Patrick Bass Show

Facing the Unseen: Laura Giles on Paranormal Trauma, UFO Encounters, and Healing on The Patrick Bass Show

August 20, 2024 Vanguard Radio Network

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Imagine facing a paranormal encounter that leaves you questioning reality and grappling with trauma. Our guest, trauma therapist Laura Giles, specializes in helping those who've experienced such events, from ghostly apparitions to Bigfoot sightings. Laura shares her journey into this niche field, ignited by her own fascination with the paranormal, and the unique challenges faced by individuals seeking help, given the stigma and skepticism of traditional therapy. I also open up about my personal encounters with demonic entities, highlighting the need for specialized support in this often-misunderstood area.

Prepare to be captivated by hair-raising stories as we recount chilling encounters with extraterrestrial beings, mysterious camping trips, and even therapy sessions disrupted by malevolent entities. One story features conical, white aliens with eyes like Oogie Boogie from "The Nightmare Before Christmas," while another details unexplainable phenomena during a night in the woods. These experiences underscore the profound psychological impact of such events and the importance of addressing paranormal trauma with seriousness and sensitivity.

Lastly, we focus on the critical aspects of support and recovery for those affected by paranormal trauma. Laura emphasizes recognizing signs such as nightmares and isolation, and the necessity for professional intervention. We discuss my podcast and private group, "Paranormal PTSD," which offers a judgment-free space for sharing and support. This episode is not only a journey into the unknown but also a call to empower individuals to understand and manage their trauma, fostering community and belief in the healing process. Join us for an enlightening and compelling conversation that will challenge your perceptions and provide solace to those in need.

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Speaker 1:

Okay, cue everybody. We're going live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And now live from Fort Smith, arkansas. This is a Planet Wide Broadcast courtesy of the World Wide Web and affiliate radio stations across the globe. It's the Patrick Bass Show with your host, Patrick Bass. Alright, welcome back to the program on Tuesday afternoon.

Speaker 1:

A special edition of the Patrick Bass Show with your host, patrick Bass. All right, welcome back to the program on Tuesday afternoon. A special edition of the Patrick Bass Show, august 20th. So glad that you're here with us on this incredible magic carpet ride into the unknown. Today we're diving into a topic that many find fascinating but rarely talk about openly, and that's paranormal trauma. Our guest is Laura Giles, a trauma therapist who's dedicated her career to helping people heal from experiences that go beyond the ordinary. She's also the host of the Paranormal PTSD Recovery Podcast and has a personal story that might just give you the chills. Stay tuned as we explore the intersection of the paranormal and mental health. This is going to be an episode you won't want to miss, but first we've got to take a quick break and pay a couple of bills, so stay tuned, we'll be right back.

Speaker 2:

Don't forget to hit our website at wwwpwbasscom. More of the Patrick Bass Show coming up.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 2:

Brought to you by Feeding America and the Ad Council. Warning. Warning the show you're listening to has been rated R by the Talk Radio Network Guild of America. Raw, real and relevant. It's the Patrick Bass Show, all right folks get ready for an intriguing conversation.

Speaker 1:

Our guest today, as I mentioned, is Laura Giles. She's a trauma therapist that has a unique focus on helping those who have experienced the paranormal that's right Everything from Bigfoot to ghostly encounters I'm sure she's heard it all and she's here to help normalize those experiences and guide people through trauma that those experiences can cause. She's also the host of the Paranormal PTSD Recovery Podcast, where she dives deep into the unexplained and the psychological impact that can have. Laura, welcome to the program. How are you doing?

Speaker 4:

I'm great. How are you?

Speaker 1:

I'm great. This is a genre of therapy that can have Laura. Welcome to the program. How are you doing? I'm great. How are you, I'm great? This is a genre of therapy that I have never before heard of and is probably quite rare.

Speaker 4:

How did you get involved with this? I think you know things just find you when you're interested in things. It just the energy seems to come together. Yeah, when I was little I was always involved in or interested in the paranormal. I remember being eight years old I'm precocious I used to read everything and my friends would have these little you know Dick and Jane type books or you know whatever Hardy Boys, that kind of thing, and I'd be carrying home Bigfoot.

Speaker 1:

So am I right in saying that the paranormal can include all of those things ghostly encounters, ufos, bigfoots, all that kind of stuff? And you know, my experience has been that there is definitely something out there beyond this physical realm that we're all aware of, and I've experienced it on quite a number of times myself. But it never occurred to me that in doing so you could inflict trauma upon yourself. Can you tell me more about that?

Speaker 4:

Oh, I think, yeah, I mean, isn't it all scary Cause? It's all unknown?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yeah so.

Speaker 3:

I think.

Speaker 4:

I think it could be self-inflicted. It could just be like I don't know what the heck's going on. I think it could come from, you know, a total paradigm shift. You grow up thinking the world's one way, and then this you have this information that's so incredible and you don't know how to fit it within your reality paradigm and that can make you crack.

Speaker 1:

I guess it can.

Speaker 1:

You know, speaking from my own experience, I have a particular area of focus that actually not a lot of people know about.

Speaker 1:

I guess I'll out myself here on the program, but I have a specific gift in dealing with entities that would be considered demonic or evil in terms of being able to deal with those and, you know, vacate them from people, premises, places, objects, things like that. And it's deeply tied to my earlier experiences when I was an ordained minister, which I'm not currently involved in anymore. But that gift that I have still has stayed with me and it's really been something that has been. You know, I haven't really had a full understanding of what it was in my earlier life, but as I continue to hone it, the thing is there's only been a couple of times where I really got freaked out or scared. But I guess that for some people that really aren't dialed into this, if you see a Bigfoot or something lurking in the corner, this can really freak you out and I mean, where do you go for help when you know a traditional therapist or doctor is probably going to think you're kind of nuts?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's exactly what happened to me actually when I went looking. Just I just wanted to know what happened, cause I didn't have all the pieces to the puzzle.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I went to a therapist who was also a hypnotist because I wanted that information and I was treated like I was a psych patient and I'm yeah, I'm not crazy and it's not a crazy thing it happened, and so that's really what was my motivation for starting the podcast is to get out there and let people know that you're not crazy and that there is help for this and you shouldn't have to go through that type of experience.

Speaker 1:

I agree. Can you tell us more about your personal experience and how this all started and kind of what your experience was? That and maybe it's too painful to talk about, I don't know, but are you able to talk about it?

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, yeah, I've had lots of experiences actually, but the first one that I remember was I'm not sure why aliens weren't on my list. I mean, there's Star Trek and Star Wars and all of this. So it was out there and I'm reading all this stuff from day one. But I picked up this book one day and I'm reading it and it really hit me that aliens were real and I was fascinated, read it cover to cover, and I finished it about two o'clock in the morning. So I go to sleep and I'm so excited and I say to myself I say out loud aliens, if you're out there, come and see me. And they did.

Speaker 4:

They showed up in my room and I was like freaking out, so that that kicked it off and I was terrified because I didn't really expect it to be there. My body's frozen, I can't move and I want to scream, I can't scream. And it was just kind of like they showed up to be like, well, you asked, you know.

Speaker 1:

I guess we should be careful what we welcome in.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And so tell me about that encounter. Do you remember seeing them? What did they look like?

Speaker 4:

See, this is the thing, because they didn't look anything like anything you ever see in any literature, nothing whatsoever. So a lot of people say, well, this didn't really happen, but it is what it is Right. And when people tell me things, you know, maybe it doesn't sound textbook, but their experience is what it is. And I think too that there's sometimes that creatures will appear the way that they do for a specific purpose. So what I saw was about five or six creatures. They were almost as tall as the ceiling, six creatures. They were almost as tall as the ceiling and they looked sort of like Oogie Boogie from the Nightmare Before Christmas and that they were kind of conical, shaped with the head. They weren't green, they were white and they had eyes. That's pretty much it. I don't know why they appeared that way. Sometimes people have told me that they have robed beings sometimes appear. It didn't look like a robe, it didn't look like KKK, but it kind of did.

Speaker 4:

It didn't look like that was the creature, but that's how it appeared.

Speaker 1:

And they were standing up upright.

Speaker 4:

They were standing up, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And did they have arms? Did you see their hands or anything?

Speaker 4:

I'm just trying to get a better picture of no, it was was very, not a lot of detail. It looks like they were cloaked literally, but one of the features that happened over and over again was that the light is different. So in nature there's ambient light. You see shadows. It doesn't matter how dark it is, you see shadows. There was no shadow, and that's a feature that appears quite often when something paranormal is happening.

Speaker 1:

Very interesting. Did they communicate with you at all? And if so, was it audible or telepathic or not at all?

Speaker 4:

Nothing. They just were there and I was screaming at them. Oh, so I said who are you? No response. What do you want? No response. Leave me alone and poof, they were gone, just like that. And this is all in my mind. I couldn't speak at all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and and then afterwards you said you felt immobilized.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And then, once they left, that, that was uh, lifted up off you and you could move again.

Speaker 4:

I was thawed out from the head to my feet. I could move the upper body before I could move my feet and I just was like waiting for my feet to come online so I could get out of bed, you know, and turn on all the lights.

Speaker 1:

Wow, Anything residual like smoke, or smells or feelings of static or anything like that.

Speaker 4:

No, nothing.

Speaker 1:

And was this something that occurred again later?

Speaker 4:

Never. I've never seen another creature since then, but I have had the light be weird and the sounds are weird too. It's like it's like there's all of a sudden no sound.

Speaker 1:

Interesting, almost like you're in a um one of those chambers that it's like a sensory deprivation chamber yes, very similar to that. I've had a similar experience when I've been dealing with entities and you know one of the things that I perceived. I believe that people have what's commonly referred to as a guardian angel.

Speaker 1:

I believe that people have what's commonly referred to as a guardian angel, and I have seen my wife's guardian angel on several occasions and the last time I saw it was in our home, and we have a typical house that has, like maybe I think it's about an eight foot ceiling, but my perception of this being was that it was about very clear to me that it was powerful and authoritative.

Speaker 1:

It had a sword that appeared to be on fire and it had this long glowing hair. I couldn't make out any facial features. I don't remember if I saw, you know, hands or feet or anything like that. It was in a robe, but it just had this intrinsic light that came from within it and it I remember it standing there. I remember standing there, looking at it, and it was standing there watching my wife, and every time that I've seen it, I was, you know, I felt like it was something that I should share with her, and each time that happened, she related to me that you know, knowing that it was very reassuring to her. Oddly enough, I've never seen my own, although I believe I have one, so whatever that gift is, I've never been able to use it for my own benefit, but only for the benefit of others, oddly enough.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

What when you deal with people who are having strange encounters, that they're feeling trauma from what is the most typical scenario that they're relating to you?

Speaker 4:

You know, until recently they would never come out and say I saw a ghost or there's a demon bothering me. They would always say something else and we would go at it like it's a trauma issue, because that part is clear. And then it became clear that, okay, whatever the story is, this is not the story, yeah, and it will come out slowly. And then once finally I got all the pieces and I'll be like okay, now this is easy. So people typically don't tell, or they tell very little. They're super scared to tell you. They will tell you that it's anything but what it is, because they want to believe that it wasn't what it was.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

So it can be kind of like a detective issue, you know, and I don't really care what the story is. So even if they're making it up which people don't make it up I'm really there about the trauma and getting them some help from the suffering. So I don't care. I don't care if it was Bigfoot or whatever it was. I care that you're scared and we want to get your nervous system working in a healthy way again.

Speaker 1:

How much of the trauma is from the encounter itself versus the trauma that they experience or the stigma that they experience afterwards, maybe when they've tried to share it with somebody else?

Speaker 4:

I think most of it is what happens after.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, in the field, gabor Mate says it's not what happened to you, it's what happens after. So, it's the fact of not having the support, it's not being believed, it's all of those things that matters much more. I mean you can be. Sometimes you don't have the skills to bounce back, you don't know what to do, you don't have the resilience. But the resilience comes from having people that believe in you and people you can speak to, having that community. So definitely the after part matters a lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I guess if you grew up in a family where this was kind of a normal experience and I think you mentioned that in your family the paranormal was kind of normal- yeah. But you know, if your family maybe it's something that was never discussed, or you know it was anything like that was evil or you know, you know whatever the situation was, then when you do experience something like that, I mean, who do you turn to Right? And I guess that's why you exist.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and I think it's kind of like you were saying you know, this is something that you've always done. You have a gift for it. It was kind of the same in my family. We always talked about it openly. So ghosts, no big deal. You know, that's not going to scare me. It doesn't scare me. I mean not to say that I'm not surprised, but I don't freak out with stuff like that, and I think that gives me kind of an edge when it comes to these things, I mean even when it's happening. I've been to many haunted houses and there's stuff happening.

Speaker 1:

I'm not like, ah, you know that's not my reaction. I mean, I can definitely relate to that. I would say that there's an element of shock and surprise, but in terms of fear, no, not really. And, and you know, in my case I think it's having. You have to be very aware of the. This is not a game, it's not something to be toyed with. Uh, you have to be very careful and guarded and you have to have appropriate aftercare, you know, to make sure that you know these things don't follow you back home or whatever the case may be. So for somebody who is completely unaware of stuff like this, to have an encounter where you see an alien or a Bigfoot or a ghost, or to have something freaky happen, I guess it really could, you know, turn their world upside down Absolutely. How do you help them cope? I mean dealing with these, you know, apparently abnormal situations and helping them to understand. You know, it isn't, it's more normal than you think and there's, there's help. What do you do? First?

Speaker 4:

first thing, I try to normalize it yeah because we take our cues about what's normal, what's scary from other people. You know, there's social proof. If I'm sitting here going oh and you're going oh, then they're going to oh too, yeah. But if I'm sitting here calm and we're I'm just listening and I'm not reacting, then they're probably won't either. So so that that's a big thing, this co-regulation. As long as I'm calm, you're going to be calm.

Speaker 1:

I think that is a big part of it. Now, if you tried to do that with a normal therapist, as you said, they would probably try and have you admitted for a three day hold or something like that.

Speaker 4:

For sure.

Speaker 1:

You know, because you know, normal medicine, normal science is going to dismiss this on its face as absurd.

Speaker 4:

The good thing about that, though, is that let's say that you're hallucinating or you're making it up, or, even if it's real, you're not endangering yourself, you're not endangering others. So, even though there is this fear that they're going to have me locked up, they really can't. I mean, they may try to put you on medication, they may treat you like you're crazy which again happened in my case but they can't really lock you up. So that's the good news.

Speaker 1:

In practical terms, what's the difference between PTSD or paranormal-induced PTSD versus more traditional PTSD? Are there any practical differences?

Speaker 4:

As far as the nervous system goes, there really isn't any difference. If it comes from paranormal PTSD, religious trauma syndrome, rape trauma syndrome, warfare, the impact on your nervous system is the same and everybody has the way that they present it. So not everybody's going to be acting out in nightmares, and some people it's just real quiet and it's inward and they're kind of imploding on themselves. So the symptoms are different, but the spectrum of symptoms is the same.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever known individuals who seem to be particularly plagued or where these kinds of experiences seem to be drawn to them?

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, yeah, I think it's like with when somebody is little and they grow up in a chaotic household and they have stuff happen over and over and over and over. We call that chronic PTSD. And same thing if it's paranormal, if you're plagued in a haunted house and you just get these little things bothering you and spooking you and people looking in on the windows at you, and that happens over and over and over, you can have chronic PTSD.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you, in your experience, you know there's a lot of horror movies that start out with somebody playing with a Ouija board or something like that, or you know tarot cards or whatever, or you know seances and and you know they jokingly invite these encounters into their life and that's kind of similar to what happened with you. You know aliens if you're real, um, but in your experience is, is that something that's very common and is it something that average people should be aware of? You know that these games and toys are. They have an impact for real.

Speaker 4:

I do think people need to be aware of that, because these days there's crystals everywhere, tarot cards everywhere, everybody wants to be a shaman and people are doing drugs and trying to reach out to to the other world and things like this. And if you don't know what you're doing, you can absolutely invite in trouble. And and I didn't think that the Ouija board I just thought, oh, that's just a game. You know, no, I've heard enough stories of people getting involved with entities through that route and inviting them in. They didn't know what they were doing and the next thing, you know, you've got a problem on your hand. So I think people do need to be aware. It can even be just like a book. You know, oh, I'm going to get this little spell book. There's lots of these people think it's cool to be a witch. Let me make a spell. And next thing, you know, you've got a demon in your house and what am I going to do with that? You know, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and, and and really, because, from my experience, anytime you start reaching out to that realm, it's going to reach back.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And, uh, depending on a lot of things, you know there's a lot of factors, probably too many than to even really name. There's just a lot of very subtle factors that can play into how, how successful they are reaching back out to you and or if you'll even be perceptive to it. But nevertheless, I mean, you know these experiences time and time again and, and having looked at them myself, there's enough commonality between them that, yes, I agree, some people are probably making it up or exaggerating it, but there's a there's enough commonality between these scenarios that I've looked at. There is something there and and from my own experience I know for a fact, there is, um, now, what? What I I guess what I'm trying to figure out is, when you have these trauma-inducing episodes, or when somebody experiences a trauma-inducing episode, what is the best measure or care that can be provided? I mean, how do we help them get over this? And have you ever seen an instance? And here's what I'd really like to know.

Speaker 4:

Have you ever seen an instance where an entity becomes aware that somebody is receiving therapy and tries to interfere with it? I've only had one case like that. Typically, it's not like a haunting where there's something actively messing with them all the time or at the time that they're being treated. Usually it's something that happened, it's in the past and then and then they come and see me, but the one time where it was the energy was still present was one of the scariest things I have ever seen.

Speaker 1:

Tell us about this.

Speaker 4:

Yes, so this woman comes in to see me. She says somebody that I don't even know, but she's she said it like you know I should know who they were said I need to come and see you. And she was real vague and I I just couldn't, I didn't know why she was coming to see me, because I do more than one thing. But I was like, okay, we'll come in and see me, cause so-and-so said you should. So I get there.

Speaker 4:

And she's still not real easy to understand. I'm not, I don't know what's going on. But then she, um, she's talking to me in a little voice like this, you know, like she's a little kid and still not making a lot of sense. And the next thing, you know she goes, know she goes, and I'm sitting across the desk from her and I can feel this energy like it's coming at me and it feels big and like it's heat and like it's trying to jump in my body, like it's coming through my body to the wall behind me and and I was like, oh my God, I didn't know what it was, but I just sat there and I was like, okay, well, I think this is maybe something that we need a little more help with, but I didn't react and then she went back to talking like this again and it was the most bizarre thing I've ever experienced.

Speaker 1:

So who do you call for help when you have something like that?

Speaker 4:

Well, I did call a few people because I wasn't quite sure and none of them knew what to do because this was just way above our pay grade. So one of them said I know somebody, who's somebody, somebody, that kind of thing. And then on down the line and we ended up getting her connected with a Catholic priest who was an exorcist.

Speaker 1:

Interesting and ultimately was she helped.

Speaker 4:

I don't know. We never got any follow up on that Gotcha.

Speaker 1:

Ok, yeah, because I know they have a pretty high criteria for even getting involved.

Speaker 4:

So well, this something followed me home after that Well, this something followed me home after that and I was in the bathroom and across the room from me, the towel just pulled straight down off the rack. There's no gravity that can do that and I looked at it and I started laughing and I said I see you, and I think, because I didn't really react, that it kind of just well, I'm not going to get any play out of this girl, let me go find somebody who's easier. I do believe that they feed off of fear.

Speaker 4:

They do and the more afraid you are, they're going to just keep on harassing you. Keep on harassing you Because I think it's just energy, it's like food.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's kind of like a bully, you know when they find out that you're going to respond to it. It almost makes them a little more powerful and stronger yeah. You talked about an experience that you had while camping.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tell us about that.

Speaker 4:

This one's kind of fun. So I'm camping with some friends of mine there's about five or six of us, maybe more and you have a great day camping. This is a woods that I've been to lots of times. It's kind of a spooky woods in a way. I've been there before where there's no sounds in the forest and you're just like, okay, what's going on here? You know kind of like that, the no ambient light thing, um, but there wasn't anything that day. It was a perfect day.

Speaker 4:

And we go to sleep and at midnight and I know it was midnight Cause one of the girls was wearing a Fitbit we start to hear what sounds like rain. It's like, okay, that's nice, cause we're so, we're camping, everybody's intense, um, okay, that's nice because we're so we're camping, everybody's in tents, um, and then I hear what sounds like a helicopter directly above, like it's right above, it's very loud, and we're in the country. This property that we're on is 75 acres. It's um backs up to a wildlife preserve. There's a huge farm on one side and a huge farm on the other side there's no. So it either sounded like a helicopter or a truck coming down the road, and the road's pretty far away, so it's not a truck and there's no Doppler effect, so there's no sound of it moving away. It's just right there for a long time. It's makes no sense, given the geography. And then we start to hear what sounds like. One person said it sounds like fairy music, another person said it sounds like ice cream truck music or Celtic music, and it's very pleasant, that kind of thing. And this goes on all night. We all hear it. Nobody says, hey, do you hear that? We're just all kind of sitting there, fascinated by the whole thing.

Speaker 4:

And then finally, when it gets light enough, um, one of the girls gets up and it's like, once one moves, the rest of us are like, okay, let's go talk about it. So we go inside and everybody experienced the same thing and it was just so bizarre. But what's even more bizarre is that when I went to put my bedding up, so I have a pad down and on top of that is another pad and then there's a sleeping bag that I'm sleeping on, the sleeping. So I moved about three feet. I was up against one wall and my whole bed roll is scooted down about three feet. Now I'm up against the other wall, which makes no sense the whole thing.

Speaker 4:

It's not like I rolled there and my sleeping bag the underneath of my sleeping bag is wet, like it was placed down on wet grass or something. Nothing else is wet. Nobody else's sleeping stuff is wet, just mine. And when we go outside, the grass is matted and there's a spot of grass that's darker than everything else, which is so weird. I still don't know what was going on with that, but it it's just I don't know like something laid there and we all felt amazing.

Speaker 1:

So it was a. It was a very positive experience.

Speaker 4:

It was a very positive experience.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's interesting. Uh, I've never heard anything like that. I mean, that's, that's definitely a new one. Yeah, um, let me. Let me ask you this, laura how? How do you differentiate as a therapist, how do you differentiate what might be considered a psychological experience versus something that is genuinely paranormal, or is it really not material? Is it kind of your treatment plan? Really? It's not impacted by that. If I perceive it's real, whether you think it is or not, then it's real kind of thing.

Speaker 4:

Well, if it's trauma, the trauma is real. So I'm going to treat the trauma. It doesn't matter. But I think people do want to know and you know, when you've been in the business as long as I have, you can pretty much tell when it's something psychological.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

And most of the time it isn't, and the few cases that it is, it's something usually the person was very, very young when it happened, very young when it happened. They don't quite know what happened. So they manufacture a story that kind of makes sense, which I don't think is really lying. It's just like I don't know what's going on here. Let me, you know, fill in the blanks. In that case it doesn't matter, because it acts as a metaphor and we can use whatever the metaphor is to get a story that makes sense and then kind of reform the metaphor and something that's more healthy.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So some people have had these experiences early in life and carry it for years before getting help. Wow, that's really amazing and it's sad for them that they've been carrying that burden around for so long. Thankfully, you're able to help them.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Well, I guess tell us more about your podcast. What is the show about?

Speaker 4:

So the podcast is pretty new and it started because of me looking for help and being treated poorly. You know, I really wanted people to know because it's not uncommon, that they don't have to put up with that that there is help, that it is real common, that they don't have to put up with that, that there is help, that it is real. And so I talk with people. I talk with experts, because people like the reassurance of knowing that somebody has put a lot of work and research into their opinions and we explore what happened. I talk to experiencers. I think experiences are really the best way to figure out what's going on, because we're humans and we share a human experience and a lot of us have the same types of experiences. So I love experiencer um podcast. And then there's me and I talk about the trauma piece, because most of the people that I talk to don't know that they have trauma. They just think you know, I just had this bad thing happen and that, to me, is the saddest part. It's like no dude, that's trauma.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. What are some of the signs that people ought to be on the lookout for, then?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so nightmares, not wanting to talk about it, isolation, I can't eat, I can't sleep. Sometimes people are real high functioning and they're very good at compartmentalization and they just don't think about it, don't talk about it at all. That can be a sign too. So it's not just you know, I'm not functional. That's the obvious ones, but there's some not so obvious signs as well.

Speaker 1:

And how can we find your website and your podcast? Where are those available at?

Speaker 4:

It is paranormalptsdorg Both of them.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and let me see here You're offering a special discount to our listeners for your private group. Is that right? That's right, okay, and let me see, here you have a you're offering a special discount to our listeners for your private group.

Speaker 4:

Is that right? That's right? Yeah, I think it's a 50% off.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And what is what is typical during? Is it a group session?

Speaker 4:

Oh no. So this is a support group kind of. I say kind of. So there is some, there's a section there that can help you to figure out what do I do with this PTSD piece. So it's not treatment, but it's kind of like you can help yourself somewhat with PTSD. I think if anybody actually has PTSD, you really need to see a professional. Um, because I see a lot of people all the time who say, oh yeah, that happened long time ago, I'm over that. But then once you poke at it, they're like ah no, and it's like, no, you're not over it, let's get rid of that. So yeah, I think you should go to a professional if you have it, but there is some stuff in there that can help people to help themselves.

Speaker 4:

I think the best piece of the group is having people who have experiences, who are willing to talk about it, and they're willing to talk about you know, what do you think about this? Is this real? Is that real? And it's nonjudgmental. I mean, everybody is so beautifully open and they're willing to entertain even the wackiest things, which I think is a sign of health. So when we have PTSD, when we have a bully in our life, then we can be closed off. This is the answer. It has to be scientific. La la la. This stuff is not all that scientific. We don't have methods to research everything. Some things are beyond our ability to measure. So you need open minded people there to consider the possibilities.

Speaker 1:

So I think the greatest thing that the group offers is people. Yeah, and so this sounds like it could be a great place to just go and share your experience of nothing else.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and so this sounds like it could be a great place to just go and share your experience of nothing else.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and this is different too, because I'm in a couple of groups and a lot of the groups they're kind of focused on. This is what happened to me and that's an important piece, but we do a lot more than that. It's. I think if you're in a group that only talks about this is my experience, oh, it's happening again. Oh, it's happening again that can be re-traumatizing because you don't have any power. So what we do in our group a lot of it is well, what can you do about it?

Speaker 1:

Paranormalptsdorg and also the Paranormal PTSD Podcast. Laura, it's been great chatting with you. Is there anything else that you'd like to share with us?

Speaker 4:

I just want to reiterate that this is normal. It happens to millions of people, millions of people, lots of them. You can find these people everywhere on Reddit, on social media. You just have to hook in with the right group and keep on looking until you find the one that fits with you.

Speaker 1:

Laura Giles. Thank you so much for being with us on the Patrick Bass Show. If you've had an uncanny experience, something that makes you a little afraid, or maybe you think you have some PTSD or paranormal-induced trauma, you need to check our website out paranormalptsdorg and let them know that you heard about her on the Patrick Bass Show. We thank her so much for being a part of the program today, and for everybody else, I hope to catch you again very soon. Until then, keep the blue side up. Take care, bye, bye.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for listening to the Patrick Bass show. The Patrick Bass show is copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Patrick's passion is to open up any and all conversations, because in this day and age, the snowflakes are scared to get real. We'll fly that flag till the very end, that we can promise you. Keep updated by liking our Facebook page at Real Patrick Bass. For more information, visit us on the web at wwwpwbasscom. Thanks for listening and tune in next time for more Real Talk on the Patrick Bass Show.

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