Patrick Bass Show

Unveiling Mysteries: Marianne Coleman's Paranormal Encounters, UFO Revelations, and Artistic Transformation on The Patrick Bass Show

August 21, 2024 Marianne Coleman

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Prepare yourself for an extraordinary journey with Marianne Coleman, a former nurse from New Zealand who has transitioned into the intriguing worlds of art, illustration, and paranormal exploration. In this captivating episode, Marianne shares her lifelong fascination with UFOs, hauntings, and cryptozoology, culminating in her popular podcast, "Walking the Shadowlands." Hear firsthand about her astonishing encounters with "star people," extraterrestrial beings who have imparted valuable lessons on sound, vibration, and healing. These otherworldly interactions have profoundly influenced her life and creative work, offering a unique perspective on the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding.

From a spine-tingling encounter with a vanishing nun in a Catholic hospital to a career-altering accident that led her into graphic design and spiritual counseling, Marianne recounts her extraordinary journey with candid authenticity. You'll be riveted by stories of cryptid sightings, including the elusive Moihau man, and fascinated by theories linking interdimensional beings to UFOs. Marianne also delves into Native American lore, exploring the sinister evolution of skinwalkers. With insights from her podcast and personal experiences, Marianne provides a thought-provoking glimpse into the unexplained, ensuring you’ll be pondering her stories long after the episode ends.

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Speaker 1:

Okay, cue everybody. We're going live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And now live from Fort Smith, arkansas. This is a Planet Wide broadcast courtesy of the World Wide Web and affiliate radio stations across the globe. It's the Patrick Bass Show with your host, Patrick Bass. Welcome back to the Patrick Bass Show with your host, patrick Bass.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Patrick Bass Show. Oh my gosh, we made it. We were having some technical difficulties. We're trying to hop on a new virtual studio platform and it just kind of fell flat on its face. Man, I don't know what to say about that. Really sorry if you were part of that fiasco, but we're back here on Riverside FM, probably wherever we belong. We'll take that as a sign from the universe.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, welcome back to the Patrick Bass Show, where the mysteries of the night meet the clarity of truth. Buckle up as we embark on this magic carpet ride right into the unknown. We're going to be exploring the shadows that lurk just beyond the edge of mainstream conversation Today on the Patrick Bass Show, as I said, we're diving deep into the unknown with a guest whose life has been anything but ordinary, from her early days as a dedicated nurse in New Zealand to becoming an internationally recognized artist and illustrator, marianne Coleman, has always been drawn to the mysteries that lie just beyond the veil, but it's her lifelong fascination with the paranormal, ufos, hauntings, cryptozoology that has truly set her apart. We're going to dive right into that and so much more when we get right back after this first break.

Speaker 2:

We'll be right back don't forget to hit our website at wwwpwbasscom. More of of the Patrick Bass Show coming up. Oh, Brad's buzzed, oh yeah, yeah, he's starting with the woots, Woot, woot and now a speech. I just want to say that friendship is about heart, Heart and brain. Who's with me? Good thing is he knows when he's buzzed and my brain is saying when it's time to go home. Somebody call me a ride. Love that guy.

Speaker 3:

Me too Know your buzzed warning signs Call for a ride when it's time to go home. Buzz driving is drunk driving. A message from NHTSA and the Ad Council.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the program. We're going to dive into this next topic. Remember you can connect with us on Facebookcom at RealPatrickBass, or YouTubecom at RealPatrickBass, or our website, pwbasscom. And don't forget, the open lines are open. You can reach us toll free at 855-605-8255 to share your stories and join in on the conversation. Join in us right now as a person who has spent her life exploring the boundaries between the known and the unknown, welcome to the program, mary Ann Coleman. How are you doing?

Speaker 3:

Great. Thank you so much for having me, Patrick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sorry for the little false start and snafu there. It's one of those days I don't know what to say. Marianne.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's what happens when you're doing live.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly. Well, you have quite a story to tell us. You have a very creative background. You've been a nurse and now you've transitioned into a career in the arts and also paranormal exploration, and you have a podcast also called Walking the Shadowlands. What is that all about?

Speaker 3:

Well Walking the Shadowlands is a vast umbrella that covers a multitude of topics, from the paranormal hauntings, ghosts, unexplained mysteries like spontaneous human combustion to UFOs and people's encounters and experiences with different star people, to cryptozoology like the Bigfoot and Sasquatch you have in the States. They're found worldwide. It's just a huge umbrella that covers everything. Really, that's not mainstream.

Speaker 1:

You've had encounters yourself right with UFOs and entities you call star people.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that's correct.

Speaker 1:

What are those?

Speaker 3:

Sorry, can you repeat that please?

Speaker 1:

What is a star person? Who are star people?

Speaker 3:

Well, star people are extraterrestrials. My first encounter with star people was when I was. My first conscious encounter was when I was three, and to me they were always people who came from the stars. So I just call them star people, because that's just who they were to me.

Speaker 1:

And in your experiences. When you had these encounters, were they visible to you or were you just aware of them?

Speaker 3:

No, they were visible face to face.

Speaker 1:

And what did they look like?

Speaker 3:

Gosh, there's been so many. And what do they look like? Gosh, there's been so many. I'm 68 very shortly, so I've had a lifetime of experience with many different species of star people.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, yeah, so just as in humanity, in the world, where we have different species of animals, there's different types of star people absolutely a hundred okay yep and they visit you from time to time.

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to get a sense, for that is one group more common than another no, so for me, well, it may be for some people, but me it's always been a mix. It depends, I guess, on the situation and what they're needing me for.

Speaker 1:

And okay, so they're coming to you for some reason and you've been able to discern that. What is that reason?

Speaker 3:

Well, when I was a child, they were teaching me things. I would find myself on board one of their crafts or ships, I call them, and the best way I could describe it is in a classroom situation, and I was always with children, mixed male and female, around my own age, and they were teaching us things. Some of the things that I particularly recall are the importance of sound and vibration and healing.

Speaker 1:

Interesting, and have those experiences been able to help you now, and I'm sure they've had an impact on what it is you're doing?

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's 100%, A hundred percent. It's made. They've allowed me. What they've taught me has allowed me to tap into my natural abilities, abilities that every human has, whether you call them intuition, gut feeling, whatever you want to call it. They've given me the tools that have allowed me to tap into this, perhaps a little bit more strongly than the average person does.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you said it was kind of like being in a classroom. Were you there with others or were you there by yourself?

Speaker 3:

No, no, I was there with others. There were always others around me, children around about my own age and as I aged, the age of the children that were there with me aged at the same rate.

Speaker 1:

And these were other human children.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Okay, so as you aged, was it the same cohort, the same group, or was it? I mean, did you get to know any of these people, or was it always different people?

Speaker 3:

You know, I can't actually remember whether they were the same people, I feel. I don't consciously recall, but I feel that in the majority of the case, for a length of time they were the same. But then some of us developed and learned the things that they wanted us to learn at a faster rate, so we moved on to different classes things that they wanted us to learn at a faster rate.

Speaker 1:

So we were moved on to different classes. When you're with the star people, did you kind of get the sense that it was very benevolent and they were there strictly for your betterment, or do you think they were at some level doing some kind of test on you?

Speaker 3:

Now that's a very good point, and I always say to people that star people are like humans. I always say to people that star people are like humans. There are humans who are benevolent and just want to help others to develop their abilities, to be the best that they can to make their way in this world. There are others who are just neutral and they just observe, and then there are others who are actively malevolent and really don't care about humanity at all. I've never been with the latter group. The group that I have been with have always been very respectful and aware of my personal boundaries and they always ask permission before they ever did anything with me, so it was always consensual.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's good and thankfully right, Especially since you never, as you said, encountered any of the malevolent ones. The revelations that they bestowed upon you, the things that they taught you, are those things that kind of transcend human understanding. Is there anything that you can share with us that they've taught you? Is there anything that you can share with?

Speaker 3:

us that they've taught you. There's one thing that they emphasized over and over and over again. Well, there's a couple of things. One of the things is our treatment of the planet and how we don't look after her and how we need to take care of her and make sure she's protected, make sure the animals and the living things are protected. We've done a very poor job of that. Yes, sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

No, I was just agreeing with you. I agree that we've done a very poor job.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and the other thing one of my favorite star people said to me and it's something that I've always tried to live by, because it made such a profound effect on me and he said he said, Marianne, when you do anything, you must do it from your heart. When you think, think from your heart. When you speak, speak from your heart. When you act, act from your heart. Now, he's not saying you don't use your head, Of course you use your head, but he's saying come from a place of compassion and love and understanding and empathy for what others are experiencing.

Speaker 1:

Did that teaching influence your decision to become a nurse?

Speaker 3:

Oh yes, 100%, 100%. I always wanted to know that I was making a positive difference where I could.

Speaker 1:

Now I read that you were specifically a cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon nurse. Is that right?

Speaker 3:

Yes, that's correct. Yes.

Speaker 1:

And that's a very specialized field and I'm sure it's very intense and likewise very rewarding field, and I'm sure it's very intense and likewise very rewarding as someone who's very in tune with the paranormal. How did that affect your job, if at all?

Speaker 3:

oh, it was, um. Actually, I just had an epiphany when you were talking about that. Um, after talking about the heart thing, I didn't realise connect that with working in an area with hearts. I just made that connection. Yes, it made a huge difference. For example, if somebody was having a blood transfusion, I always knew, whether they were my patient or not, that they were going to have a reaction and I would tell the nurse or I would know to look out for something was going to go wrong and I needed to be prepared. Yes, it made a huge difference.

Speaker 3:

It saved a lot of lives.

Speaker 1:

Just really a very well-tuned sense of. I don't know if it was almost like a precognition or you were just very in touch with signs that weren't obvious to normal observation. Yes, but you were able to do that very regularly.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Did you have any other more extreme paranormal experiences during your time as a nurse?

Speaker 3:

I remember one time I worked at a private Catholic hospital in Auckland in New Zealand when I lived in New Zealand and I was on duty.

Speaker 3:

This was a hospital that was run by nuns and I was on duty one night because I used to work nights from 11pm to 7am and I was in this nurse room cleaning in a bedpan, and of course it's the middle of the night, so you're trying to be as quiet as you can, you need a bedpan and of course it's the middle of the night, so you're trying to be as quiet as you can. And to my left, which was where the door was, to my left-hand side, I became aware of a woman standing there and I realised it was a nun and she had the traditional nun garb with the headpiece and the white bit that goes around the face, and she was looking very stern and I thought, oh my God, she must have come and I didn't hear her and I must be making too much noise. I'm going to get an earful. And she was looking quite stern and I sort of finished what I was doing and turned to face her and she wasn't there. She just completely oh my yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's chilling really.

Speaker 3:

That was actually that gave me hype because the look on her face, I was sure I was going to get an earful about making too much noise.

Speaker 1:

I wonder what her reason was for revealing herself to you. I guess we'll never know.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I think she was just. I kind of got the sense she didn't approve of me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, but then I didn't fit into what her belief system was.

Speaker 1:

you see, I see, okay, now your nursing career was kind of cut short. You had some kind of accident. Can you tell us about that career was?

Speaker 3:

kind of cut short. You had some kind of accident? Can you tell us about that? Yeah, I was on again. I was on night shift and I was nine weeks pregnant with my first baby, and when older people in the hospital they often get confused at night. And this was in the days I'm dating myself here when they had glass IV bottles, so it was like 36 years ago or something like that. And this old lady was confused and the woman in the room with her called me into the room and I saw she was just about to fall over with her glass of air bottom. So I ran to grab her and sorry listeners, this is a bit gross I didn't see she had peed on the floor and I slipped and fell in it and I landed on my knee and I hurt my back so badly that it couldn't work again for the rest of my pregnancy and of course they couldn't x-ray because I was pregnant and so by the time my baby was born the damage to my back was irreversible.

Speaker 1:

That is terrible, but you had the baby.

Speaker 3:

everything was okay there, yeah and I put up with back pain for years, until one night when I was on duty on my cardiothoracic forward and I was on duty for half an hour and I was just in tears. I was in so much pain just from taking blood pressures, just the basic things. I realized I can't do this anymore. So that was when I left nursing.

Speaker 1:

And you made a very significant shift, didn't you? You got into graphics design and later into paranormal exploration.

Speaker 3:

I've always had the paranormal stuff on the side and the creative stuff. That was my downtime from nursing. I was always into theatre and drama and stuff like that and art. That was my downside because nursing was so stressful. But when I couldn't nurse anymore I decided after a while I did a few jobs that I wasn't really happy with that wouldn't affect my back. But it wasn't nursing and it wasn't helping people and it was just corporate stuff that I didn't like making money for, you know, entities that weren't helping. And so I thought, ok, I need to do something that's not going to affect my back.

Speaker 3:

So I went back to university and got a degree in computer graphic design and I was in my 50s then and I worked for a while. But of course if you're over 30 in that world, they think you don't have a creative brain. So finding somebody to employ me was difficult. So I did a few charity jobs for charities around town and I haven't really done much with my degree since then. So that's when I got into. I thought, well, how else can I? What can I do? That's making a difference to people's lives. So I started up a Facebook group where I offered spiritual counseling free to anybody who needed help. It was a way that I could give back that wasn't going to affect my health, and it could make a positive difference in people's lives.

Speaker 1:

Dahlia, back just a little bit To your knowledge. Have the star people ever spoken to your children? Have you ever been together when they visited?

Speaker 3:

It would have been about 10 maybe. I had an experience one night. I woke up and around this bright light in my room woke me and I saw around my bed were like a group of different types of star people and I had an experience with them. And then that finished and I remember thinking, wow, I wonder if that was a dream, as you do sometimes. And the next morning my son comes to me and he says oh, mum, I saw a Wookiee in my room last night and I said what are you talking about? And he said well, I was supposed to be asleep, but I was up reading my book and this Wookiee popped his head around the corner, smiled at me and then I ran out and then left and I ran out of bed to try and see him, but he was gone. And then I realized that whomever my son had seen had appeared as a Wookiee, because my son was very fond of Wookiees from Star Wars and it was a non-threatening figure for him.

Speaker 1:

And he could understand it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so that was kind of a verification for me that that actually was an experience that night, and my son has never, ever forgotten that.

Speaker 1:

He's in his 30s now and he, he, uh, you know, he talks about it from time to time let's talk about your, your podcast walking the shadowlands and I'll admit I haven't had an opportunity to listen to it yet, but I understand it really dives into a wide range of paranormal topics.

Speaker 3:

Is there any particular stories that have really struck you and have stood out? Well, it's a wide umbrella. One story that really strained my ability to remain professional was a near-death experience that a man had. He seems to lose me at the moment, I know so well he was. Honestly, I don't do live because I'm not good and too many mistakes happened, but I was like literally crying the whole time he was telling his experience. It's just audio, thank God, so you can't see it, but his story was the most touching story I'd ever heard in my life.

Speaker 3:

He was at a train station in England saying goodbye to his girlfriend and he got off the train and the door shut and his coat got caught in the train door and of course, normally when anything gets caught in the door it will open again. Well, it didn't and he was dragged onto the train and all the people on the train saw him being dragged under and of course everybody assumed he was dead and actually he did die and he died and he saw himself in the universe with these beings healing him and then when he came back, when they brought him back to life, he was clinically dead and they brought him back to life and he came back with abilities he never had before. He writes the most beautiful symphonies, like full orchestral symphonies that have been played in public. That David Ditchfield that's his name. He does the most beautiful paintings. His story just touched me so deeply. He was just such a genuine humble man and that was one that really had a huge impact on me greatly. I really felt for what he went through and he still suffers today with issues with his arms and stuff from the accident, so that was one that had a huge impact on me.

Speaker 3:

I've shared a number of guests on who have experienced I said one lady. Actually this wasn't a terrifying. Her partner died and she started experiencing things around her home and she never connected it with her partner. Things like One time she had all these Christmas gifts on the table that she was wrapping and she went down to the room and she heard noise and she came back and all the gifts were stacked up neatly on the table when they hadn't been. Her children saw her husband and it actually turned out to be a really loving story. Once she overcame her fear of the unknown of what's happening because she never connected it with her husband. She realized it was him and he was just letting her know that he was still around and that he still loved her. That was quite a nice one.

Speaker 1:

I'll relate a story to you. This happened to me personally. I was in my doctoral studies and I stepped out of my office, which was in our home, for just a brief few moments, and when I came back, all of the books that I had been referencing and reading from were stacked in the middle of the room, one on top of another.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And there's no rational explanation for that, you have to assume that something otherworldly has been involved. I was alone in the house at the time, except for my cat, but I'm sure that he didn't do it At least he didn't admit it anyway. There's just been a number of things.

Speaker 1:

Another time we were in the southeast part of the United States and we were in a very old hotel that had been reportedly haunted, and I remember I was drinking from a soda bottle like a Coca-Cola, a plastic Coca-Cola bottle, and it was nearly empty. There was just maybe not even an ounce or two left in it, and my wife and I went out uh, out for the day to do some different things, and when we came back I remember the bottle was standing up on top of its lid on the dresser and of course the housekeeping staff had not been in that day. We had a do not disturb sign on our door, so nothing else was disturbed. But I went and grabbed the bottle and I tried for a good 20 minutes to balance it myself and it was not possible. It was just simply not possible. So I've had a few odd I guess you could say odd encounters, many more than that, many more than I could share right now, but I'm certainly a believer, marianne.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, how do you explain something like that really?

Speaker 1:

Well, you really can't.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Unless you search for a supernatural answer.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I had an experience where that was witnessed by three other people besides myself, and it was during the day. I was up at the Napier Cemetery in New Zealand, where I used to live before I moved here to Australia, and I was in the car with my then-husband, who's now deceased, and my youngest daughter, and we were only going about five kilometres an hour I'm not sure what that is in miles per hour. Oh, sorry, about five miles per hour. Sorry, that's about 10 kilometres, I think and we were going really slowly and there was a car coming up behind us. Now, this was a very old-fashioned graveyard that had all these huge, tall headstones you know, not the flat ones that you see these days, but these were tall, tall that people could hide behind and the graves were right on either side of the road, right at the edge of the road. So you pretty much drove between them, pretty much drove between them. And as I was driving, this woman on my right-hand side suddenly stepped out in front of me and, of course, our drivers our wheel driver's side is on the right-hand side of the car in New Zealand and she stepped out in front of me, in front of the car, and I slammed on my brakes and I thought, oh, oh, my god, I've just hit this woman because she disappeared, and I thought I hit her and I've knocked her over. And I slammed on the brakes and my husband then looked at me and said oh my god, oh my god, did you hit that woman and my and the car behind us? This um stopped well and we all got out and this guy came at the back seat. It wasn't your fault, it wasn't your fault.

Speaker 3:

I saw her. She stepped out in front of you. You didn't have any time to stop and I went round to look for her and there was nothing there, nothing, not a thing. And this woman was very clear. She had an old-fashioned twin set on which is like a cardigan and a jumper, and she had a pleated skirt, thick stockings and lace-up shoes with pearls very, very 40s old-fashioned. And I couldn't see her anywhere and I was shaking. The adrenaline was I was and I'd hurt her. So we said, well, she could have gone very far. So I turned to the right, where she came from, and I looked and that was her gravestone. There was a photo on the gravestone and that was witness.

Speaker 1:

I'll relate one more story to you. Years ago I was a paramedic and I was working. Um, I lived in rural Arkansas, in the Ozark mountains, and I was responding to an emergency call and, uh, we were out in the middle of nowhere. I mean, we lived in the middle of nowhere and we were nowhere from there, trying to find the scene of this emergency. And I turned down this dirt road and immediately to my left there was a pasture and it was a clear evening, the weather was clear, nothing abnormal. But in this field there was very heavy mist like fog, and standing in the middle of that field was a woman who appeared to be dressed in like pioneer clothes. Well, I have my lights and sirens going and I kind of observed her out of the corner of my eye and kept proceeding to my emergency call.

Speaker 1:

Well, about 30 seconds later our call was canceled. So I turned off my lights, turned off my sirens, turned my vehicle around and started coming back and where I had seen the fog in this woman was now just an empty, clear pasture of rolling grass, and I'll never forget that. It really freaked me out because it was very uncanny and very strange. My wife was with me at the time when it happened. But there's a lot of things that happen out in those Ozark Mountains, and one of them which is very notable is there's a lot of sightings of what we call Bigfoot yeah yeah, something that happens in a lot of rural areas where there's some kind of wooded. You know ape creature, yetis, bigfoot, sasquatch you know many different names.

Speaker 3:

But I feel certain it kind of all refers to the same kind of as yet undiscovered animal. Correct, yeah, and the worldwide too. In New Zealand we have our own. He goes by a number of names. The most common name he's known by is the Moihau man, and in Australia they have the Yowie, which is the same creature. Yeah, and I have a friend actually who and I talk about. She shared her experience with seeing the Moihau man. She was on a boat with her uncle going up the Whanganui River in an unpopulated area and they saw the big fort or Moehoe man on the side of the river and he was agressive and he chased them up the river until they were able to get out of his territory.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's kind of absurd to think that we have discovered all the creatures that exist. I mean, new discoveries are happening all the time and, you know, if this is a intelligent creature which by all accounts it is it could very well hide its existence from us in rural parts of the country and world.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's 100%. And there's schools of thought that say that they're actually interdimensional beings, that they can come and go. In fact, I just read something the other day on I can't remember where it was something the other day on I can't remember where it was. It was by some Native American elder and he was talking about how you have to respect these beings. If you're going into their territory, you need to give them an offering and that they use a portal to come and go between our world and their world. And I read it a couple of days ago and I remember thinking well, that's interesting. That's interesting. And also around a lot of Bigfoot or Yahweh or Moeho man sightings is often associated with UFO sightings as well.

Speaker 1:

That I didn't know the connection there.

Speaker 3:

What do you?

Speaker 1:

think about this concept of a skinwalker in relation to Native cultures.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I find that absolutely fascinating. I've done three shows on skinwalkers. The first, I think, was in my first season. The other one was, and they were all interviews with Native Americans. The last one was a couple who had an experience with a skinwalker in their home on the reservation where they live and it was very, very interesting and quite scary. And it turns out that somebody had asked the person who was the skinwalker who practiced bad medicine to put a curse on them and it was a very, very yeah. Apparently, originally from my understanding of what that my guest told me originally skinwalkers were not fair to be feared. They were used um into tribes during the war because they were able to get messages between tribes very quickly um between in the wars. And then they started to turn dark after that and that's when they became associated with bad medicine or very negative intent. And these days, apparently, in order to become a skinwalker you must kill a member of your family.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've heard different schools of thought on that. I'm actually Native American of the Nanceman tribe, which is out of Virginia in the United States. Within our tribal culture and understanding we really don't have anything like that, at least not that I'm aware of. You know, maybe there's some folks who are aware of it, but you know you hear a lot of it in the Plains tribes, you know, like the Comanche, the Arapaho, different tribes like that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I, you know it's fascinating to me and I believe I've even seen, you know, some purported video evidence of skinwalkers. And you know you have to look at everything very critically because there's a lot of fake out there. There's a tremendous amount of fake out there, but that doesn't negate the fact that you know these types of stories have been around for ever. You know, and there is a common theme that persists throughout these stories which indicates to me that at some level there's something genuine happening. And you know from my own experiences, I, you know that we can, we can debate whether it's real or not. My own experience is, I know for a fact that the things I've experienced are real. Have in your podcast and in your experience, do you have a lot of folks who are just trying to pull the wool over your eyes or do you think most people are being genuine?

Speaker 3:

Do you know, of all my guests that I've had and of all the stories I've heard, there's only one time where I felt the person wasn't telling me the truth. And I didn't hear the episode because I just didn't feel right. I mean, I go by my gut instincts, my intuition. It didn't feel right. And there was another time where I interviewed a person it wasn't even the author of the book, it was the publisher. The author didn't appear and it was so negative and it just wasn't. So I aired it but I heavily edited it.

Speaker 3:

I see, I edited most of the negative stuff out because people have enough in their life. They don't need to hear negativity and stuff that's, you know, just not uplifting and going to help them in some way. That's not what I'm about. But yeah, yeah, those are the only two times that I've ever. Most people are genuine, most people, when they recount their experiences, you can hear it in the tone of their voice. Apart from the energy that they put out and the feeling that I get from them, you can hear it in their voice, of their voice. Apart from the energy that they put out and the feeling that I get from them, you can hear it in their voice that they're genuine. You can't fake that sort of fear or that anxiety.

Speaker 1:

Now I want to talk to you about this next topic and this is a very strange topic, but there is some very compelling scientific evidence to support it and that's spontaneous human combustion.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I love that subject. What?

Speaker 1:

do you know about that?

Speaker 3:

It's something that's fascinated me since I was a very young child. Well, there's certainly a lot of encounters. There's certainly a lot of encounters and there's been some reasonably recent experiences where I can recall one instance where a guy was fishing with his friend and his hand burst into flames. He didn't feel it. His friend saw his hand burst into flames a blue flame and they put it out, and that happened not once, but it happened to that person twice. There's a lot of school of thoughts as to why this has happened. Originally the thought was it was because people were alcoholics. It was alcohol that set their body on fire. But really they don't know what the cause is. They don't know what the cause is. They don't know why some people spontaneously combust, and the thing is, when this happens, very often what they're sitting on, their surroundings are barely touched, it's just the person. There might be slight scorching on the chair or on the wall, but nothing else bursts into flame, only the person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which seems to indicate a really intense, powerful fire that is very short-lived, so it's absolutely fascinating to me. I've seen some photos of where there's been spontaneous human combustion, like somebody sitting in a recliner.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And there is damage to the chair. It's beyond repair but it's not totally consumed like their body was. And there may just be a pair of shoes with perhaps some burned off feet in them, or something like that.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, I've seen those photos too. Yes, and the thing with these spontaneous human combusting cases is it burns from the inside out. It's not an external source of fire, it's from the inside. And there was a case where a couple or a family was sitting at a table and the daughter suddenly had this fire burst from her mouth and she spontaneously combusted in front of them.

Speaker 1:

My goodness.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, how horrible would that be. But really they do not know what the cause is. But it's definitely scientifically verified that, yes, this has happened and there's been a lot of studies done on it, but really they can't say for certain what the cause is. There's theories that it's a buildup of gases in the body A blue flame might kind of support that theory, don't you think? Sorry, what was that?

Speaker 1:

A blue flame might support that theory that it's kind of like some kind of gas buildup.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. I would say yeah, cause the blue thing, flame thing, has always caught my eye and and um, doesn't, don't some gases burn blue, I think?

Speaker 1:

some gases. Yeah, you know like uh, and I think it also is indicative of the temperature of the flame, but um that's interesting is indicative of the temperature of the flame. But that's interesting. Now let's talk about haunted locations. Have you yourself investigated any such locations and what was your conclusion?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I have. I used to have a paranormal investigation team and there was one time we went to this place called the Tavistock Hotel, in a small town called Waipakarau, which was about 40 minutes from where I lived in New Zealand, 40 minutes south sort of south from where I lived in New Zealand. And this hotel had a very interesting story. Originally it was built as a stagecoach stop and then it was moved from its original location and placed on land that was the site of Maori-European wars land wars in the early colonization of New Zealand. So it had a very interesting. It was a very haunted place, very had a lot of spirits in it, and I remember when we were doing the initial walkthrough, the interview with the people during the day, there was a group of I think three people from the hotel myself and one other person from our team and we were walking down this corridor. We were just standing there talking and all of a sudden and this was like a boarding house up the top and a hotel down the bottom where people could eat or drink or whatever a boarding house up the top and a hotel down the bottom where people could eat or drink or whatever, and one of the rooms about three doors behind us on. If I'm facing directly it was behind me, okay, on my right-hand side door knobs started rattling up and down, rattling like somebody was trying to get into it. We all stopped, we looked at each other and went and had a look at it, and this was during the day. This was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, something like that. So that was my introduction to the hotel and while I was there we heard things. We heard footsteps like audible footsteps. We heard disembodied voices, some calling my name and one that was really interesting for listeners who don't know like.

Speaker 3:

We didn't use high-tech equipment, we just used tape recorders. We had a thermometer for measuring temperature and an EMF meter so we could check the place out before. So we knew where electricity was, where it was setting off frequencies, so we could discount that, you know, in an investigation. Anyway, we were standing in one room in the hotel and four of us had tape recorders going, handheld recorders going, and when I was listening to the recordings back, I could hear my cat meow. I thought oh, my cat's in the room. But it wasn't. It was on the tape and all four of us, while all four of us were recording the conversation in the room. The cat was only caught on one of the audio pieces of audio equipment, not all four of them, which was really interesting. It wasn't my cat, it was the cat on the recording. None of us heard it audibly.

Speaker 1:

How interesting. Yeah, the cat from beyond.

Speaker 3:

That was quite interesting. We've picked up recordings of growl One of the members of my group. I had very, very strict rules about treating spirit with respect. You respect them just like you respect humans. You treat them like they're living beings and this one person was a fairly new member and he was being stupid. New member and he was being stupid and um, we all the the people that were with him audibly heard this growl because he wasn't being respectful. And they heard this growl and it, um, he was respectful.

Speaker 1:

After that, yeah, I bet yeah marianne, do you have a website? And I know, uh, I want you to share your podcast, uh name again with us, and I don't know if you have a website, or you mentioned a Facebook group that you'd like to share.

Speaker 3:

I do. I. My um website is called as wwwwalkingtheshadowlandscom and my podcast is the same name. My Facebook group is by the same name. My Facebook group. Actually my podcast started because members of my Facebook group asked me to start it, and I'm going into my 14th season through shortwave.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's very long-lived for a podcast. Congratulations on that.

Speaker 3:

Unfortunately it'll be my last season, simply because I can't afford to keep it going anymore. I've been covering the cost myself, but I'm a pensioner so it's a bit out of my price range to continue, I understand.

Speaker 1:

Well, marianne, it's been a delight chatting with you and these are very fascinating stories. I'm definitely going to hop on your Facebook group, if you don't mind, and join. I would love to continue our conversation offline. Thank you so much for being a part of my program.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's awesome. Thank you so much for having me, Patrick. I've really enjoyed myself.

Speaker 1:

I have too Great conversation. Folks, be with us tomorrow. We've got another great show lined up for you, as always, on the Patrick Bass Show. Thanks so much for listening. We'll be back and until then, keep the blue side up, take care.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for listening to the Patrick Bass Show. The Patrick Bass Show is copyright. Open up any and all conversations Because in this day and age, the snowflakes are scared to get real. We'll fly that flag till the very end, that we can promise you. Keep updated by liking our Facebook page at Real Patrick Bass. For more information, visit us on the web at wwwpwbasscom. Thanks for listening and tune in next time for more Real Talk on the Patrick Bass Show.

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