Patrick Bass Show

Heart-Centered Healing: Kelly Keefe's Spiritual Journey and Overcoming Fear on The Patrick Bass Show

August 28, 2024 Vanguard Radio Network

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Have you ever wondered what it means to live from a heart-centered place? We have the perfect episode for you. We sit down with Kelly Keefe, an Aquarian thought leader and Reiki master, to uncover her transformative journey into the world of spirituality and healing. Kelly takes us through her pivotal meditation experience in 2012, which not only revealed her calling as a healer but also led to the creation of HeartSpace. Through her fascinating insights into Reiki and her work at HeartSpace, Kelly helps individuals enhance their mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Kelly's spiritual journey is truly remarkable, and she shares how childhood encounters with Jesus Christ provided her with mentorship and reassurance through challenging times. We dive into her expansive studies in kundalini yoga, indigenous practices, and various spiritual teachings, illustrating how these diverse experiences have shaped her multifaceted career. Kelly also introduces the concept of multidimensionality in spirituality, offering a vivid analogy that likens it to a diamond with many facets leading back to a divine source.

In a world increasingly characterized by fear and change, Kelly discusses the collective shift towards greater self-awareness and potential. She shares practical strategies for overcoming common fears and embracing change, emphasizing the importance of curiosity and asking the right questions. From journaling to creating dialogues with fear, Kelly's techniques for managing and understanding fear are both practical and transformative. We wrap up with reflections on living a purposeful life, reconnecting with childhood passions, and the beautiful interconnectedness of all people, reminding us of the core desires that unite us all.

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Speaker 1:

Okay, cue everybody. We're going live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And now live from Fort Smith, arkansas. This is a Planet Wide Broadcast courtesy of the World Wide Web and affiliate radio stations across the globe. It's the Patrick Bass Show, with your host, Patrick Bass. Alright, welcome back to the program on the Vanguard Radio Network.

Speaker 1:

This is the Patrick Bass show. So glad you tuned in, delighted to have you on this magic carpet ride into the unknown that we always share about this same time, every day, and we're just delighted that you're here with us. Hey, be sure to check us out on the web pwbasscom, facebook and YouTube, all those normal social channels we're at. Real Patrick Bass, we'd love to hear from you. Our call-in lines are also open today and you can call toll-free 855-605-8255, that number, 855-605-talk. Coming up on today's show, we're going to be diving deep into the realms of healing, spirituality and personal transformation with kelly keef. She's a thought leader and a founder of heart space and has over 20 000 hours of study and practice in that area. We're going to find out all about her and what she has to say when we come right back. Stay tuned.

Speaker 2:

This is the Patrick Bass Show still had that longing to have my diploma. At age 30, Carissa finished her high school diploma.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 2:

Having the conversations everyone else in the media are scared to have.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Patrick Bass Show. It's never too late for a little warrant and a little cherry pie. Thanks so much for joining us on the Patrick Banks Show. Hey folks, I told you we have a great guest today, Kelly Keefe, an Aquarian thought leader and Reiki master and founder of HeartSpace. She's an international bestselling author and a catalyst for transformation, with over 20,000 hours of study and practice in the fields of healing and personal empowerment. Let's welcome Kelly Keefe to the show. How are you doing, Kelly?

Speaker 4:

I'm doing great, Patrick. How's it going?

Speaker 1:

I'm having fun. I don't know. Is this a job? I think it is. I don't know.

Speaker 4:

That's how I feel every day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Well, listen. Hey, thanks for being on the show with us. Let's just jump right into it. You created something called the Heart Space. What is that?

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So I mean there's layers to what it is and the way of when we can look at the heart space of the energetic center in the center of the chest. But back in 2013, I was in a meditation and I was told pretty much this is what I was going to do. I always say, like I'm my own boss, but I have a boss Like I don't really choose. I don't know. Like I'm my own boss but I have a boss Like I don't really choose. I don't know, like free will I don't know. Like I was told, hey, you're going to create the heart space and this is what you're going to be doing in the world. So it's grown over the years. It started with doing individual healing sessions and then it's grown as my tool belt has built up. So we do retreats around the world and we do transformational programs and coaching for business owners, things of that nature all below in the realm of how do you live from a heart-centered place so you are truly getting full fulfillment and being happy and healthy.

Speaker 1:

You described an encounter in 2013. What was that experience like?

Speaker 4:

It wasn't nearly as startling as the first one in 2012.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, let's go there. What happened in 2012?

Speaker 4:

So I was in meditation At this point. I'd gone through a huge weight loss journey, meditation and yoga and understanding energetics. And I was in a meditation and I heard clear as day look up healing modalities. You're a healer. And I was like what was that and like it was. It wasn't scary, but it was uncomfortable. I was like what was that and like it was. It wasn't scary but it was uncomfortable. I was like I knew I needed to listen.

Speaker 4:

So I go grab my computer and I grab it and I put healing modalities into you know, guru, google and I click on Reiki and this huge wave of energy moves through my body and I was like, okay, I know, I really don't know what's happening. So I closed the computer and tried to pretend nothing happened. But two days later I was hanging out in a bookstore playing on Facebook and from I know I need to know this human and friend requesting and saying we need to be friends. 20 minutes later we're in the same bookstore having tea. He turned out to be a Reiki master and he became my first teacher on the on the path, and my life has never been the same since.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of people who probably don't know what that is, me included. Can you explain what Reiki is and how it works and what the benefits of it are?

Speaker 4:

Totally so. Reiki is actually two different Japanese words that come together. It's a Japanese healing modality Rei, r-e-i, meaning universal life force, and then ki, which is like chi, energy, prana. So when we're working with Reiki as a practitioner, we're moving through universal life force, energy which is optimal, pure love, light, pristine, aligned energy that we flood through an individual system to support in increasing the mental state, emotional state, physical state, which will support in also connecting deeper into the spiritual state. It's great for like headaches and releasing stress and anxiety, for releasing any stagnant energies that you've been holding onto, emotional baggage and to create more clarity of what to do in your life.

Speaker 1:

So, when you were first exposed to this and you met this Reiki master, what were your thoughts? Because, you said, initially you felt uncomfortable by the concept and then, presumably and obviously, as you continued on down this path, you became much more comfortable with it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it wasn't. The discomfort was in the unknowing of what was happening. It was an interesting balance where it was like, ok, I'm feeling uncomfortable, it's like I don't get, I'm like hearing this guidance and these things are happening. But there was a deep level of safety and knowing I could trust all the way through. When I met him I was like you have to be kidding me. It was one of those words like okay, I'm not seeking it, but I guess I am, so it's seeking me. There was not a doubt in my mind or my heart that it was a step for me to take, so I began to receive sessions and I started to go through profound healing of my own, releasing a lot of traumas and very challenging experiences from my past that started to be released from me and I was able to feel so much lighter and be able to move in a much more peaceful way in my life.

Speaker 1:

When you had this epiphany that this was for you. I mean, was it sudden? Did it kind of come on gradually? What was that experience like? And I think more importantly, as you begin to move through it, when did you realize that you weren't just supposed to be on the receiving end of this, but to participate in a practitioner level?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, for me it was pretty quick. It was almost like, okay, she heard the call, she listened, turn it on turbo speed, where it was very clear that this was something that I was made for and I had had very interesting, somewhat paranormal experiences some may call as a child, where I was having visitations from Jesus Christ in the flesh, the ultimate healer to ever walk on human form. So, kind of starting to put the pieces together, a little bit of it of, oh, the healing arts is something that I'm here to be doing this lifetime.

Speaker 1:

Can you walk us through what a typical healing session is like? I mean, in practical terms, what happens?

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So, whether in person or remote, I work with people like in Kuwait and Australia and in the States as well. So it's always coming in dropping and see how someone's doing, if there's any specific intention that wants to be worked on, and then the individual lays down. It's almost like going for a massage, but clothes stay on the whole time and your face up, and then we bring as a practitioner just help to guide and relaxing the body and starting to relax the mind and you know you're doing it right. If you do nothing at all, the less you do the better job you're doing at receiving Reiki. And then you're gradually through as the energy starts to flow, the mind starts to release and it's almost like maybe some people feel like they took a nap or some people just feel this deep relaxation.

Speaker 4:

They might feel some warmth and tingling moving through the body or seeing thoughts and memories kind of coming up and releasing, and then, when it's done, we guide back in a very gentle way and then we come back to whether a person were on the screen for an integration, them sharing the experience they had, and then I go and I share anything that came up on my side and provide any tangible action that would be best for them.

Speaker 1:

What kind of issues and challenges are there in these types of sessions and how do you overcome them?

Speaker 4:

In terms of, like, what people are coming into sessions with.

Speaker 1:

Well, maybe that, but also just in terms of within what it is that you do within your Reiki practice. What are the biggest challenges you have as a provider?

Speaker 4:

I would say people who tend to hear the call. It's very clear for them. But it's something interesting that I personally I love, where I'll get skeptics, where it's like I'm skeptical about I'm coming for a session but I'm skeptical about this, which I personally like, but it can be a little bit challenging because it's an extra work of relaxing the mind because the logical mind wants to be like I don't get it, but there's something deeper that's saying but I know that there's something here for me that can support me in feeling happier and healthier. So I think it's really just the supporting the collective of society in opening their mind to trying something that can have life changing benefits when it's something completely new for them life-changing benefits when it's something completely new for them.

Speaker 1:

What's the best way? If somebody has an interest in this, how do they know if they're a candidate of someone who can benefit from this, and how would they get started?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, a great checklist is are you breathing? Have you ever had any experiences that you know you would love to melt away in ways you know? And are you wanting to feel more positive in your mind and have more positive feeling emotions and feel more in alignment, whatever that means for you? When I say alignment like those days where you're just like things are just falling into place, there's like synchronicities that are happening and, wow, I just know what to do, or just like I knew to go into that coffee shop as someone bought me a coffee those are senses of being in alignment. You're in tune with what I like to call the destiny frequency.

Speaker 4:

So if you just want to feel more alignment in your life, those are all great ways and a great way to get started. You're welcome to. You know. Go to our site, heartspaceco, and you can. You know whether it's book with me or any of the practitioners on the site, or you can go into the contact form and share, you know, if you have any questions and myself or someone on the team can absolutely help in just answering questions to help anyone feel supported.

Speaker 1:

Okay, great, and of course we're going to make all of those resources available on our guest archive page. So if you don't remember the URL, just scroll through there and click on Kelly and all of her resources will be available. Kelly, I wanted to ask you because you had said something early on and I jotted a little note down and I wanted to circle back to it. You said that you had had some experiences with Jesus Christ as a child, where there was and I think you said, in the flesh- yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what was that? What was that like? And I wonder if are you comfortable sharing any of those experiences with us?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, of course you know it's a kind of a common, it's a similar theme of things that you know it happened and at first I was afraid and then I grew into being comfortable with and understanding, like, oh okay, this is meant to be happening and we're okay. I was the weird kid where I was never running into my parents' room and be like mom, dad, there's monsters under my bed, you know. At like five I ran in. I was like jesus is in my closet, he won't let me sleep. Um, I, and eventually I started to grow comfortable with it. But it started as I was sleeping and I saw this light starting to shine and I was woken up by this light and I came to and I began to look and I saw this figure standing in my closet. Sometimes I saw with you know sheep around him, other times not.

Speaker 4:

And there was times that we would go into conversation. Actually, my dad in the last year I forget exactly the time, but we were out to dinner one day. He's like do you remember when you had Jesus coming to you? And I was like of course I remember that. You remember that? He said, kelly, there was times I'd wake up in the middle of the night and I'd hear you blabbing away in your room and I would come in and be like Kelly honey, are you okay? And you're like like having like deep conversations. And the way I look at it now is he was like mentoring me in ways and preparing me for you know what was to come this lifetime.

Speaker 1:

What kind of things would you chat about?

Speaker 4:

Some of it was. You know, when I think back to some of the profound moments on Easter, I was actually having a lot of flashbacks to all the different ones with this Easter, having flashbacks of life and seeing how he's been hovering over and present all the way through, which was profound in and of itself. But there'd be discussions that I couldn't understand what he was saying. I was five and I didn't know what was coming in my life Just two years later, a year later, in terms of different traumas and adversities and challenges that come with the human experience, but explaining to me that you know, we're all loved and I'm loved and I'm held, I'm one of his, you know, one of his children and going to go through things and trials in this life. So it was just energetic and like little glimpses a little, but most I can remember is really being present with him. And like little glimpses a little, but most I can remember is really being present with him and there just being this energetic exchange and him just holding me in this profound presence.

Speaker 1:

Often I bet those were very reassuring times and experiences, I mean, if you can imagine.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and it's been reassuring through the journey of life. You know that's something where people can look at individuals who have are on, you know, putting a forward front in the. You know, on the front line of cool. I'm in the healing arts, I'm here to support. I can see a light and the shine and all this energy being like. You know I'm probably had an easy life, complete opposite. You know where it's actually. It's been reassuring through all of those challenges and all the adversity and all the things that you know we want to go into here in this conversation right now. You know of the reassurance of I was made for this. This is a part of it, this is all a part of it. This is you know, for to use to stay on the Jesus train of lingo like this is my cross to carry, if you will, but that this is all planned.

Speaker 1:

How does this aspect of spirituality? What does that have to do with multi-dimensionality?

Speaker 4:

Multi-dimensionality. Yeah, you know, for me it means like I've had so many expansions, so many different awakenings, and I've, you know, been a yogi and I've studied kundalini yoga and I study with indigenous elders. I sat with the Dalai Lama and I've gone, you know, I've studied deep into you know the Kabbalah and like. So there's I've really like spirituality. For me it's so multidimensional where there's so many paths to get to God but in the end it all just ends up at God. And I've seen for myself there's the individual who shows up more of like, yeah, I'm here in energy healing. I also support people. Heart centered leaders and entrepreneurs upscale their business through my ascended bed.

Speaker 4:

I'm a businesswoman as well. I know. I love helping people build a six-figure business. I also make music. I've written books. I have a novel coming out next year. The more that we get in touch with God and that spiritual essence for me, what I've realized is that it's this diamond. It's always the same diamond. It just depends on what angle you're putting the light. It's just going to show a different hue, but it always results back to the same diamond. And the deeper we get in touch with our spiritual nature, the more we realize like, oh snap, I'm a diamond and the different ways that we allow the light spirit universe God for me it's God to shine through. We can see this beautiful illumination of the variety that's available.

Speaker 1:

I'm chatting with Kelly Keefe, who is a Reiki practitioner and has been describing some very unique encounters that she's had with, among others, jesus Christ, and we're sitting here talking about multidimensionality of spirituality and all sorts of things. If you'd like to get in on this action, call us toll-free right now 855-605-8255. Our lines are open and we're accepting calls. We're going to take a quick break. 255. Our lines are open and we're accepting calls. We're going to take a quick break, kelly.

Speaker 2:

No-transcript patriotism times 10. If you're liking the show, hit our facebook page and chime in at real patrick bass. More real and raw truth coming up on the patrick bass show warning, warning. The show you're listening to has been rated R by the Talk Radio Network Guild of America Raw, real and relevant. It's the Patrick Bass Show.

Speaker 1:

All right, Welcome back to the program Kelly. What role does the subconscious mind play in our daily lives and how can we harness that power?

Speaker 4:

Where doesn't it play a part in our lives?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I think that's always a better question, patrick. The subconscious mind. You know all those times where I'm sure you don't have a single pattern or habit or anything that you'd want to be like. Why do I keep doing this? Right, the subconscious mind is running about 90 of our day-to-day life and it was formed. The patterns I look at as like a switchboard. So hanging out in the behind the scenes is the switchboard of how we respond to different situations, how how you know when we feel stressed out, what is the coping mechanism we go for or what is the MO in relationships, or whatever it may be. The switchboard that was created from ages zero to 11. So, essentially, we're all moving around in our adult lives as little kids and big adult bodies in those moments and not understanding, like we say I don't know, it's just the way I am and it's like. No, actually it's just what's flipped on in your switchboard and we have the ability to start to change it.

Speaker 1:

And I guess that's where the real trick lies changing that. What are some techniques or things that we can do to kind of reprogram our subconscious?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you know there's, of course, such as anything. It's like there's layers and if there's something that's really deep, that is associated, say, with a core trauma or wound, please, please, please anyone listening work with a professional in, you know, going into those gentle spaces. We want to be very mindful and be very loving to ourselves when doing the deeper work with ourselves. But some great ways to say it's the like wow, I just noticed I always go for I don't know that 2 am snack when I'm like I'm gonna stop doing it, but then we do it. You know, we can start to notice, first of becoming aware of our thoughts, what are we thinking at the moments we go to do something. And a great tangible tool, yo, I love being able to give something tangible. Someone can start right now. Or like you don't need to call me today. You know, speak slower If you want to catch what you're thinking. If you make yourself speak slower, the mindfulness of the thoughts will become more aware. And once we can start to catch the thought and say, oh, I was thinking that which led to this action, we can start to say, okay, I was thinking this thought and create a like a keyword for yourself. Say it's pineapple. So I realized I want to break this habit of the snack.

Speaker 4:

Something in the subconscious that's saying, okay, when I'm feeling tired and this and that, or when I was a kid, around this time, my mom always gave me a treat and made me feel really loved. So in this moment I'm wanting to feel love. We can say, oh well, I'm having that thought and that feeling. It can stop and say, okay, what's the real root cause right here? Okay, I'm going to feel the connection with, like, I feel loved and you'll feel that memory and that warm and fuzziness. They have the feeling and rewrite the pattern. It's the way that the neurons are moving through the brain. It's literally a street. You have these grooves in the brain and it's the energy moving through that to the mind. So bringing awareness to the thought and then pausing in that moment and shifting the reaction is going to completely start to change the neurons in the brain.

Speaker 4:

And then, of course, we can go deeper into processes with a professional.

Speaker 1:

So, pardon me, sounds a lot like just having more awareness and then having some intentionality with respect to what it is that you're doing and saying and basically telling yourself will help with that. I think I've heard others describe it as brain plasticity, where we kind of reprogram our neurons. It sounds very similar to the process you're describing. Well, listen, you mentioned this thing called a great transition that the collective is moving through and I want to define a couple of things.

Speaker 1:

One, what called a great transition that the collective is moving through. And I want to define a couple of things. One, what is the great transition? And two, what is the collective that you're referring to? Is it humanity or what is it?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, good questions. The collective? Yeah, exactly that humanity. We're all floating in space, on this floating rock, going through these times and having experiences, because sitting next to someone would be experiencing, in the physical, the same, but having a completely different experience. We know that. However, we're all still in it, as a collective having an experience. We know that, however, we're all still in it as a collective having an experience. When we're talking about the great transition, we can see a lot changing radically in this world.

Speaker 1:

To put it blunt or mildly right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah right, like you know, we all have our seatbelts on, for you know whatever's going to happen next. You know, when we talk of this great transition, the process of creation, there's a destruction at play as well. So, when we're looking at the great transition, there's been so much happening in this world that is rattling all of us to our core in various different ways and starting to have people question how things are being done. Why are they being done certain ways? Why is that system this way, or why have we always done it this way? And it's starting to and seeing some things just break down for something new to be created and, simultaneously, the soaring of people exploring personal development and higher consciousness and having, you know, this awareness of wait a second. Let me, let me tune into this. Let me start to question. It's a great transition. We're, in this period of humanity, starting to remember how powerful we are and that we can ask questions, and it's available in the power of numbers for us to do things differently if we all come together and do things differently.

Speaker 1:

And so is that how individuals can kind of contribute to, let's call it, a collective healing.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean a healer is someone who's just learned how to heal themselves, point blank, you know. And then there's people who feel called to or are told to by something greater. You know to show up and support other people and the facilitation of their own healing. I would say I'm not healing anybody. I hold space to support someone in doing their own healing and facilitation. One of the greatest ways to help the world right now is for us to learn how to love ourselves and heal ourselves, because when we do that, our lives change for the better. It changes the lives around us and it's just a ripple effect for sure does, and it's just a ripple effect for sure.

Speaker 1:

I really agree with that, and I might add that I think probably the best thing we can do in a lot of times, in many cases, is forgive ourselves for past deeds and wrongs and mistakes, because that's just a lot of negativity to carry around and I think it has an effect on people. What are your thoughts?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, I was just having a conversation with a friend and she used a really beautiful visual. I love it. You bring that up of like a boulder, you know, of like there's just this momentum of past hurts and resentments and these things, and they just accrue. It starts as like a little pebble and these things, and they just accrue. It starts as like a little pebble, you know, and it just starts to weigh and then it's literally a mass that you're dragging around and carrying or pushing onto somebody else and being like here, I don't want to feel this. You deal with this and it can cause a weight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely You're like here, carry my boulder. No, I've got my own things.

Speaker 4:

I got my own boulders.

Speaker 1:

Thanks in boulders. Thanks, let's actually just like get a chisel out and we can like open it up and see if there's like cool fossils inside or something. Do you think that the humanity, the collective, as you described it, I, I know, I know we're at a juncture point, but do you think this is a shift where people are really, uh, beginning to realize and, as you mentioned, I think you said, rediscover some of these lost truths? Has this happened to your knowledge in history before, or is this something very unique to this time?

Speaker 4:

Oh, that's a great question, I mean, and do I think we're? The mass is happening Depends on what coffee shop I'm sitting on at any given day. All right, no, I do see there is, you know, a continuation of just how, looking at conversations, I was trying to, even in 2016,. You know where people being like what do you do, what are you doing, what? And all the things that were just like coming through me to now, a lot of it's second nature and a lot of people are. It's like, you know, it's becoming a general knowing, which is really great. It's showing a space there. I do see more and more people remembering and I think we're at a place, even more so than people fully remembering and stepping in. We're at a place of more and more people discern. That's one of the benefits of feeling moments of seasons, of what is a perceived sometimes it's legit oppression or feeling you know from systemic things that we can go there.

Speaker 4:

Where first is the desire and hitting these pressure, moments of like wait. There has to be something more available than this and because of what we're moving through in this world of so many challenges, of one thing after the next, a lot of people are starting to get curious. They're getting fed up, like, wait, I don't want this anymore. Beautiful. Then we can say, well, if you don't want this, what do you? And once we get clear of what, there's something else available. Wait, I can do something else. Or something available? Well then more solutions and resources and things can begin to just drop in to our day to day life. We're scrolling through something and, you know, change your life. Free. Free guidebook pops up, you know, and it can start to guide, because the attention is shifted to a desire to answer the question how could this be better?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And I guess it's hard to know where you're, where you're going to go, if you don't know where you want to be right. You wrote a book called Rise Above Fear that tackles the issue of fear head on. What do you think are some common fears that people have in general just nowadays?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, one is fear, just fear, and something, patrick, if I can, just to add on, and then I'll answer that. But you said there.

Speaker 4:

I think it's so powerful. Um, I sat with a Dogon elder it's an indigenous African tribe in 2019. And he said something that really stuck with me of the quality of the answers you receive are in direct correlation to the quality of the questions that you ask. So when you're saying like if someone doesn't know where they want to go, an invitation to look at what are the questions you're asking yourself, when we ask ourselves the questions of why does this always happen to me or this, and that you're going to receive answers for it, but if you're like I don't know where I want to go, asking questions of where would feel really good to go, what you know, what does my soul where? What direction does it want to go, and changing the questions that are asked, quality answers that can provide guidance will begin to show up.

Speaker 4:

That's a good point, thank you. Thank you for letting me back real quick.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean yeah, no, that's a great point. You have to, I guess, to get the right answers, you have to ask the right questions, and that's what the bottom line is really.

Speaker 4:

Totally. It brings us back to the good old back to back to the word of scripture ask and you shall receive. Yeah, yeah, um, but yeah, with faith I mean. One of the biggest fears I noticed these days is fear. We're so afraid of fear we're afraid to you know, be afraid of anything.

Speaker 4:

We're afraid to, you know, be different. We're afraid of rejection, we're afraid of not being seen, and that all stems again from things from our little one bringing us back to the switchboard. You know, that's something I love with this it's all a big spider web. You can just follow different strings, but it's all the same web, goes into the same thing. Yeah, um, yeah, I think, like when we always I think it's interesting we can say I'm scared of this, I'm scared of this, we can always continue to boil it down to okay, so what is? What is the core there? Are you afraid of being hurt? Are you afraid of the unknown? Are you afraid of rejection? Um, it's kind of typically what it boils down to those three right there, from what I've found. I'm curious if you feel the same.

Speaker 1:

I think those are very common fears, one of the things and I've studied quite a lot about fear. In fact, I wrote a book that was kind of based on it how to conquer fear and use it to your advantage. You know, when we experience fear, our bodies enter this fight or flight mechanism and we release a lot of brain chemicals and they can either shut us down or propel us forward. And one of the things that I think and this is a broad generalization, certainly doesn't apply to everybody I think a lot of people have become so insulated in so many ways they almost fear adversity, and adversity is one of the things that it's very uncomfortable to go through, but it makes you a stronger and more resilient person when you work through those times.

Speaker 1:

You mentioned early on that you had a lot of adversity in your life. You didn't use that exact word, but you kind of alluded to it and as a result, you have become this amazing and resilient person that, had you not experienced those situations, who knows right, who knows where you might have been? And so the point is, the things that you experienced in your life no doubt influenced where you are today and it made you the person you are today, and so when somebody has become so completely isolated that they don't experience adversity and they don't have fear, how do they develop as a person? It's very difficult for me to understand, and that is one of. It becomes almost the fear of everything.

Speaker 1:

It becomes almost the fear of everything and I think it's a very I think it only serves to hamper our progress as humans.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, as you're saying that, like the saying of becoming so afraid of like, the fear of like of death and fear of like what's out there is that there's essentially what that really is it's a fear to live and so never really going out fully embracing this amazing life and this amazing experience that's available for us yeah and uh, and so in in your book how, how do you approach fear?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 4:

So a big practice we went into here is looking at the essence of fear not being something to be slayed or to be thrown away with like slay the dragon we're supposed to be killed actually taking another approach of more of a befriending, of meeting the fear with a deep, compassionate lens and welcoming it in.

Speaker 4:

So we go through a very various journal, prompts and practices and things and modalities that you can do and it's an active book so you can really read through and be able to go through is having tea with your fear.

Speaker 4:

Or having a meal where I've said like literally make a cup and a second cup of tea or coffee, or pick, choose your beverage or a plate and invite them in to support and remembering that it's an emotion. It's like you're saying it's a chemical reaction happening in your body, but it's nice, so it supports in separating it from outside of us and remembering whoa this isn't me, this is something visiting me. And then starting to open a dialogue to understand what is it that it's wanting to say and it's outside of us. And remembering whoa this isn't me, this is something visiting me. And then starting to open a dialogue to understand what is it that it's wanting to say, and its concerns, and then allowing it to spiral out in worst case scenarios and then asking it to play the game with you of best case scenarios and working into a negotiation to be able to work together as a team of focusing on best case scenarios but totally keeping in mind any of those possibilities, so that way they're prepared if they were to come.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you, kelly, when you've discovered your purpose for life. It was very dramatic. How do most people have that experience and how do they begin to live a life that is aligned with that purpose?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you know, and I think it's fair to say that the purpose and the layers and the different pieces of the mission is a continuous dance for self-included, for self-included. You know where I'm walking this journey with everyone as well, and still getting to learn stuff with myself, and still, you know, facing demons on. You know, on a Tuesday, you know where it's not a there. We arrive there and then it's done. This is an endless dance and an evolution, as you know.

Speaker 4:

As someone who sits with so many, I'm sure you know you know that yourself, just even in your own, what the show is. You know what I find when working with individuals and they're starting to be like again this I'm just not feeling fulfilled. I know there's something more available, I just don't know what it is. I don't. I just want to feel more fulfilled and feel this zest for life.

Speaker 4:

A lot of times we begin to explore, like what did you like to do as a kid? What were the things that were fun for you? Think back to, like what lit you up, and just beginning to do some of those things, it starts to spark that zest for life again and it can just start to have these inspirations and I like to call following the breadcrumbs Cool. Follow the breadcrumbs. See what you enjoy. Some people's ultimate purpose is to be an amazing, loving friend in their community. You know, not everything has to be this grandiose Right, but it's that what, what has your heart swell and you feel warm and complete and fulfilled and being like, wow, this is it, this is the juice.

Speaker 1:

Is that kind of what you mean when you say live from your heart space?

Speaker 4:

of it too. You know, like when sometimes we can live down like more, like in our feet, just very focused on the earthly and just not wanting to look deeper into ourselves or into anything that may be beyond what we can see and feel and smell and touch and taste. Or maybe we're a little too high up in the clouds where we're not in touch with reality. When we're living from the heart, there's this really being present here, in tune with all that is but the heart. When we think about like a bird, living from the heart, space is like being a bird. They find all their balance right in the center of their body. So when we're here we can open the heart. There's this level of connection. We can feel everything and to everyone, and also to be really present, experience the juiciness of life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you talk about how everything is connected, and I've in my youth I would have argued that to my death and age has taught me a couple of things. Not saying I know it all, but I have learned a couple of things along the way. One is that life is fragile and precious. And two, at our core, all people are more or less the same. We all have different purposes and callings and gifts and attributes, but for the most part, if we're being honest, we all want about the same things and, uh, that's a commonality that's hard to ignore. Um, when you're trying to call somebody your enemy or your opposition, I wish, oh, or your opposition. I wish, oh, how I wish that humanity could get to the point where we can view each other as brothers and sisters rather than foes and friends. I think we'd be much better off for it. But that's probably a different show altogether, kelly, when you're looking back on your journey so far, what has been the most rewarding aspect of your work?

Speaker 4:

Oh, wow, that's a.

Speaker 4:

That's a tough question, um, cause there's so many fruitful moments of seeing people just feeling happy, and I've done a lot of work in the foster care system in the United States, which that could also be another episode in and of itself of talking what we need to be doing there, but I did a lot of work in the foster care system and being able to share moments of true love and presence and healing moments like truly healing moments with these kids who are experiencing things no one should ever experience, especially under the age 18.

Speaker 4:

That's been some of the most challenging parts of the work that I've done, but also some of the most rewarding to be able to actually see these kids be in a truck, feeling safe enough in a space that they've closed their eyes for 40 minutes, which is, if anyone's not familiar. That is a huge win to create a safe enough environment that these kids all of them, all 25 would close their eyes for 40 minutes and allow themselves to receive this energy. And you know telling me they can see like the thoughts they've been holding gone and just giving them 40 minutes of peace in their lives definitely is up there and most rewarding.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to give them even a little peace. Some of those kids I know have been through so much, and to have, as you said, even a few minutes of peace must be incredibly rewarding, uh, and what a relief to them too. Jeez, I can't even imagine, uh, what some of those youngsters have faced. Um, it's just really heartbreaking and sad. So my hat's off to you for helping them. Uh what lies in your future. What kind of things are you working on future plans, goals, projects that excite you?

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So I'm very excited we're finishing up and we'll be launching shortly here a year-long mastermind called the Ascended Mastermind, where we're focusing much more on heart-centered business. So for those who are clear that they have a bigger purpose and they want to understand, how can I take the gift that God has put in my heart the desire and how do I actually make a business with it? How do I bring this in a way that's integral? It's about service but receiving monetary exchange for the services. So we're rolling that out shortly here. And then I have a novel coming out early next year that I'm very excited about. So just always being of service, and the biggest thing that I my heart is on fire for is getting to work with people more in this extended period of helping them to get clearer on the vision and the mission, to align to it and then create the roadmap and the business model to be able to bring it to the world.

Speaker 1:

Well, when you have your novel come out, please let us know and contact us. We'd love to have you back on the show for that, I would love that.

Speaker 4:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I understand you've set up a couple of codes for our listeners so that they can receive some perks off of your ebook Rise Above Fear 50% off your e-book and then $50 off their first private healing session. Use code PATRICKBASS for both. Thank you for that and of course, as I mentioned, we're going to put those links on our guest resource page. Kelly, we've got a couple of minutes left, anything you'd like to leave as a closing thought or share with us.

Speaker 4:

I think, just gratitude for you creating the show and, you know, holding space for conversations of so many different angles and lenses. I think, more than ever, this is so needed for the world, for us to have these conversations and be able to meet each other and share our wisdom and knowledge with one another. It's together we thrive. So I appreciate you and thank you.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you for being on the show. Stand by, don't disconnect just yet, folks. We'll be back tomorrow with another great show. Thanks so much for listening to the Patrick Bass Show. Reach out and let us know how we did Info at pwbasscom and we'd love to hear from you. We always love to hear from you. We always love to hear from our listeners. And be sure to visit our website again, pwbasscom, and sign up for my blog. Check me out on my weight loss journey. By the way 24 pounds this first month, so got a ways to go, but I'm working on it and thanks so much. I'm keeping everything real. On there. You can go and see absolutely everything. It's put me in a very vulnerable position. It's put me in a very vulnerable position, but I believe in the authenticity of keeping this real. So check that out at pwbasscom. Thanks so much for listening. We'll catch you next time. Keep the blue side up.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for listening to the Patrick Bass Show. The Patrick Bass Show is copyright 2024, all rights reserved. Patrick's passion is to open up any and all conversations, because in this day and age, the snowflakes are scared to get real. We'll fly that flag till the very end, that we can promise you. Keep updated by liking our Facebook page at Real Patrick Bass. For more information, visit us on the web at wwwpwbasscom. Thanks for listening and tune in next time for more real talk on the Patrick Bass Show.

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