Patrick Bass Show

Exploring Hidden Influences: Nava's Insights on Societal Control Structures and Human Awakening on The Patrick Bass Show

September 05, 2024 Vanguard Radio Network

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How much of your daily life is shaped by invisible forces? Join us on The Patrick Bass Show as we welcome Nava, the innovative thinker and author of "Controlled," to unveil the hidden control structures that govern our society. Nava's groundbreaking cone model reveals predictable patterns that dictate our behaviors and perceptions, often disguised as normality. From the traditional nuclear family to societal norms, we explore how these constructs influence our freedoms and challenge you to rethink their impact.

Ever wondered how political systems like democracy and communism can be manipulated by those in power? We delve into this with Nava, who draws from personal experiences to illustrate the degradation of these systems. We discuss the erosion of democracy in the United States and use the COVID-19 pandemic as a critical example of how quickly societal norms can change, suggesting an orchestrated effort to test compliance. Our conversation also highlights a growing awareness and resistance to these power dynamics, likening the current shift to historical movements away from monarchies.

The journey doesn't stop at identifying these control structures. We also venture into the concept of "cones" and the importance of escaping them without carrying trauma and anger. Nava emphasizes the need for building inclusive, peaceful communities and envisions a future where humanity awakens to interconnectedness, fostering empathy and rejecting fear-based divisions. Tune in for a thought-provoking episode that will empower you to question societal constructs and envision a more unified existence.

Burn Your Ships: How to Conquer Doubt
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Okay, cue everybody. We're going live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And now live from Fort Smith, arkansas. This is a Planet Wide broadcast courtesy of the World Wide Web and affiliate radio stations across the globe. It's the Patrick Bass Show with your host, Patrick Bass show with your host, Patrick Bass.

Patrick Bass:


Patrick Bass:

right, welcome back to the program.

Patrick Bass:

Patrick Bass show on the Vanguard Radio Network. Thanks for joining on this episode of what we call a magic carpet ride into the unknown. So glad you're here with us. Be sure to check us out on pwbasscom Also. The open lines is now open and you can reach us toll-free, 855-605-8255 if you want to get on the action Today. On the show we've got an innovator and a thinker who's about to challenge everything you ever thought you knew about the patterns that control your life. She's a researcher, an entrepreneur and the author of Controlled, a book that dives deep into hidden systems shaping our behavior. We're going to meet her right after this break, but first we're going to check in and pay a couple of bills. Stand by, this is the Patrick Bass Show. We'll be right back.


Don't forget to hit our website at wwwpwbasscom. More of the Patrick Bass Show coming up.


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Having the conversations everyone else in the media are scared to have. Welcome back to the Patrick Bass Show.

Patrick Bass:

Okay, welcome back to the program. So glad you're here with us. Be sure to check out our Facebook page. It's facebookcom. Slash realpatrickbass. Give us a like, give us a follow at youtubecom. Slash at realpatrickbass Bringing out the guest right now. And, as I said, she's a true trailblazer in the world of innovation and human behavior, a researcher, an entrepreneur, an educator and also a bestselling author. And, uh, she's going to tell you all about her new book that she's written and is now available. Please, welcome to the show, nava, how are you doing?


Hi, I'm well. Thank you, Patrick, for having me. I'm a big fan.

Patrick Bass:

Thank you.

Patrick Bass:

We're delighted to have you. You know, we're diving into these hidden forces that shape've developed. That's called the cone model and it is a structure that all of us have in our lives, on every level of our lives, and we are just mostly not aware of this structure. And these are structures that control us, therefore controlled.

Patrick Bass:

Okay, and that's the concept of the cones. It's symbolic of the things that control us. Therefore, controlled, okay, and that's the concept of the cones. It's symbolic of the things that control us.


Yes, in a very patterned, predictable, consistent way. So it's not just any kind of control. These are patterned, these are predictable. You can break them down into the exact same components, whether it is a controlling relationship or a government.

Patrick Bass:

OK, so I guess let's just jump right into the heart of it then. How do these cones manifest in our lives, and why is it that we don't usually easily recognize them?


We don't recognize them because they masquerade as the normal. They pretend, these structures or constructs you know, social constructs are the things that we agree on as societies or groups of people, that this is the normal way to be Okay. And because they are what we consider to be the normal, we don't notice that they oppress us, control us, limit us, silence us, censor us, Because for us that's normal life. So take, for example, something very basic, how you asked how it manifests in our life, Patrick. Take a basic, basic construct of a family, right. So when you think of a family, what is it to you? Describe to me in like one sentence what is a family?

Patrick Bass:

The concept of a very nuclear family a mom, a dad, a couple of kids and maybe a dog or a cat or something like that.


There you go, and most of us in Western societies, I would say that's how we understand a family. We don't wake up in the morning and ask ourselves whether this is the right way to be or whether this is normal for us. Obviously it is the norm, but there are many societies around the world where the concept of family is completely different, if at all. Right, there are tribes in Africa where only the women raise the children and all the men are nomads and once in a while they meet and every child is from another father and it's perfectly well, and the family is the whole tribe of women. You know. Take a sea turtle and you know.


When I give the example of the sea turtle, people say wait, but we're talking about people. But that's just because we were taught that we are separate from nature, right, nature is nature and we are these superior beings. That's a social construct also. But for a sea turtle, she lays a few eggs in the sand and leaves. There is no such thing as family for a sea turtle. So a social construct is something that we all agree on and we consider it to be the normal, even though it's simply what we agreed on. Now, families are not a bad thing, right? If it's a good, supportive, loving, functional family, it is wonderful, right, patrick?

Patrick Bass:

I agree.


A nice family, but a family can also be oppressive, hurtful, right Abusive, controlling, and then a family can be a cone. Now, people inside that family may or may not know that they are living in an abusive family. They may feel something, but really put their finger on it. That's the normal. Only people outside can see that this is a cone, and if this is a confusing example, I'll give you a more obvious one Seeing cult.

Patrick Bass:

Yeah, sure.


Do people living in the cult know that they live in a cult? Do they know that they are oppressed? What do you think?

Patrick Bass:

no, I I think. In fact, very often people in a cult uh view the cult as their family yes, yes.


And only people from outside of the cone of that cone of that cult say oh my God, this is horrible. They are being imprisoned, they are being sometimes sexually abused, all their finances are being taken by the leader, they're being duped, basically, yeah.

Patrick Bass:

Sure they're being duped.

Speaker 2:

They're being controlled, manipulated, exploited. How can they not see that that is the evil magic of a cone? And cones are everywhere. Even when we think that we are independent thinkers, that we are intelligent people, we can discern, we can see abuse when we see it, we only see other people's cones. We don't see our own.

Patrick Bass:

Isn't that true?



Patrick Bass:

As you're describing that. You know I worked in public safety and I would occasionally encounter instances where somebody, usually a woman, was in an abusive relationship and you know it was so demented that they would very often come to the defense of their attacker or abuser and they just couldn't see past that situation. So I kind of get that. What I'm wondering, nava, is can this occur at a macro level, in other words, can these cones apply to an entire society?


Oh yeah, Unfortunately, these cones come in every size. There are the small cones of, like, little groups two people, a family, a group but they are also systemic, and I'll say things that you know. Some people will shake their head and say, oh my God, what is she saying? So think about a government, a government, democracy. What can be more wonderful than democracy? Well, let's start with the fact that everything that we were fed about democracy isn't really happening. Right, it is an ideology that we are made to believe that we live under in countries that claim to be democratic, but actually we don't have real democracies around the world. We have oligarchies, and oligarchies, or corporatocracies, that's the new word. Every government nowadays is governed by the people who pay for it.


And it's not the taxpayers the taxpayers pay their tax, but the people who govern the government are the billionaires, are the oligarchs. They are the ones who fund their politicians. They are the ones who fund policies. They are the ones who lobby for laws that favor them. They are the ones who are the warmongers, because they make profit out of wars in one way or another. Most of our governments are not democratic. They are bought and paid for.


And when you look at other governments like tyrannicals. Think about communism. Yeah, what do you think of communism?

Patrick Bass:

Well, I grew up in the 70s, so you know my view of communism is that it's inherently evil, and and evil Anything that is communistic in nature is inherently bad and diametrically opposed to everything that is America.








is the narrative that the American people have been living by, and not that it's incorrect. I was born in Ukraine, what was then the USSR in the 60s, and so I have seen firsthand what a tyranny looks like, how scary it is to live under tyranny. That happened to be communism, because tyranny can be anything right.

Patrick Bass:


Patrick Bass:



And communism was actually not. It started as socialism, which is the rights of the people, right? The ideology is absolutely beautiful If you think about just like democracy is. The concept is beautiful, but it's been bastardized. The same thing happened with communism. The same thing happened with communism. Communism was a beautiful concept of equality for all that has been bastardized by people who wanted power and they used this beautiful ideology to persuade their people that this is what we're living. This is what equality looks like.


When it was all lies and control and tyranny, americans could see that, russians couldn't. Russians looked across the ocean at Americans. I can tell you because I've been there, I've been here. I'm a Canadian now, so you know, I've seen all sides of the game. So you know, I've seen all sides of the game. And the narrative of communism was look at those, you know, people who are exploiting their workers, who are, you know, harming their poor, who are racists, who are. Now can we say that this is absolutely a lie? No, we can't, right, because democracy is a cone and because communism is a cone, but only you see it from the other cone, right?

Patrick Bass:

Oh, I see. Yeah, you know. What's interesting is, it almost seems like any political ideology will devolve into its worst possible form. You know, most Americans frankly don't understand that we are not living in a in a democracy, but we're a constitutional Republic. A democracy is two wolves and one sheep deciding what is for dinner.



Patrick Bass:

That, that's democracy.


I love that.

Patrick Bass:

Because you know, then, the populist rules. In a Republic, in a constitutional republic, there's a rule of law. Unfortunately, as you suggested, it is no longer a government for the people, by the people, but it's paid for by the people for the oligarchs, which is a very sad state of affairs. Speaking, and I'll let you get back to it, but you know, going back three or four years when I was on a different program when COVID first hit, I've always been not that I'm special in any way, but I've always kind of been outside the norm of conventional thinking.

Patrick Bass:

And I looked at, you know, this so-called pandemic and I saw all the things that were obvious to me and that everybody else was just oblivious to all this. You know, this is the way it is. You know we have to do this and this and this, and I and I'm sitting over there screaming this is not right. And and then, you know, two years later, people are like, how did you know? And I'm like, oh, you know, I had a brain, I was able to think, and how did you not see it? This construct that you're proposing makes that make sense to me.


Yeah, and you know what a wonderful example. I really, I'm really happy that you raised it because to this day, people who say COVID are being quietly censored. Right, it's that hot topic that no one should touch. And that's what Voltaire said many, many years ago. You know, hundreds of years ago he said show me whom you cannot critique and I will show you who oppresses you. You, and that was in the COVID pandemic. I felt that all the screens were dropped, all the act of we are, you know, we are led by pure science. Suddenly, it was all unveiled that we are not led by science, we are led by pharmaceutical companies. We are led by people who have interests that we Sure that are the big companies.

Patrick Bass:

Yeah, the multinational companies.


The oligarchies and World Bank, for example, that only dreams about indebting the world and controlling it. Right, that's how it operates. That is the DNA of World Bank and the Economic Forum and on all of these. And this is not about I just want to clarify, this is not about creating conspiracy theories. You know I say I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I simply know that conspiracies exist and when I suspect that the conspiracy exists, I go and I research and I find the facts. So I'm a conspiracy factualist.

Patrick Bass:

That's right. If there's facts to support the theory, then it's no longer a theory, it's a foregone conclusion. And I believe and I'd like to get your thoughts on this, you seem educated on the subject that that was, let's call it, a dress rehearsal, to see how willing people Americans in particular, I suppose, I don't know would be willing to accept a new set of behaviors as a norm.



Patrick Bass:

And it seemed we were quite willing to do it and in fact you saw society devolve very quickly.



Patrick Bass:

In a matter of weeks, we lost all civility. There were riots for various different reasons, and it seemed like society, our humanity, was on the brink of collapse as a society. And you know what was the purpose of that? I don't know. As you said, maybe it was to exert some power to test some theories. Like I said, my theory is that it was a dry run for something even bigger yet to come. We'll see, I guess.


Yeah, you know, I don't even think that it was a dry run, I think it was a very wet run.

Patrick Bass:

Really Okay, fair enough.


I think to me that was act one. Okay, if this is a play, this was act one. And here's the thing with cones, and that is a very interesting dynamic. When cones grow and grow and grow and become powerful and more powerful and more powerful, there is also a level of awakening to the ills of the cone, just in the same way as monarchies used to be the thing. Right, no one questioned monarchies, no one rebelled. And then there was one rebellion and two rebellions and more people, and more people and said we don't want this, this tyranny, we don't want this blah. And suddenly now monarchies are just, you know, decorations, basically right, but people used to think that monarchies are eternal. So the thing about cones is that cones are not eternal.


But when there is more and more resistance that's coming from within the cone and more and more awakening, the people in power inside the cone panic. So sometimes they just ignore it and they're like nothing can touch me until their home burns or their head goes into the guillotine. But many times they panic and they become more rigid, more drastic, more punitive. There are more laws. There is a rollback into the way things used to be right. Make America great again. Let's not have abortions right back into the 18th century. So you can see that the tolls. And the same thing happens with religion like Christianity, islam. Look, you see this in religions where more and more people are leaving the religions, and these religions become more and more orthodox, punitive, controlling. It's that panic of they're going to leave me, I'm going to lose my power. So what do I do? When I lose my power, I'll do act one.

Patrick Bass:



Plan a crisis, and every cone has its own crisis that they create in order to pull back the people who are on the brink of leaving. I'll give you a small example. You spoke earlier about that woman who was abused by her spouse, right, and you were like how are you not seeing this? How are you defending your abuser?


But if, at a certain point, this woman will start awakening to her harsh reality and starting to show signs of disagreement with her abuser or signs of leaving, this abuser will not become a better person and he will not say to that woman you can go, honey, they will become more abusive, they will become more controlling, they will become physically abusive, right, because that's a dynamic, and I think that what happened with COVID around the world was exactly that. It was that panic of people in power of the big, big, big hyper cones that are saying people are starting to question us, people are starting to say burn the rich, eat the rich, right, we need to get control back. So I don't know if COVID was planned or an accident or what have you, I won't even go into that, but the way it was managed was the alphabet of a cone. It was all the principles of creating hyper-controlling systems, silencing people who ask questions, creating mayhem, calling people who are asking legitimate questions conspiracy theorists.

Patrick Bass:

Yeah, right. The way I see it is, those that are in power have a conclusion they want to reach, and so, in order to reach that conclusion, they either manufacture or take advantage of a problem that's going to call for a solution that they will react to, and it's a foregone conclusion. So if they wanted to isolate and devolve society, what is a good way to do that? Lockdowns. How do you get people to agree to a lockdown? You create a situation or take advantage of a situation, such as a pandemic, and folks were literally crying out for this lockdown.

Patrick Bass:

They demanded it.


Yep for this lockdown.

Patrick Bass:

They demanded it and then, when it happened, all of the things that those in power wanted to have happened happened. I'll give you another example. We're coming up on an anniversary of 9-11. After 9-11, horrible event. But after 9-11, the US Patriot Act was quickly passed, and it was a stack of laws that nobody could have written in the amount of time that happened. From the event to when it was passed, those laws had already been pre-written. By the way. They were written by a US attorney named Michael Chertoff, whose reward for doing that, he was made the first secretary of Homeland Security. That was his reward. And so, after 9-11, they took advantage of this horrible situation, brought in this draconian law that had already been written. They were just waiting for the right opportunity to enact it, and then, when it happened, the guy that wrote it, he got this great government gig, and the rest is history. This happens time and time again throughout all of history.

Patrick Bass:

The question.

Patrick Bass:

I have is, as we start to recognize these patterns, you know there's a lot of fears that are going to cause people to stay trapped within these cones and um, and those that try to break free. Where you're demonized, you're, you're, uh, ostracized. What is your best recommendation on how to counter some of this thinking? And you know where do we go from here.


Yeah, that's a great question. And you know, these are the last chapters in my book, last chapters in my book. So the subtitle of my book is controlled. You know how it is basically how we are being controlled and how to get out of it. Right, that's the sum of it. Because when we are inside a cone, an oppressive cone, we often feel that there is no way out, or we feel that this is a broken system and we need to fix it. And that is I mean can you? Let's go back to the example of the cult. So if someone inside a cult says, oh my God, this is a broken system, I need to fix it, is it possible to fix a cult? No, a cult is not a broken system. It is a system that works exactly the way it intends to work. Right, Exactly.


It is a well-functioning system. The fact that it is abusive, that's how it intends to work. So you cannot fix something that does not want to be fixed. That works perfectly well, just against you. So a lot of people, a lot of um people who wake up to the fact that they are inside a hole, spend a lot of their time and energy in trying to change the cone, change the system from the inside, and the sad part is that it does not work. What does work? And these people? They burn out, they commit suicide.


We know that activists pay a very dear toll. You know a dear price for being an activist in the system. Now, I'm not saying that activism isn't worth it. It's important to awaken other people to see the truth, but it does not change the system. The only way is out. The only way is out. The only way is out, and there's a particular way that you can go out. That is the right way. And then there's the wrong way. Okay, so here's the wrong way. The wrong way is to leave a cone with all the anger, the trauma, the vengeance. Carry it with you into the next solution that you will build. Okay, when you do that and you don't heal on the way out, or once you are out of that cone, all you do is you build the next cone. That's why I called. There's a chapter in my book that's called Cones Reincarnate.

Patrick Bass:



Unfortunately, we keep building new cones, and we do it because we don't heal from the pain of the previous cone and we bring all that hatred into the new one. I'll give you an example People who leave religion and become atheists. They believe that atheism is the free range. Right, that's where they are liberated from the oppression of organized religions. But actually, a lot of atheists build a cone of their own, which I call the cone of atheism, where you say that you believe in God, you're an idiot. If you show any signs of spirituality, don't talk to us. Go back to your religion. Right, that is the behavior of a cone. So when we bring all that anger with us, we just build the next cone.


Here's another example that I'm sure you've encountered Cancel culture. It comes from the best of intentions. It comes from a place of if you are an able, if you are an exploiter, an abuser, a racist, you know we will cancel you and you will lose your power. So the intention was good, but where has it brought us? It brought us to a place where cancel culture is now used as a weapon of silencing anyone you disagree with. This is just another cone.

Patrick Bass:




Patrick Bass:

So you have to extricate yourself from the situation without carrying a lot of baggage, so that you don't create a new paradigm of a different type of cone. Exactly you know, the theory of it is quite simple. The application of it, I think, is probably much more difficult, and I think that's where folks will struggle the most applying that to their life? Yes, but it's possible, it's not impossible, but it's possible.


It's not impossible. Here's the thing about living and healing and building something that is not a cone, something that is inclusive, loving you know, living in peace with each other and with the land. It is possible. We just never see it because it isn't reflected inside our cones. Think about how do we know about things in the world? We know it from our education, from our history books, from our schools. We know it from our media. Everything I've just mentioned are cones. Education is created by people who have agendas of what you should know and what you shouldn't know to become a good citizen. Within my cone, media is paid and bought for by six billionaires and dictated to what you will hear. Right, I'm talking about mainstream media. There's a lot of media out there that has great integrity, but who knows about them Exactly?

Patrick Bass:



And so what happens is that most people don't believe that they can live and build a better life out there. That's different from what they know, because we are made to believe that there's no other thing out there, that this is human nature. We are animals. We will kill each other if not controlled, and therefore the control is there. But there are so many beautiful groups and societies out there that already apply better ways of living. Most of us simply haven't heard of them, but it is possible. So my goal in my book, that said, is twofold One is to awaken people to the cones that control them, and the other is to show people that there are better ways of being, that all they need is to find their tribe that is already doing better, join them and build something outside of that system that oppresses them. And it's not easy. There's no magic that will make it easy, but it is the only way and it is a viable.

Patrick Bass:

I would think it would be difficult, because if you reject the norms of society, then all of the benefits that go along with that may also tend to disappear. That may also tend to disappear, but also on the other side of that is, according to this theory, the tribe that you're running to or joining you may have benefits that you never imagined possible. So I can really see both sides of it, and it's a fascinating concept, Nava, and one that I think I'm going to explore further myself. What do you think, as someone who's really a lifelong innovator and a philosopher, where do you see human evolution heading in light of this revelation of cones?


You know I'm not a futurist, although I think no one is. Apologies to futurists. I think we can only try to guess. But if I had to guess, I would say that we are going into a split. We are going into a split where part of humanity will awaken and is already awakening, will realize that we are one, that all these constructs that separate us, by any kind of separation by genders, by colors, by nationalities, by borders, by religions, all these things are nonsense, that are put there to divide and control us. And once we let go of that and we realize that we are all one and we start living with each other and building supportive communities. And not only we are one, we are also one with our planet, and the planet is a living being and we are its stewards. So you know, if you are guessing, it sounds very much like a lot of the life philosophies of indigenous people. It sounds very much like a lot of the life philosophies of indigenous people.


So I believe that half of us, or some of us, will move towards that life philosophy that existed for thousands of years, where we live in peace with each other, where we base our relationships on empathy and do no harm to ourselves and to the land. And then there will be another half and I don't know the proportions, right, but another part who will remain living in fear. They will stick to their cones. They will defend their cones to the death. They will defend their cones to the death. They will kill themselves, they will gate themselves, they will separate themselves from the rest and hopefully, in a generation or two or five who knows that too, will dissolve, because hopefully their children and their children will see. Look outside and say I don't need this, I don't need this fear. I can do better for myself. I can already see how the rest of the world is doing better. I can join them. And that's how I believe. That's what I believe will happen is that there will be this split and eventually, and eventually, hopefully, the fearful side will dissolve and join.

Patrick Bass:

I think you're right and, to put it in a term that some folks may more easily relate to, I was talking the other day to somebody about the idea of immigration and illegal versus legal immigration and, pardon me the concept that I'm inherently better because I was born, uh, north or south of some arbitrary imaginary line and because I was here before you and, and because of that I'm not going to allow you to come here. It's totally, if you think about it on its face, it's absurd.


It is.

Patrick Bass:

It really is, because and I think you're right about the fact that there are more people opening up to this idea because I'm in a position where I get to talk to all kinds of people all over the world. Every day, I talk to somebody else and we talk about all kinds of people all over the world. Every day, I talk to somebody else and we talk about all different kinds of things on the show. One of the things and I've said this before on other shows one of the things that I've realized over time and as I've gotten older, I think I've been tempered somewhat is that most people, for the most part, are all the same. We all basically want the same things, we have the same needs, we have the same wants, the same desires.

Patrick Bass:

Sure there's variations on the theme, but at its core we're all the same, and that's because we're all humans, we're all people, and so to categorize people according to some arbitrary concept that we've designed over time or for whatever the reason is, seems counterintuitive to me. If we're all the same, how can we not be the same? They're contradictory ideas. They're contradictory ideas, you know, even in the Constitution. It says all men, meaning all people, are created equal. Well, if we're all equal, then how can we have hierarchies that make us different.

Patrick Bass:

It doesn't make sense, nava, and I think more people I think you're right, I think more people are waking up to that and in a generation or two, who knows where we're going to be at? Maybe this experiment, uh of nations will come to an end, maybe we'll discover life on another planet, and who knows? I mean any anything is possible anything is possible, anything is possible, and and those, those types of realizations may change reality for all of us. Maybe we'll be dealing with a new set of cones, who knows?


Hopefully, not Hopefully we will learn to be smarter than building another cone and another cone.

Patrick Bass:

Share with us the name of the book again, and also if it's available on Amazon or where is it available, and then if you have a website or other social media platform that you'd like to talk about.


Sure, so, first of all, you can find me on LinkedIn by my name, nava Israel. I have a website. It's a very easy handle. It's Nava Inc. Nava N-A-V-A-I-N-C dot C-A because Canada, n-a-v-a-i-n-c dot C-A because Canada, and the book is called Controlled. But, honestly, it is easier to find it with my name on Amazon, simply because when you type Controlled, it autocorrects it to Controlled, and then you get these books with shirtless men, which you know is fine. But if that's not what you're looking, so yeah, just use my name and the book will appear. There's an e-book as well, hardcover, softcover, and I'm working on an audio book as well. But, yes, please connect with me on LinkedIn, on Facebook, under my name, on my website. If anyone wants to ask me questions or connect with me beyond, you can go on my website. I answer every query that is posted on my website. I'm not a snob. I am looking to build the tribe of the people who are hopeful and positive, and I'm not talking about toxic positivity, I'm talking about genuine. So yeah, let's do that.

Patrick Bass:

Well, thank you for all and, by the way, nava, we're going to make sure that all of those links and resources are listed on our guest resource page. So if first, sorry, I apologize.


One more thing that I forgot that your listeners may be interested. When you go on my website, you can download for free a tool that I've developed where you will answer questions about yourself and you will get a measure of how vulnerable you are to manipulators.

Patrick Bass:

Oh, interesting. We'll definitely have to check that out. Well, thank you for that and yeah, we'll make sure that that gets listed. That's very interesting. I'm going to try that and see where I land. Hopefully I'm not vulnerable. We'll see. I'll post the results on the website here, pwbasscom, and again go to the guest resource page, and all of Nava's resources and links will be available from there.

Patrick Bass:

Nava, it was great chatting with you. Thank you so much for being a part of the program today. To everyone else who's been listening, thank you for being a part of the program. Thanks for listening to the Patrick Bass Show. I really do appreciate it and, by the way, I've recently gotten some good news. Right now, we're somewhere between the top 12 and top 10% of podcasts worldwide. Having only started in May, we're growing tremendously, and that is because we have some great guests just amazing guests and also an amazing base of listeners that are sharing this program. So please, if you like this program, start talking about it, post it on social media, share it. I think we've got some really great information that we're making available and we are booked solid almost until the end of November. Right now, we're booking in the end of November and December. Right now We've got some great programs coming up, so thank you again for listening. We'll catch you tomorrow. We've got another great show lined up for you tomorrow and until then, keep the blue side up. Thanks so much for listening. Take care.


Thanks for listening to the Patrick Bass Show. The Patrick Bass Show is copyright 2024, all rights reserved. Patrick's passion is to open up any and all conversations, because in this day and age, the snowflakes are scared to get real. We'll fly that flag till the very end that we can promise you. Keep updated by liking our facebook page at real patrick bass. For more information, visit us on the web at wwwpwbasscom. Thanks for listening and tune in next time for more real talk on the patrick bass show.

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