and where somebody's like, I don't know, it's cold. It's, I don't know, it's bright. Like we go in there and we're like, well, there's something funky going on in that corner. Ooh, I feel something over here that isn't quite right. That feels better over there. Like that's because the instrument is just capable of picking that up. I'm glad you said that about something weird or you said something uncomfortable. I don't remember the exact word, but it was something that indicated that it wasn't... you know, flowers and rainbows and, you know, fairies dancing around. It seemed kind of dark. So what has been your experience with things that, you know, are less benevolent and more malevolent, let us say, and, you know, to what extent who's, if somebody's, you know, dabbling with this, is there any danger for someone who's not equipped or informed? Yes. Okay, that was an emphatic yes. I wanted to make the dramatic pause because, I call it energetic hygiene where, you know, it's one thing to do this and it's another thing, to be aware of where you're going and what you're doing. Right? Like it's, it's important that you address how you clear your energy, who you are, who you are not. Remember in the matrix. And I have a feeling you remember the Matrix patch. Do you remember this? Do you remember that one? good. Okay. So there was a sign. I'm going to do a little quiz. There was a sign in the Oracle's apartment right under Neo's head. Neo stood right underneath it there was a sign right on that door. Do you remember what that was? No, I don't. You got me. It was to met noske, which means to know thyself. And so how this links all together is that, you know, in order to, you know, to walk into these really subtle places, these sublime, you know, to live this way locations, you have to know who you are and who you're not and be able to say, yep, I'm going to let this in. Nope. This isn't mine. And that takes a lot of self -discovery. It takes a lot of awareness. And whether you've done this gift in this lifetime or other lifetimes, if you're born with this gift, most likely you've practiced this mechanism before. It's built in. But you still need to work with that. And a lot of people will just dive in. And that energy is there. I don't do protection. Like I'm not into, you know, like protection bubbles and all this. I don't do any of that. I just say, get your vibration right. Get yourself aligned. Get your frequency aligned and then it's almost like you're wearing the Harry Potter invisibility cloak. Because if you're on a frequency just like a radio station, nobody else can pick it up. Nothing can come in if you're in your own vibe. That's an imitation really. So we can embody the things we believe protect us. Yeah, just to kind of, you know, not to be vague or anything, this is kind of the area that I've worked in. And I think it goes back to my previous professions even, you know, when I was a protector of law enforcement, paramedic, you know, all that kind of stuff. And that's kind of still what I'm doing, you know, and I approach it from a somewhat different perspective. But again, I think putting the... semantics aside, I think it's all kind of the same thing because you know, I've dealt with a lot of weird negative stuff. Some would call it evil. You know, that's kind of what I'm kind of, you know, I'm probably going to schedule some time with you because I want to get your take on it. But I view myself as kind of like a protector, a warrior. And there's these problems out there. And then from time to time, I encounter him or I'm introduced to him and then I kind of solve the problem for somebody. And the point is, in one case, it was very, very dangerous for me. And nearly ended my life. It caused a brain bleed. And so I had to learn some humility about that whole situation, because I got very prideful and boastful about it. that allowed something. I guess I was tested, tempered. I don't know. But that was about 20 years ago. And yeah, very, very interesting thing to happen. But there have been times where I feel stuff where it's certainly not negative or evil. And I've never really known how to relate to it, because it feels very benevolent and light and warm and receptive. And I guess my blinders have always been kind of on, because I didn't know how to relate to that. It's like, can't destroy you, for lack of a better word, so I'm not sure what to do with you. Right, your main call of duty. Like, what is that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, and you know, the thing about Pisces too, I have to say, Pisces and Virgo, you're the servant. You have that servant's heart. It's the Christ consciousness is Pisces and Virgo is the divine mother. And it's that, you know, you have a servant's heart. You see so many people when they have that part of their chart that's loaded, they're usually a servant or they are to serve humanity on some level. gobs of compassion. I mean, just because, you know, it's the healer's access. And what I love to say is, you know, the most spiritual thing we can do is to be human. I know a lot of people say that we're just spiritual beings having a human experience, but that separates us. What I say is being human is the most spiritual thing we can do. So you going out there, holding space, being able to bridge the gap, between that low vibe stuff, making sense of it into the high vibe that is bridging it. That's the integration. That's where healing happens. And because you're able to hold that space for people, that's what you do. And yeah, when the light stuff comes around or the warm fuzzies, how do you chat with them? How can you let yourself, like how, like what can you do to say, okay, I'm ready to receive this in a different way and to kind of be with it and to let it speak through me and to turn on that Patrick, to be a channel for whatever's coming. And so, yeah. and to be honest, always assumed it was a trick. And so I was doubly on my guard. Because I'm like, OK, I know these things are tricksters above all. And so I don't want to quote, let my guard down, open myself up to something, and then get whammied. well and there's and there's ways to do that where you don't you you could you could open up your curiosity but not your system. Okay, well see that's all new to me. Yeah. the great thing is, is that you, you already have this built in mechanism. You could sense it. And it's so funny. I say that to my kids and like, you know, kids, I know you're telling me something, but I'm feeling something else altogether. And I'm like that with everybody. My poor children, they're like, I can't hide anything from you. Like, yeah, you can. I'll just pretend like I don't know. No, I'm joking. That's funny. Honestly, that's what it's like for me around some people. I mean, it's almost like I can't be around certain people because I just literally and spiritually just want to choke them. You know what I mean? No, no, get it. When you are that attuned, what do you do with that kind of truth? And is it, but it's, but I feel this is where we're going on our, you know, we're all of humanity, the direction that we're moving into our capacity. Yeah. Well, let me ask you question, because I can't believe almost 40 minutes have already flown by, but we've got more stuff to talk about. We haven't even talked yet about your holistic healing practices. I've had some exposure on the show to some Reiki masters, and I know only what they've told me. So I'd love to hear your perspective on what all that is. Yoga, breath work, that all sounds very edifying. But how does that help us? it gets us back into our body and helps us to pay attention to our needs. I truly feel that, you know, everything is more cyclical than linear. So the holistic end of things is that we're always kind of coming around to the similar themes and the stories that we've been in our entire life. And when we move with the seasons, when we listen to what's coming up in our body and kind of work with the holistic way to be with these things. for instance, traditional Chinese medicine, which I've studied, I studied that in China back in 2001. Every organ has a meridian and they all also has an emotion, has an emotion. So imagine going to an acupuncturist or traditional Chinese medicine, which when I would start going in 2000 with my great teacher, Colleen Timmons in San Diego. She'd sit down with me and she'd say, so tell me about your dreams. What did you eat? What are you feeling? What's going on? Like, tell me about your dreams. Like all these things. Because it's the whole being that they're treating. If you have some emotions that are not met, you will see that in your organs and that becomes pathology to different disease. This has been studied for thousands of years. Traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine is the same way. And so when I read people, see all components of their body and it shifts throughout the seasons, throughout the seasons of life, throughout the seasons of the year. And when we could do the simple things like breath work, we regulate our nervous system. When we do yoga, we're regulating our nervous system and getting our meridians activated, energy released, energy flowing, same thing with Qigong. So these are ancient practices that can really bring us into alignment. greater than anything I've ever known. Yeah, you know what's interesting? I studied Tai Chi for about three years. breath doing, breathing was the first thing they teach you. I was learning Tai Chi Chuang, the 24 movement. three years, that's a drop in the bucket. I'm not even a beginner yet. But one of the things that I would remember is where placement of my tongue in my mouth when I would get ready. And now, when I'm about to, like, the doctor's going to take my blood pressure or whatever, I take a couple of deep breaths and I put my tongue in that same place. And I almost immediately feel my, it's like I feel myself sinking down into the ground. But at the same time, I also feel like I'm lifting up in there. It's the weirdest contradictory feeling that I can ever imagine. And. You know, sometimes my blood pressure is really good. Today it wasn't so good, but you know, we're working on it. But you know, it's, I think, is that the kind of stuff you're talking about? Are we tapping into the same thing here? Absolutely. It's, you know, The practicing that you've done, the minute you went into it, it was like, you know, instead of muscle memory, it was nervous system memory. Like you told it where to go and the nervous system adjusted. And the nervous system is the crux of all of it. The cortisol levels, all the systems in our body. And if we're oriented to a certain way that our nervous system responds to life, which happens from when we were in utero, happens from when we were young children. It gets habituated in our daily life, but the breath work is the one thing that could turn that around on a dime. It tells our body, hey, if this was scaring you before, start breathing in a certain way and you'll go into more of a rest and relax instead of fight or flight. And what I love to tell anybody who will listen is that don't do this breath work only when you're having a tough moment. Do it when you're not. So do it. Set your alarm, do it a couple times an hour. Take in five or six deep breaths, hold for four, and then exhale for seven. And I mean bottom of the lung, belly moves out on the inhale, on the exhale it pushes in. Do that about five or six times for those long breathing sequences. And right away, you begin to regulate your nervous system. And that'll start to change your mind. your reproductive system, your endocrine system, your cardiovascular system, your digestive system, and it builds strength, it releases trauma, and it's one of the greatest ways to get grounded. That's what you said, you came into your body. Yeah, and you started this conversation off by saying you had friends with the doctor who does brain scans. just to go back to some scientific evidence, there are brain scans of people who are very spiritually attuned. And when their brain is scanned, you see a lot of theta wave activity in their brain. And different people who will have different results based on, you know, their stress levels and things like that. But it's just very interesting how this all kind of comes together. And like I said, there's a common thread around all of this that points more and more to the fact that this is all connected somehow. And I think probably you and others understand that more than anybody, certainly more than me. But I think it speaks to a wholeness. in the world and probably within our own individual bodies. Absolutely, there is a wholeness and I promise each of you if each of you could just do that type of breathing throughout your day, that's all you got to do. It doesn't cost anything and I feel sometimes that might be the reason why we don't do it. like, but it's not expensive. But no one so didn't say it's not hard. Well see that tells you where our nervous system is. Our nervous system believes it needs to be hard to be good. This is ancient wisdom. And it's precisely what your nervous system is going to look like once you get to the other side of it. So do that breath work at least once an hour, takes 30 seconds, and watch how your life begins to adjust. I'm not saying it's the quick fix, but it will be the domino effect for many different activations in your system, for sure. else, it has a lot of good positive physical effects that are almost immediate. completely, immediate, yeah. Hey, Jeannine, we're coming up on our time. want to make sure that we're able to... I want you to mention your books, your website, any other things that you might want to talk about. We've got about nine minutes left in the program before we have to close out, so I want to make sure you use that time however you'd like. thank you so much. Sure. I have some wonderful mentoring programs, one on one mentoring. It's on my website, Jeannine Kim dot com. And I'm I don't do social media. I tried it before I decided I didn't like it, even though I for me, it just wasn't for me ahead of time. But you could find me at Jeannine Kim dot com. And and my mentoring programs are great. I do an into the mystic program, which any of you Van Morrison fans, know that that's directly where that's from. but it really goes into each of our chakras. We discover where our trauma began in other lifetimes. And then it also incorporates the holistic aspect of it. And I also have some astrology mentoring. I have a fall equinox event coming up. So anybody wants to get onto that and welcome in the fall season with meditation. It's a group endeavor on Zoom. You could catch me there. And I have a book coming out called Dark Matters. and that should be out hopefully perhaps next year. It's about going into the stuff that we don't want to see and why that's the most important part for healing. Yeah, that's where we get out of our comfort zone, I think, which by very definition is not comfortable, but that's where all the good stuff begins to happen when you deal with those things, right? Yeah. And a lot of people feel spirituality has nothing to do with that. And I think, ooh, no, spirituality, really, like being on that path has everything to do I agree. Jeanine, it's been really cool talking to you. we're going to put all of your resources on our guest resource page. so anybody listening out there that wants to connect with Jeanine, just go to pwbass .com, click on the radio program and then go to the guest resource page and it will be right there within the next day or two. I really do appreciate you spending time with us and talking about all this amazing cool stuff and, More than anything, I appreciate you enduring me. So that's been really cool. it was fun, Patrick. I have a soft spot in my heart for any Pisces. I love chatting with you. It was a blast. Thank you so much for having me. It was really wonderful. Thank you. any closing comments? Trust yourself. That little small voice that you think gets you in trouble all the time. How do we know it's trouble? It could be the very thing you need to take you to your next level of life. So trust it. I like that thought. Thanks for listening to the Patrick Bass show. We'll be back tomorrow with another great guest. Until then, keep the blue side up. Take care. Thanks for listening to the Patrick Bass show. The Patrick Bass Show is copyright 2024, all rights reserved. Patrick's passion is to open up any and all conversations. Because in this day and age, the snowflakes are scared to get real. We'll fly that flag till the very end. That we can promise you. Keep updated by liking our Facebook page at RealPatrickBass. For more information, visit us on the web at www .pwbass .com. Thanks for listening and tune in next time for more real talk on the Patrick Bass Show.

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