Patrick Bass Show

Unleashing Inner Wisdom: Julia Marie's Journey from Military to Spiritual Healer on The Patrick Bass Show

September 10, 2024 Vanguard Radio Network

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What would you do if you felt an undeniable urge to completely alter your life's direction? Join us for an extraordinary episode featuring Julia Marie, an award-winning author, intuitive medium, and energy healer, who left behind careers in the military and family law to pursue a spiritual calling. You'll hear about her transformative journey, the founding of the Academy for the Intuitive Arts, and insights from her book, "Signals from my Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening." Julia's story exemplifies the incredible power of trusting one's inner guidance to discover a deeper life purpose.

Intuition isn't just for the spiritually inclined—it's a natural skill we all possess but often ignore. We discuss practical ways to enhance your intuitive abilities through creative and right-brain thinking exercises, even if you're a logical, left-brain thinker. Julia shares valuable tips on honing these skills by paying attention to gut feelings and the energy behind people's words. Start small and build your confidence in supportive environments, learning to trust your instincts in everyday situations.

In the latter part of our conversation, Julia delves into fascinating realms of mediumship and energy healing. She distinguishes between psychic abilities and spirit connections, sharing her rigorous training to ensure the integrity of her messages. Experience the miraculous potential of energy healing through Julia's recounting of a man's spine regenerating after a session, highlighting the profound impact such practices can have. For anyone curious about beginning their own spiritual journey, Julia suggests dedicating just five minutes a day to quiet reflection, making this episode a must-listen for aspiring intuitives and spiritual seekers alike.

Burn Your Ships: How to Conquer Doubt
New book from Patrick Bass teaches you how to live life without limits and conquer fear.

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Speaker 1:

Okay, cue everybody. We're going live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And now live from Fort Smith, arkansas. This is a Planet Wide broadcast courtesy of the World Wide Web and affiliate radio stations across the globe. It's the Patrick Bass Show, with your host, Patrick Bass. Patrick Bass, welcome back to the Patrick Bass Show on the Vanguard Radio Network. This is Patrick Bass.

Speaker 1:

We've got another unapologetic dive into the unknown on today's program. Nothing's off limits, no idea too controversial. You're listening to the show that challenges the narrative and digs deeper and exposes truth that you are searching for, that you're seeking for that you absolutely need. Make sure you follow us on Facebook and YouTube all that normal social media stuff that everybody always asks. We've got that too. Really appreciate any engagement that we get with our listeners and, if you can check us out on pwbasscom, the show is growing so rapidly thanks to such amazing listeners and awesome guests that we've had. So thank you so much for all of that. I want you to stick around today. We've got another great guest lined up for you today who's going to drop some serious knowledge bombs right in your lap. So, whether you're already familiar with their work or hearing them for the first time, this is going to get real folks, you're not going to want to miss this, but today let's break real quick. We'll come right back after this first break and we'll get started here on the Patrick Bass Show. Stand by.

Speaker 3:

Don't forget to hit our website at wwwpwbasscom. More of the Patrick Bass Show coming up. We're the.

Speaker 2:

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Speaker 3:

Brought to you by Feeding America and the Ad Council Having the conversations everyone else in the media are scared to have. Welcome back to the Patrick Bass Show.

Speaker 1:

And we've got an incredibly cool guest joining us today. She's an award-winning author, an intuitive medium and a seasoned energy healer with over three decades of experience serving clients all around the world. Her book Signals from my Soul A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening takes readers on a transformative journey that will just really change the way you look at the world. I think she's here to share some of that wisdom with us today. She's also the founder of the Academy for the Intuitive Arts. Please welcome to the show, julia Marie. Hey, julia.

Speaker 4:

Hello Patrick, so happy to be here. I can't wait to see where we're going today.

Speaker 1:

I know it's kind of a mystery that we're unraveling as we step through this together. It's an honor to have you on the program and I'm so glad that you were able to join us. I wonder if you could just start by giving us a brief overview of your background as an author, as a medium and founder of your Intuitive Arts Academy.

Speaker 4:

Well, the author came latest. That was the last thing I did.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, it only took me 30 years to write my first book, so Well, you know, Better late than never. That's my tagline better late than never.

Speaker 1:

Is that right? How about that?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, pretty much. I like to say that I'm a perfect example of it's never too late to get started on doing whatever your life purpose is. So no matter where you find yourself, just keep moving forward. So my journey started back in 1989. I was active duty military and went to law school because I wanted to speak for people who had no voice, and my understanding of what that meant obviously wasn't what my soul meant. I didn't realize at the time that I was responding to signals coming from a greater part of myself. I wasn't even consciously aware of that. So that would be the first thing that I would encourage people to do is maybe pay a little more attention to those hits that you get, follow them and see where they take you.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it funny how sometimes you kind of interpret you know these nuances in a way that you think is correct and then in hindsight, looking back at it, you go OK, now I get it.

Speaker 4:

Well, it depends on the level of consciousness that we're interacting with the field. So if I'm asleep, I only have my 3D frame of reference as a way of trying to figure things out. And so it wasn't until I actually started engaging with my other senses that I realized oh, I've been playing, with half my senses tied behind my back my whole life. So yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you went to law school and you said you were trying to be a voice for those that couldn't be heard or weren't being heard sufficiently. I assume you became an attorney.

Speaker 4:

Yes, I did. I practiced family law briefly before the wake-up call got so loud. I couldn't flee. Before the wake-up call got so loud I couldn't ignore it anymore, and so I ended up selling my house and my law practice and setting off on a journey following spirit, seeing where I was going to be led and I've met a lot of cool people along the way Actually lived in Arkansas for a while, as a matter of fact.

Speaker 1:

Is that right?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Arkansas for a while. As a matter of fact, is that right? Yeah, what possibly brought you to?

Speaker 4:

Arkansas. Because I ask?

Speaker 1:

myself that all the time too Well, what am I doing here?

Speaker 4:

It was guidance. I was led there by guidance, Learned a lot. Great state actually.

Speaker 1:

It's beautiful, it's absolutely beautiful.

Speaker 1:

So you know you've mentioned you've been on this really cool journey, having met a lot of interesting people. What is it that you do now? I mean, I know you're a medium and you have this art academy of intuitive arts, but you know we have a wide variety of people who listen to our program everything from, you know, fitness experts to cancer doctors and people who are just beginning to awaken in the subconscious to things of the spirit world. So some of these phrases could be very vague or foreign to them. Let's just break it down so that there's no miscommunication. What is exactly it?

Speaker 4:

Okay, what exactly I do is I use my intuitive skill set? Is I use my intuitive skill set and notice? I use the word skill set, not gift, because it's my position that we're all created equally. We all have the equal capacity to be able to access information. Regardless of what our quote, unquote, calling or whatever it is that we do, we can still utilize or integrate our intuitive senses, our non-physical senses, in our daily lives. So that's basically the core.

Speaker 4:

That's the core of what my mission, if you want to call it that is to let people know that I am no more special than anybody else. It's just that I practice more. So I do spiritual consultations, I do energy healing, which I've done for 30 years, and I now teach people for about the last 15 how to access their own guidance, how to determine how their guidance works and how to best utilize that to improve their lives. Is it magic? Does it make everything better? No, but it gives you another layer of guidance area where you can pull in information to help you make a better decision, a more informed decision.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like having another tool in the toolbox so to speak.

Speaker 4:

Exactly like that yeah.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you a question, because you said something that was kind of interesting to me and I've never heard it really explained in that way that you said it's a skill set, that we're all inherently created with these skills and it's through practice and exercise that you can increase your ability to use them. And that's actually the first time I've ever heard that, because, you know, a lot of times you hear, oh well, I have this gift or I have this calling, I have these special abilities that transcend what other people are typically able to do, and maybe there is some natural inclination towards being more open to it. I don't, you know, I don't know all the ins and outs of it.

Speaker 1:

I'm not the teacher here, but from what you're describing, these are things that you can teach people and that basically anybody who's willing can learn.

Speaker 4:

That's exactly correct. The second book, which is almost done, is going to be called. The title is Everyday Intuition. It's not magic, it's a life skill. So, yes, anyone can learn how to access their subtle senses. We do it a lot when we're and it gets conditioned out of us as we, as we grow. For the most part, our natural curiosity gets conditioned out.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I was. I was just going to ask for a practical example because I think you're right, I think you know children I and I always, I always described it as people who are tend to be more innocent or less, let's say, less jaded, who are able to, you know, be a little more in touch with their intuition. And you know, people describe that feeling, I think, in a lot of different ways. Some of them say, they say I just have a gut feeling, or my heart is telling, is leading me in this direction, those kinds of ways they try to relate it in a way. I guess that makes sense to them. Those kinds of ways they try to relate it in a way I guess that makes sense to them. But from what I'm hearing from you is that that's really an expression of our spiritual senses firing off and trying to tell us something and we're just understanding it in a way that makes sense.

Speaker 4:

That's exactly correct. But here's what happens. We're receiving signals all the time, but we do one of two things with them. We either. If we acknowledge them 90% of the time, we chalk it up to oh, that's just our imagination. Well, your imagination is the exact frequency your intuition works on. So you know there is that. So it's not just your imagination, it actually is your intuition functioning through the channel of your imagination.

Speaker 1:

So don't discount those things.

Speaker 4:

Do you think people who tend to be more creative? The more left brain you are, the more logical and linear you are with your thinking. It's going to be a bigger challenge for you to overcome that limitation, but that doesn't mean that you can't.

Speaker 1:

So maybe people who are left-handed have an advantage, huh?

Speaker 4:

We're always in our right mind.

Speaker 1:

That's right right here.

Speaker 4:

That's right.

Speaker 1:

I'm left-handed also.

Speaker 4:

So then I would. I would bet you have a tad bit more intuition, or you pay attention more to it, than maybe some of your other compatriots.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'll tell you, when I was in, when I was dealing in public safety and law enforcement and things like that, people always said I was like a human lie detector See, and and and. For me it wasn't something that I learned, it was just watching people visual cues sometimes almost very subtle, but they're always there. And since leaving public safety, I've been able to apply that to other parts of my life very successfully. I will tell you this, julia sometimes it becomes somewhat of an annoyance because what I have found you know, speaking of you know white lies and things like that. People do that all the time about everything, even stuff that's inconsequential, and so you're just always like oh my God, would you please stop lying to me. You know, just tell me the truth. You're lying about stuff that doesn't even matter. So there are pluses and minuses to everything.

Speaker 4:

Well, the challenge is, especially if you're highly intuitive. The challenge is to respond to how somebody is interacting with you and ignore sometimes what the actual energy is behind whatever it is they're saying, Because that's where the truth is. It's in the energy. So they might be smiling in your face and maybe not so happy to see you. Let's just put it that way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. What did they say? Something about the subtle whims of an enemy, or something.

Speaker 4:

I'm trying to remember the quote exactly.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. So I want to definitely dive into your books because I want to spend a lot of time in there. But I'm still fascinated by this Academy of the Intuitive Arts and how you take somebody who's merely inquisitive, or perhaps a novice, and make them much more of a master in this regard. What is that process like, and how long does it generally take?

Speaker 4:

Well, it depends again on the native skill level of the person we're talking about. But if somebody is curious and they really are seriously intent upon identifying and developing how they can work with their own unique skill set developing how they can work with their own unique skill set then we start small and you take baby steps and you don't use your intuition, something on a major decision before you've learned you can't fly until you walk. Basically, so just start small and work in a safe group with other people who are also trying to learn to do the same thing, and that social support usually does the trick, because then they can see oh, that person can do that, I can too.

Speaker 1:

I would probably imagine it's quite a bit like listening for a quiet whisper in a loud room and you know you can become attuned to it and zero in on it. But it takes some practice and then it takes some confidence building to know it's something that you can rely on and be assured of. I think Is that probably accurate.

Speaker 4:

Well, again, I encourage people to follow their feelings first, because your largest bundle of nerves in your body is in your solar plexus area. That's why trusting your gut is so important. So if all you do throughout the day is, when you meet a new person, pay attention to whether your gut is clenching up or relaxed, that tells you a lot. That's an intuitive hit that you can learn, you can practice with right away. That's a good point.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's talk about your book. I know you've got one out, and then you mentioned that you're finishing up a second book. Which one do you want to talk about first?

Speaker 4:

I'll talk about the one that's already out there for people to read. That would be signals from my soul yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and this is subtitled A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening, and I see you also have a podcast called Evolving Humans which sounds fascinating, but tell us what is the story behind that book book it.

Speaker 4:

It basically tells my tells my awakening story from the perspective of how it felt to me at the time that all of that happened and my level of my level of consciousness at the time and the the fear and the confusion and all of those things that led me to a place where I thought I was going crazy. And it took me understanding that I was having a conversation with a field of intelligence that was responding to me, and when I first started out I called it God, because I didn't have any other name for it except you know, something outside of myself. It took me quite a number of years to realize I was responding to something that was originating from inside of the reader, down the path to where they can see for themselves that it's a journey that they can make on their own. They don't have to be afraid yeah, they just they don't. They don't have to. They don't have to fear something. It's something unknown or something outside of themselves, because they're actually connected to their own.

Speaker 1:

During this time you mentioned. You don't need to be afraid. Was there ever a time when you felt fear during this process?

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, I did. I actually thought I was going crazy, because in the beginning, for me, I had spontaneous activation of healing. I can realize now that it was probably a Kundalini awakening, that it had to do with round red circles appearing on my body, my hands turned on, I had a stripe up my back and then invisible people started showing up in my living room and I basically feared that I was losing my mind, because now I had invisible people talking to me, and so I asked God for a sign, and I was given a very specific, relevant sign the very next day, and then, from that day to this, I've never doubted that what I am experiencing is real.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that must have been unsettling at the time the manifestations of the spirits that you saw appearing. Does that still occur? Have you ever been able to communicate with them? What do you think the purpose of them being there was?

Speaker 4:

The invisible teachers that showed up came to teach me certain principles and to tell me that if I lived my life according to those principles, I would achieve my own enlightenment. And so they were kind of right. I haven't had an external teacher until the mediumship came online. So then I did move forward from that place with, you know, external human teachers to teach me the basics of mediumship, but for the beginning 15 years of this journey it was just me and spirit.

Speaker 1:

Okay, did that ever feel isolating to you? I mean, did you ever consider if other people might be going through the same thing and kind of be at the same place, or did you just think you were? I mean, I'm trying to get a sense for how this felt.

Speaker 4:

In the very beginning, especially at the time that all this happened for me, there were no groups, there was basically no internet yet there was. I couldn't Google whatever was happening to me. So there were a couple of metaphysical stores that I could that I could find in the town where I lived and so I could go in there and kind of see books and talk to some people like that. But even then everybody understood the extreme. Well, now they call them spiritually transformative experiences. At the time they didn't even have a name for what was happening to me. So I was pretty much out there on the skinny branches all by myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, was this late? Would you say late 80s, early 90s myself. Yeah, Was this a late eight? Would you say late eighties, early nineties. Yep, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Or, as I like to call it, the good the good, I guess it would depend on what you were going through.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Well, you know I was child of the late sixties, seventies, so those those were my yeah those were my, my young, young years.

Speaker 1:

I guess you could say Well, julia, you, uh, you, julia, you started out, you said you were active duty military and you made this huge transformation. I mean you were a very courageous person because you stepped out to go to law school as an adult, started your own law practice, sold it all and just said I'm going to chase my dreams, I'm going to follow my heart and see where this takes me. There's not a lot of people, I guess there's a lot of people who always think about doing something like that. The number of people who actually do it, I would imagine, is very, very small. So you must have a very adventurous and courageous spirit about you.

Speaker 4:

Well, my bottom line for myself was this is either real or it's not.

Speaker 1:

And you were going to find out one way or another.

Speaker 4:

That's correct.

Speaker 1:

Turns out, it's real. You talk about living a soul or a spirit-guided life. For folks who might be listening to the program and want to explore that, what are some of the things that they should begin to do or look for to work towards this goal?

Speaker 4:

The first thing I tell everybody you know, student or not, the first thing I tell anybody who asks me is give spirit five minutes a day, just five minutes, and same time, same place, same intention. You're going to sit and you're going to be quiet and you're just going to see what you become aware of, become aware of. You don't have to go into the situation or those five minutes with any kind of a question or anything like that. You're just going to sit and be quiet and you may be surprised at what does come your way. And then I just encourage people to write it down. Write down whatever it is you get and keep a log of it and treat your experimentation or your experiences as if it was the curiosity of a child. It's research and you are going to collect data for yourself and there's no right or wrong, there's just information.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sometimes you just got to sit there quietly and listen to what is the universe trying to tell you.

Speaker 4:

Exactly what do I need to know?

Speaker 1:

You know, many people, I think, have a belief that intuition is something rare, but we've already discussed how this is a normal part of human sensing and that we all have this ability. What are some practical things, besides quiet reflection and meditation, that folks can do to start tapping into this natural ability?

Speaker 4:

The being aware of the very first impression you get when you first come into somebody's energy field is a good one to practice, simply being aware of what you're aware of. A lot of times our brains will make patterns out of things it doesn't register in our conscious awareness. 80, probably over 80% of what we go through our day we're unconscious of. So it's very helpful to make a point to register consciously what it is that you're actually looking at or maybe hearing. What it is that you're actually looking at or maybe hearing or any of those, any of your other physical senses, even acknowledging that stuff will increase how your intuitive senses function. So awareness is an easy thing to do.

Speaker 1:

You know, I've kind of been on a similar journey myself and one of the things that I've realized is, sometimes I encounter people who, just being, it's like they drain life right out of you. I call them joy sponges because they suck the joy right out of you, and I mean even talking to them, even on the phone, for a few minutes. It just seems chaotic. You can feel it in your neck, muscles just tighten up, and I think that's kind of what you're talking about. What are those signs that you're feeling? And that's going to relate to the kind of energy that someone has given off, is it? Do you feel good about it? Do you feel bad about it? What? What are those subtle signs?

Speaker 1:

because your body's trying to tell you something that you, that you're picking up in in a different realm hey, this is either inherently good or it's inherently bad, and many people, I think, just ignore that and write it off as stress.

Speaker 4:

Well, and they're not, and they don't understand that the feeling that they're getting is actually a sign that their energy is now out of whack. So I always like to say ground yourself, find yourself a friendly tree, and just you. Don't even have to be obvious, you just go lean up against, lean your back up against the tree and then just visualize anything that's not you going into the tree and then into the earth, and that should help clean up that sensation of feeling exhausted.

Speaker 1:

I mean, the fact is we kind of run on electricity, don't we? I mean, our hearts have electrical impulses, you know, and you know some people, you can even you touch them, and they have always like a buildup of static and you always get zapped or something every time you shake their hand. That's a physics, that's proven in physics, you know. And so to be able to, I guess, get yourself aligned, I think, is probably a good thing. I actually never thought of that before you mentioned it. But, juliet, talk to me a little bit about. We've talked about intuition and you've mentioned mediumship. What is the difference? What is the difference between those two concepts?

Speaker 4:

Well for me. Okay, and I'm only going to speak for myself and how things work for me. Okay, because I'm only an expert on how it works for me. So for me, intuition is spirit guides, past lives, anything where the information can be accessed through the person's energy field. Okay. Now, yes, their memories of their loved ones are also in their energy field. Now, yes, their memories of their loved ones are also in their energy field. But if a person is going to be doing mediumship, that is a direct telepathic link with consciousness that has survived the death of the body. So it's a specific practice. I guess you could say and all I like to say all mediums are psychic, because you have to go through the level of psychic to get to the mediumship. But not all psychics are mediums. Just because you're picking up information about a crossed over person doesn't necessarily mean it's coming to you mediumistically. You might be getting it from the person's energy field.

Speaker 1:

So it's important to know the difference and what is the value of those connections for your clients when you are acting as an intermediary on their behalf? Is it to deliver some message or just to impart some knowledge? I mean, what is it that you typically do during that time?

Speaker 4:

just to impart some knowledge. I mean, what is it that you typically do during that time? Well, during a mediumship, during the spirit communication, the purpose of mediumship is to demonstrate the continuation of life after the discontinuation of the physical body. And personally never intended to be a medium, I asked spirit to do more healing. And when I did, people started showing up and sitting down at the table and asking me if I could connect with their loved ones in spirit. And I said I don't do that. Go see so-and-so and eventually figured out okay, well, maybe I am supposed to do this. And that's when I went and got the training, because for me, if I'm going to make statements on behalf of someone who doesn't have a voice of their own anymore, then I want to make sure that I'm not putting words in their mouth.

Speaker 1:

And you just said something that tied it all together for me. You became an attorney to give a voice to those who didn't have one, and that's the same reason you became a medium, because you wanted to be able to give a voice to these departed souls, I suppose. Is that the correct vernacular?

Speaker 4:

Well, and here's what I would say, I would say that way, back when I got that first hit, to speak for people who had no voice and be an attorney, I feel like my spirit was calling me to do the kind of work I do now, even back then, but I just didn't know calling was. I mean it just all kind of made sense for you didn't it. Yeah, it did yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, stuff started falling into place. That's incredibly interesting and you know, I'm in a unique position if I get to talk to a lot of people and I've never talked as far as I know, I've never talked to somebody who's worked specifically in this realm of the spirit, and it's very interesting to me. So my questions are very innocent and geared towards greater understanding.

Speaker 4:

Oh, and I love talking about it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think, yeah, I think a lot of our audience would probably be in the same place, so I guess in some way I'm giving them voice today, julia.

Speaker 4:

To whatever you're curious about, they probably are too.

Speaker 1:

Well, perhaps Now let's see. You've also done significant work as an energy healer. You said you've done that for decades. What are some of the more transformative healing experiences that you've been a part of? Can you share any of those?

Speaker 4:

Sure, one of my favorite ones is a story in the book and it's about Ray, and Ray was a fellow that lived in Harrison, arkansas, actually, and he had he way back in the beginning when all of this awakening stuff happened for me. I asked Spirit to please let me be the deliverer of at least one miracle-level healing before I left this earth. I thought it would be interesting to be able to have that as an experience. If I was going to be willing to sell my house and all of that stuff, please can I have that. And it took 20 years, I guess about 20 years, and I was in Harrison, arkansas and this fella had 3D generated discs in his spine and I met him at a house kind of gathering at a house and was a bunch of other healers. Actually, I didn't realize that at the time, but so, anyway, I ended up asking him if I could just place my hands on his back, because that was back when I was still actually touching people. I don't even do that anymore. I only worked with him for a few minutes and over the next six weeks I guess he had the three vertebrae in his spine regenerated themselves.

Speaker 4:

He showed up on my door one day knocked on the door and I said, oh my God, I was just going to call you. And he said I just came to thank you for my healing. And then he explained to me what happened and how he started feeling better and how he went to the doctor's office and doctor took x-rays and then sent him back down to the x-ray place again. And when he came back the second time, that's when the doctor said Ray, what have you been doing? There's no earthly way your spine should be healed. You should be having surgery. And then he said well, some lady put her hands on my back and the rest is history. So that would be what I would say was probably one of the most profound experiences.

Speaker 1:

When you placed your hands on his back, did you feel any sensation in your hands? And I'm asking for a specific reason that I'll share with you after I get your answer and I'm asking for a specific reason that I'll share with you after I get your answer.

Speaker 4:

Yes, they always get hot and sometimes they get buzzy. In this case, they actually showed me. I actually saw some things happening inside of his body, but usually it's heat and tingly buzzy sensation.

Speaker 1:

So that's exactly what I was wondering. I've had this sensation happen to me more than a few times and I've attributed it to a miraculous healing. And when it would happen, my hands would get so hot that the palms of my hands would actually turn red, and I wouldn't even need to touch the person.

Speaker 1:

I could come maybe within six inches and they could feel the heat radiating from my hands to their body, and in some cases it was simple relief from a migraine headache and in another case, one that was very, very dramatic, was also, coincidentally, someone who had a severe back injury. But you know, there's been several other instances. And here's the thing, I haven't had any training, formal or informal, and I think that's why I'm so interested in this, because a lot of the things that you're saying resonate very strongly with me and, like I said, I've talked to a lot of people who have been involved with various different aspects of spirituality, and one of the things that I found notable is there seems to be a common thread between what people are saying, even if they're not using the same words with the same exact intention. There's a commonality If you read between the lines. There's a commonality that seems to tie it all together, which is fascinating to me.

Speaker 4:

Well, again, it just is with the intuition. I believe that everybody has natural healing ability, because God made us all capable of helping ourselves. And what is the only appendage you have that can touch pretty much every other aspect or every other place on your body? The two appendages that can do that are your hands.

Speaker 1:

That's right. Touch seems to be a very makes it very personal, and there's something very reassuring about physical touch. But even like you said, that's not a necessary component for it to be successful. More than anything, what I've observed is there has to be some level of I guess we'll just call it simple faith.

Speaker 4:

Or compassion, to have compassion for the suffering of another human being and wish to be able to somehow alleviate that. That's often enough. That that's often enough and most of the healing, mostly most of what I do as far as healing work now, is on a zoom call.

Speaker 1:

I don't even I'm not even.

Speaker 4:

I'm not even in the same room with people anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Probably not even in the same geographic location anywhere in the world.

Speaker 4:

That's right yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's like I said. I hate to use the same phrase over and over again, but it's absolutely fascinating. I think it's an incredible thing that you do and have the ability to do and the willingness to teach others. I think is also quite remarkable because you know there might be those who view this as something to hold tightly onto. You know a secret, if you will, that should be taught only to a select few. So the fact that you're willing to share this knowledge freely with those who will go through the process, I think is very special.

Speaker 4:

As I said, we're all equally, equally divinely designed to do wondrous things with these physical bodies we have, and it's only a matter of wanting to explore our own potential. So I'm happy to help anybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what do you say to the skeptics out there, especially those who are new to concepts like energy healing and mediumship, because you know, we both know they're out there and they're probably overly critical, and perhaps there's even ones out there that are just mean or even hateful about it. Do you have any response to them at all, or do you just kind of like water off a duck's back?

Speaker 4:

Usually, if I'm going to go somewhere and do a talk on whatever metaphysical subject you want to pick, the first thing I say is I am not here to convert or convince. I ask only that you listen with an open mind and an open heart, take what resonates for you and leave the rest. It's not going to hurt my feelings.

Speaker 1:

I have a very similar phrase that I often use, julia, but it's a little more crude, I think, and I say, hey, eat the meat and spit out the bones.

Speaker 4:

There you go, exactly yeah.

Speaker 1:

Let's see we're about. Sorry, my cat is about to break into my studio again. She's very. I'll just tell you about her real quick, because I'm watching her. She's an acrobatic animal and she has devised or has learned the ability to open nearly any door, whether it has a doorknob on it or not. She has somehow figured out that if she can do certain things in a certain way, that she can get to me no matter where I'm at. So she's my baby. So if you suddenly see a cat appear in my lap, that's why.

Speaker 1:

That's okay, I can't deny her, she's my little sweetheart.

Speaker 4:

Cats are highly intelligent.

Speaker 1:

I certainly have enjoyed chatting with you, and again to to our listeners, as with all our guests, we're going to have Julia's resources available on our guest resource page. You can go and check that and also this will be available for retransmission starting late tonight, effectively by your time tomorrow morning, wherever you're at in the world. This episode will be available on all the podcast networks. I want to thank Julia and all the listeners for tuning in today's program. It's certainly appreciated. It's something we by no means take for granted. I hope this has been an edifying and uplifting episode for everybody and I look forward to tomorrow when we can meet again. Until then, keep the blue side up. This is Patrick Bass closing out. Take care.

Speaker 3:

Thanks for listening to the Patrick Bass Show. The Patrick Bass Show is copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Patrick's passion is to open up any and all conversations, because in this day and age, the snowflakes are scared to get real. We'll fly that flag till the very end, that we can promise you. Keep updated by liking our Facebook page at Real Patrick Bass. For more information, visit us on the web at wwwpwbasscom. Thanks for listening and tune in next time for more real talk on the Patrick Bass Show.

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