Patrick Bass Show

Unlocking Authenticity with Dr. Nicole Bradford: Overcoming Adversity and Designing Your Life

July 25, 2024 Dr. Nicole Bradford Episode 25
Unlocking Authenticity with Dr. Nicole Bradford: Overcoming Adversity and Designing Your Life
Patrick Bass Show
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Patrick Bass Show
Unlocking Authenticity with Dr. Nicole Bradford: Overcoming Adversity and Designing Your Life
Jul 25, 2024 Episode 25
Dr. Nicole Bradford

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Join us on The Patrick Bass Show as we welcome Dr. Nicole Bradford, an inspiring life coach and motivational speaker with over two decades of experience in education. In this episode, Dr. Bradford shares her powerful journey from overcoming domestic violence to becoming the first African-American Miss Austin, and how these experiences have shaped her mission to help others lead authentic, audacious lives. Discover her innovative "Maintain" framework and learn practical strategies to design the life you desire. Whether you're facing personal challenges or seeking inspiration to break free from limitations, Dr. Bradford's wisdom and energy are sure to leave you motivated and ready to take bold action. Don't miss this transformative conversation!

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About The Patrick Bass Show: The Patrick Bass Show is a dynamic podcast that breaks the mold of traditional talk shows. Broadcasting globally on the Vanguard Radio Network, Patrick delivers raw, unfiltered commentary on the issues that matter. Tune in Monday through Friday from 5 PM to 6 PM Central, or catch the episodes the next day on major podcast networks. For more information, visit

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Join us on The Patrick Bass Show as we welcome Dr. Nicole Bradford, an inspiring life coach and motivational speaker with over two decades of experience in education. In this episode, Dr. Bradford shares her powerful journey from overcoming domestic violence to becoming the first African-American Miss Austin, and how these experiences have shaped her mission to help others lead authentic, audacious lives. Discover her innovative "Maintain" framework and learn practical strategies to design the life you desire. Whether you're facing personal challenges or seeking inspiration to break free from limitations, Dr. Bradford's wisdom and energy are sure to leave you motivated and ready to take bold action. Don't miss this transformative conversation!

#PatrickBassShow #NicoleBradford #LifeCoach #Inspiration #OvercomingAdversity #Authenticity #Motivation #SelfImprovement #MentalHealth #PersonalGrowth #Podcast #LiveBold #PositiveMindset #DesignYourLife #MaintainTheFlame #VanguardRadio

About The Patrick Bass Show: The Patrick Bass Show is a dynamic podcast that breaks the mold of traditional talk shows. Broadcasting globally on the Vanguard Radio Network, Patrick delivers raw, unfiltered commentary on the issues that matter. Tune in Monday through Friday from 5 PM to 6 PM Central, or catch the episodes the next day on major podcast networks. For more information, visit

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The Patrick Bass Show. Real talk, no limits. The home of undiluted truth. Listen up. This show isn't for the faint of heart or the easily offended. We're diving into the real issues. No nonsense and no sugarcoating. From exposing the lies you won't hear on mainstream media to waving the banner of truth and fighting for a better America, we're on a mission to set things straight. Brace up for bold conversations, raw insights and a whole lot of truth. So sit down, strap in and hang on. Now, here's your host, Patrick Bass. Welcome to the Patrick Bass show. This is Patrick Bass on the Vanguard Radio Network. So incredibly glad that you're here with us on this journey today. Today is the 26th of July, if you can believe it. This year is just flying by, it's one of the things that I realized is time is a constant, but as I get older, it seems like it's moving quicker. I don't know how that actually works. But here we are, 26th of July, and just having a grand time. So glad you're here with us today. Don't forget our Facebook page, facebook .com slash realpatrickbass. And our call -in number, as always, is Boy, I said that the other day, and that's just not right. I've got with me Margo White with me, by the way. And our phone number, I keep saying this Phoenix phone number, and I haven't lived in Phoenix for like 12 years. I'm not sure what's going on. Our toll free number is 855 -605 -8255. 855 -605 -TALK. If you'd like to get in on the program today, give us a call. If you have a question for me or for the guest, we'd love to hear from you. And we're going to jump right into things right after Quick break. Just getting started, more real and raw takes that the rest of the media are scared to admit. Coming up next on the Patrick Bass Show. Yeah, he's starting with the wutes. I just want to say that friendship is about heart, heart and brain. Who's with me? Good thing is, he knows when he's buzzed. And my brain is saying, when it's time to go home, somebody call me a ride. Love that guy. Me too. Know your buzzed warning signs? Call for a ride when it's time to go home. Buzz driving is drunk driving. A message from Nitsa and the Ad Council. by Patrick W. Bass. It's a powerful and illuminating read that offers a fresh perspective on what it means to be a true gentleman in today's rapidly evolving world. Crafted with the understanding that true character is forged through both trials and triumphs, this book challenges men to elevate their lives by embracing the virtues of integrity, responsibility, resilience, and respect. If you're a man, it's a must -have guide. Pick up The Modern Gentleman, a guide to manhood by Patrick Bass available at PW bass .com or on Amazon. Welcome back to the show. Again, our numbers 8556058255855605 talk. I'm here today with Margo White. someone who brings over 17 years of experience in the financial business and has a specialized focus on sales and marketing. She's currently serving as a director of prospecting brokering, where she leads an innovative group of people that does prospecting and outreach solutions. those brokers close over 100 life groups each year. But her real expertise is in marketing and copywriting. She's got a new book out that we're going to be talking about called Survivors and Inventors. Please welcome to the program today Margo White. How's it going, Patrick, it's going great and based on our conversation prior to the show, it's going to be fun. You actually cannot spend 17 years in financial business without sense of humor. So I will try to bring that to the show. I do understand that basically all the prospecting and you know finance and everything sounds boring, but it's not because it's all part of I mean we use a lot of psychology we use a lot of You know human humanly things in those numbery world, so let's talk about that and the the main topic our conversation as we discussed is going to be something that is relatable to every single human being because you will find yourself in this concept which is survivors and inventors. These are two types of people in general and who that exist in general world and B2B world. So depending on whether you're working in corporate sector or just exploring yourself, This show is going to give you something special to think about. looking forward to it. I love the concept of you know you're either a survivor or an inventor and I also really like the idea that you know yeah you're doing sales and marketing but what what you're really doing and what I picked up from what you just said is you're a social engineer. You've hacked the human brain and you figured out the best way that you can that you can devise the best way to reach somebody with a particular message. Is that the crux of Heh, well. You know what, you have to connect when you're trying to introduce a new idea, new sale, a new anything into the person's life, you have to connect it to something that they already know. Because otherwise, just imagine if you're coming up to someone at the party, okay? And you're trying to meet a new person. And you're starting telling them what is wrong with them. Like, this dress doesn't fit you. And you know what, I know better because I will show you how to do this and how to do that. It's weird, right? I mean, no one would do that without, you know, getting some comment, right? But in the business world, and we do that all the time, we come up to people and we think that we know better than them and we know how they should live better or eat better or sleep better or whatever. And we think that they will listen to us just because we're experts in something. No, wrong. There are lots of experts nowadays and there are very few people that are listened to. And those people usually connect something that their audience already knows with something new. Basically, the ratio is 80 to 20. 80 to 20 ratio is universal. You show the person 80 % of what they know, what they agree with, and then you introduce 20 % of something new, and then they listen to you because they feel like you're part of their tribe, and they're connected to you. That's how this works in financial world and business world in life. I kind of get that concept. A long time ago, long, long time ago, when I was in a totally different career field in law enforcement, I would be talking to somebody or maybe doing an investigation. And there would be really one question that I wanted the answer to. But I might ask them five questions. Well, four of those questions I already knew the answer to. And there was only one question that I really didn't know the answer to. And that was the one. that I really wanted to find out. And I would use those other questions kind of like as a control to see if they're going to be lying to me or whatever. But it's kind of like that 80 -20 split almost exactly. I was trying to establish trust with them. And then I would get that one question, and they're the one that was the thing that I really wanted to know. So I kind of get this. And I guess what it all comes down to is the concept of you're either a survivor or an inventor. Is that right? Yes, actually I took this concept from Einstein, Albert Einstein. In one of the last interviews that he gave, He was asked this question by the interviewer, what is the most important question that I can ask you today? That was the question, okay? And the Einstein just thought of that for 10 minutes and then spilled the answer, which was the most important question that any person can ask themselves is whether they live in a friendly or because if they live in a friendly universe they will spend their life building bridges otherwise they spend it building walls and these are two like completely different concepts I actually heard that story in 2013 I guess and I kept thinking about it because we usually find the explanation of what we see and then we actually explain that to other people, because I did it intuitively in my work. I did understand the concept, but I couldn't just find out why I'm doing what I'm doing. And then I started, you know, step by step, I started building this concept, and yes, I mean, I figured out that both people exist. And actually, if you ask me, it's 80 -20 ratio there as well, because most people are survivors and very few are And I know that this example will be clichรฉ, but survivor, the type of survivor is probably Warren Buffett. And the type of inventor will be Steve Jobs. I mean, this is a very, you know, rough example what is in there. But basically what survivors do is they react. They react to the events. Okay? So for example, they're trying to protect themselves and they're building, they're growing, they're building and growing and doing things. And of course they invent things too, but they invented out of fear of being destroyed. Okay? And the same happens in life as well. Most people are driven by fear. I'm afraid to lose my job, so I'm gonna start my own business. I'm afraid to lose my partner, so I'm gonna give it all and try to build this relationship. I'm afraid to do this, I'm afraid of dying early, so I'm gonna hit the gym, I'm gonna do this and that. Now inventors, they're kind of different in terms of, you know. in terms of motivation, what motivates them to act. It's like in a Pixar movie, do you know the concept of Pixar movies? mean, general? They take the normal life and then they ask a question, what if? And then they change one single element. and they create a movie. That's Pixar. So the same goes to inventors. And actually Pixar is owned by Apple. This Steve Jobs still. This what if concept is what inventors are driven by. They're not driven by fear. They're paralyzed by fear. So if you will come to inventor and say, you know what, if you don't do this, if you don't switch your healthcare company, for example, this is going to be a disaster for your business. It will not work for them. But what will work for them is a new concept, like the feeling that they're being part of something new, that they're changing something, developing something. And that is the core difference between survivors and inventors. interesting. I've got a couple observations. One is being a survivor or an inventor, one isn't inherently bad or less capable of being successful than the other. In the two people that you have identified, they were both wildly successful. Warren Buffett, I mean, and then of course Steve Jobs, as you mentioned, he was a creator of Pixar and he was also, you know, created Apple Computer and several other companies like Next and things like that. But the interesting thing that I think about, like when I think about Warren Buffett, I don't have warm fuzzy feelings. But when I think about Steve Jobs, I have a lot of affinity for him because obviously of the way he changed technology in the world, I don't know if there's something there or not, Margot, but I view him much more favorably than I do, for example, Warren Buffett. Is there something to be said for that or was it just coincidental you think? Here's the thing inventors are always of course more seen and they're more appreciated than survivors, but the problem is if we were all inventors we wouldn't survive in ancient lives because Inventors they always explores. They don't care about You know their existing state they only care about the future what is going be there, you know, somewhere in, in, in, beyond the boards, right? The problem is humanity is designed in the same way, in the way that it's, we were surrounded by threats all the time and, you know, for, for quite a long time. And those inventors would have us killed as human race. because they would explore things and the world was a dangerous place and they would all get us killed. Like for example, how did human tame the fire, right? So the fire, it appeared on the earth in three ways. It was either lightning or exposure, or it was a volcano. So all of those things could get people killed. And if we were all inventors, we wouldn't ever tame the fire and... Exactly, yeah. never get further. But, I mean, 80 % of people, ran away, of course, but someone, there was a single person who went back to the place where the fire happened. For example, the forest got all burned down and there were animals. And one person came back, they tasted the meat, they saw that this is how it can be, and they tamed the fire. So without the inventors, we wouldn't evolve. But without survivors, we wouldn't survive, you know, we wouldn't exist. yes, we should appreciate the inventors, but the whole financial system runs on survivors. People go to jobs, I mean, they go to work, the general population goes to work because of survivors, not inventors, because inventor is Steve Jobs who got fired from his own company because he's irresponsible. You you cannot run the on people like Steve Jobs, right? so we definitely need the Warren Buffets of the world is what you're saying I think that Warren Buffett should be like more, it should be like 90 % and that will be enough I'm talking to Margo White who's got this concept of survivors and inventors something that She got the idea from Albert Einstein from of all people We're having just a fascinating conversation if you want to get in on it our numbers 855 605 8255 We're going to talk more about this when we get back right after this quick break Patriotism times ten. you're liking the show, hit our Facebook page and chime in at RealPatrickBass. More real and raw truth coming up on the Patrick Bass Show. On the battlefield, there's a saying America's military men and women live by. Never leave a fallen warrior behind. Ever. Off the battlefield, Wounded Warrior Project operates with the same goal. Wounded Warrior Project was created to help our men and women returning home with the scars of war, whether those scars are physical or mental. Wounded Warrior Project. We never leave a fallen warrior behind. Ever. Learn more about what we do at WoundedWarriorProject .org. Welcome back to the program, Patrick Bass show on the Vanguard Radio Network. Talking to Margo White about survivors and inventors and the world certainly needs inventors and survivors. Folks like Warren Buffett and Steve Jobs. You were saying before we left that you think the ratio really needs to be closer to 90-10 versus 80 -20. I guess when you're trying to reach somebody who's a survivor, someone building walls rather than bridges. Is that the concept? You need to find something that's going to resonate with them and help them build, I guess, more walls. I don't know. What's the concept there? Well, First concept I would say is discover whether you are a survivor or inventor because you cannot vibe with everyone. I keep explaining that to people, especially in B2B world. They don't like to give up the clients. They don't like to give up the ephemeral opportunities of non -existing clients. But you need to figure out who you are in the first place. Don't play. mean, based on your Did you make most decisions out of, maybe not fear, but out of the feeling of protection? Okay? So we're not looking at it as we're all chicken, okay? And we're fearing. No, absolutely not. Are we doing that in terms of protection or are we doing that or do we not care? Here's the point, right? Are we building walls all the time or we don't care whether this universe is empty or not, we're going there, right? The life in the universe exists or not, we're going there. So, first you need to figure out who you are because you cannot, again, vibe with everyone. Secondly, The nature of conversation with survivor and inventor should be different. Whether it's your spouse, whether it's your client, whether it's your boss, whether it's your friend, it doesn't matter. If you talk to inventor from the point of fear, they will close down. Okay? And most survivors, they speak out of fear. Like, for example, today I had this situation at the gym because I have my personal trainer and he still didn't figure out that I'm inventor, he's a survivor. What happened is he's trying to, you know, make me, you know, I don't know. angry, know, all this feeling so I would do something out of anger or fear or something like that. Doesn't work that way. Yeah, something like that. mean, and most people, that's how they actually build their muscle. That's how they get healthy and etc. etc. Okay, doesn't work with me because I'm closing down. I'm an inventor. So I need to, you know, I need to get excited. With inventors, you should get them excited. Listen, this is what can happen. Like the same Pixar movie concept. What if we do this, you know? And you're talking to them like you're talking to some teenager. Whether they're like 15 or 50 or 100, doesn't matter. You're talking to them from the excitement point. And that's how you make them do things or get interested. Once you talk to the inventor from the fear point, that's all. over. Now when we're talking to the survivor If you will say, know, what if, and you don't give them a very strict and detailed concept of what is going to happen and maybe two variations of things that could happen, what you're suggesting, right? And the best scenario and the worst scenario and the SWOT analysis of everything, they're not going there. They're not going there. So it's like actually different conversations. And I see that a lot among my friends who were, you know, husband and wives and they cannot agree on things because there are two different types. And once they get that, that concept that one needs to, the detailed plan, one acts out of fear and out of, you know, protection and the second acts out of, weee, let's try this! You know, life's Life actually gets easier. interesting so these these individuals are really at opposite ends of a spectrum if you will but if they understand how things ebb and flow they can work pretty well together is what you're saying think one cannot work without the other. So indeed they need each other is what you're saying. It's kind of the yin and the yang. It brings balance to the universe. Well, absolutely, 100%. First of all, if the person is a survivor, right, and if he constantly grows, he will grow in a stable and predictable way, okay? Once again, going back to Warren Buffett, 17%, okay, a year, and that's, mean, his general income at Berkshire Hathaway. And, I mean, this is a stable and predictable growth. The problem is, the modern world, I mean, it's not enough. to have a stable and predictable growth in order to survive. You need to do crazy things. Okay? You need to go beyond the boards. You need to explore new things. You need to do something that no one expects you to do. So we need inventors. Survivors need inventors. Now, why do inventors need survivors? If the modern world is so, you know, made for inventors and that's what we're seeing with all those AI things, right? Well, the problem is while the inventors are looking for the new opportunities, they're risking a lot. So they need survivors in order to keep them from absolutely, you know, huge disasters, not to mention that the whole financial system is ran by survivors. So if you company and you're thinking about the growth but you need to pay salaries and you need this you know structure you need someone to come to work at time and make people work and etc. Those are survivors Yeah, and you know, like for me, as you're explaining this, I'm kind of thinking, OK, Patrick, where do you put yourself? And it's quite obvious. I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm in the inventor column. Like when I look at my investment portfolio, you can set what risk level you're willing to accept. And I think mine is at high or risky or whatever. I'm like, man, let's try some new stuff. Great risk, great reward. That's my kind of thinking. But I can see what you're saying because my wife is much more temperate than me and would probably caution me to dial that back a little bit so that we're still taking some risk because we're still getting some good rewards. to your point, we don't want to lose our nest egg either. So I really understand this concept, what you're saying about this. it really does resonate with me. Is there a possibility that somebody could be a surviving inventor? I don't know. Have you ever thought about Well, actually we all have survivors and inventors inside us. It's just some part of it is, you know, dominating and we're guided by it. Now the key difference, I mean, you can act as a survivor and as an inventor at the same time. Now, the key difference is what part of it do you enjoy? Okay, so regardless of the outcome. if you, for example, you were talking about your portfolio building, okay, the moment you buy that new company, Even though the outcome is in the future, we don't know about that yet. But the moment you buy it, you feel that something, right? You don't feel fear or, my god, I don't know what will happen. No, you feel excitement. You feel like, you know, it's like driving you and that's why you do it, right? Right, absolutely. So this is the inventor thing. And survivors on the other side, they love when they have, I don't know, they put some money on the insurance fund, okay? Or they set some money apart or they put it in the real estate. So those survivors love real estate. This is stable, predictable, and it's understandable for them, okay? Anything they can't understand, they don't go into it. Now can inventor buy a real estate? Of course, yes. But the inventor will just buy it because... They have to. They will not enjoy it. They will not be wee about it. So this feeling is what defines you as a survivor and inventor and why it's important in sales and business and life when you want people to do something and it's not in manipulative way. I want to be quite clear here. When you want to make people change something in themselves, whether it's their company they're using, whether it's the habit that they have, and et cetera, et cetera, you have to know their nature and act out of it. But they have both sides, of course, and each and every one of us has both sides. That's all. That makes sense, and I can see that. And I also think it's also situational. In some things, I'm willing to be, I suppose, much more of an inventor. And in other things, I'm much more of a survivor. So I also think it's situational and maybe even also relationship -specific. That's my theory. I don't know. I'm certainly no expert on this, but it is nonetheless fascinating. So we've got this book coming out. When do you expect it to hit the bookshelves, I hope it will be October, but it doesn't depend on me anymore. wrote it, so it's all on publisher. But it will be available online by the end of September, so I will send you a copy. Yeah, you'll have. thank you so much. I don't know if you've experienced the love -hate relationship with your editor, but you know. Yeah. I get that. So what else? I mean, you're a multifaceted individual. This can't be all that there is to Margot. What else is going on in your world? Well, I can say that I'm very into CrossFit and if there's anything that I can basically give on this show is that guys, it's very easy to make more money if you actually use your fit looks, okay, a little bit fit looks and introduce it to your business. It's just most people don't know how to do it and that's why they just, you know, fitness is not part of their business life and so it's not part of their lives either. So the idea that I introduce to my friends, it's not the matter of my competence, but it is something that I enjoy, okay? I think that you actually make more money if you appear on more videos because, you know, media right now we have a boom of videos short videos long videos doesn't matter but people react more on videos okay and people who can show I don't mean being a model of course I don't mean that but people who can show a fit body can act and articulate a clear idea I want to Underline that because you cannot just say something right on the social media and just being fit We're not on only fans here, So if you if you cannot to create your idea and you are you know more or less showing that you work out Like I did, for example, for the last period of time, I started showing my arms. I was actually ashamed of my arms my whole life. Okay. And then someone just came up to me. I was like, I have men's arms, you know, and all this. And then someone came up to me and he was like, my God, it's so pretty. It's just this person turned my entire life like this. And now I can do that openly and everybody keeps asking about that and the, but at the same If you, once again, if you will find your gimmick, your visual gimmick, and you introduce great ideas on videos, you actually can make more through social media. Just a thought. of sense. I mean, we're very visual creatures, obviously, so that makes a lot of sense. This is one area that I am particularly focusing on. I decided last month in the month of June, I'm not going to wait until January to make a resolution to change my life. I actually started doing this last month. Bravo. And I'm very excited about it. You know, the hardest thing I've done so far was making that decision. frankly, I got a long way to go. But I took that first step. And I really do agree with what you're saying here, Margot. And you know, maybe in another year, we have another show and we do just full video and have a before and after. So I'm hoping. I'm hoping to have some dramatic changes because I certainly believe in this as a concept and it's something that I want to improve in my own life and like I said, taking those first steps. Well, I love your energy and based on that only, without even knowing what you do, because I'm not asking you, you don't want to tell, okay? But I can tell you, will reach your goal. Just based on your energy. and here's the important thing. And I talk to a lot of people about goal setting and things like that. I don't know about you, but I have never failed to achieve a goal that I've set for myself. It may take years in some cases. I've set some really far, just stretch goals that I can't imagine achieving in, say, one year, but maybe in two or three years. May. I kind of work backwards from that. I'm a big believer in short -term, mid -term, and long -term goals. But that being said, over the course of my life, if there's a goal that I've set and if I commit myself to it, I've never failed to achieve it. And that's one of the things that I've always tried to instill in people that I have influence with or, frankly, that listen to the show. There's nothing that is beyond your capability. If you have to go, you learn something new or try something different or change what it is you're doing. If you have a goal and if you want to achieve it, there's nothing that can stop you and there's nothing that you should let stop you is more to the point. I would add to that, well actually I have to make comment on that, I'm speaking from my own experience because three years ago I weighted 40 pounds heavier, okay. It was very difficult for me to, well pandemic weight, okay. Let's go with that. Okay, fair enough. Yeah, I mean I don't even know what happened. I don't even know. I mean you asked me I don't know. It's just you know 40 pounds plus and I struggled a lot and I had goals and I broke them and then I just started enjoying the process and I started playing infinite games, infinite. What this means is I stopped caring whether I will ever lose weight or not. I just said that I'm gonna show up every single day. I mean, it's cliche, I know. It's just like, know. Actually, it's kind of Goggins talk, okay? A little bit. I just said that I'm gonna show up. I don't care because I enjoy it. And Surrounded myself with the little things that I actually enjoy which is contacts with people who go with me at the gym Contacts with people that run with me. I Went out for coffee with them. I You know actually made friends there friends who started encouraging me for my healthy habits and we had this mutual chat and Every anytime someone ran example it's just Strava effect. Do you know what Strava is? I actually don't know. Strava is the fitness app. It's like social media for fitness junkies. so you post your results from your watch on Strava and you add friends who encourage you for those results. And once I started getting that encouragement for my fitness results, I mean, the waves just started going off because, know, we're all, once again, we're social creatures and we do of what we're encouraged for. So, and this is awesome because, you know, when your goal obviously was to be more healthy and lose weight. But, you know, weight fluctuates, right? I mean, that's natural. And I think for a lot of people, if, you know, if that's something you're constantly and continually monitoring as the only metric by which you're measuring success, when you see those fluctuations, that tends to be very demoralizing and demotivating. So you shifted your focus from what I'm hearing, you shifted your focus and said, I'm not going to focus on this result. I'm just going to enjoy the process. in doing so, you achieved your goal not by focusing on that meta. exactly. I guess you found your reason why. Your reason why is you enjoyed the camaraderie. the encouragement that you're getting from your friends on Strava. that's amazing because you found what works for you and that's ultimately what's most important. mean, once again, mean, whatever you do, whether you have goal or not, make sure you surround yourself virtually or physically with people that encourage you on that path because it's it's we don't think it's important, but this is the number one thing in anything. I mean, you're opening the new business, surround yourself with people that will encourage you for your business results. You're starting a relationship. I mean, that's for your listeners, you're married, you're starting a relationship, surround yourself with people who will encourage you to be in those relationships because if all you have is single friends who love to party and love to bring in you know... single people and so on and so forth, that relationship will not be encouraged and it will be very difficult to maintain. So people around us actually help us with our goals if we choose them correctly. That's it. I'm not saying just, you know, stop being friends with everybody else. Absolutely not. Absolutely. have all the old types of friends around me. It's just at moment when I start something new before it becomes my daily habit I focus most of my attention on people who support me on this path then it becomes a habit and I don't care and I have all the people around me and of course I love them all greatly and deeply and you know that that's basically it Yeah, I get that and I've said before and somebody much more smarter than me has said this in the past where we're kind of the sum total of the five people we hang around the most. So, you know, if I'm hanging around people that are living a life that's totally contrary to how I want to be, chances are I'm not going to influence them as much as they are going to influence me. And so, you know, obviously hang, you Surround yourself with people that are going to be supportive and encourage you and you know are kind of on the same path as you in this maybe in the same station in life or Preferably maybe a little bit further along so that you know instead of you won't be pulling them down They'll be pulling you up, but I also am a big advocate of you know mentoring and I've always tried to align myself with at least one person that trying to help improve and mentor and things like that. And I find that personally rewarding and fulfilling. And it does something for me that, frankly, it's very hard to replicate or get somewhere else. You actually read my thoughts right now because as you were talking about that, was like, I had this dilemma a long time ago, okay? Because I thought like, we should surround ourselves with people that we grow with, but what about mentoring? Someone helped us, we should help someone else. And I've got the answer to that. You can't mentor people who hit the ground and there's no way to go. I mean, they just are so sick of their current situation, whether I mean, I don't mean that they're like on the bottom of their lives, but they're sick of the situation that you can help them with. And they can't even imagine life. any further, keeping that situation at the same level. So when I talk to the person, for example, who wants to open business, okay, and they go like, you know what, I want to quit my job and just work fewer hours. I don't care about that kind of person. Because I worked for my new business that I started two years ago. I worked 18 hours a day after that 15 year experience that I had in financial business. I worked 18 hours a day and I think that those days are not over. I will have to work 18 hour days in the future as well. And when the lazy person comes to me and says that, I want to open business, could you mentor me? I go like, But when the person comes and says that I cannot, I mean, I cannot, I should realize that idea, I should make it happen, and I don't care whether it brings me money or not, I don't care about anything, but I'm gonna give it all. And I look at that and I see like, yeah, you're gonna become a millionaire, multi -millionaire. Yeah. You know, I owned a consultancy for a little over 10 years and I never worked harder in my life than when I ran that business. And an 18 -hour day, very typical. Sometimes for days on end, know, for me, a weekend was just a time to get just a little bit further ahead and get caught up. So, you know, it was nothing to work seven days a week. you know, 16, 18 hours a day for weeks on end. And I never worked harder. And, you know, it was one of the most professionally rewarding times in my life. And then, you know, eventually the business got to a point where I felt like I could not take it any further than I had taken it. And I ultimately sold it and took a sabbatical for several months and really, really enjoyed that. And now I'm kind of in I don't know, I'm just in another phase of my life where again, working a corporate job but also have, for me I've always got, I don't just have plan A, I have plan A, plan B, plan C, and plan D. And I'm always, well maybe, maybe I am, but I kind of think that I might be an inventor, I don't know. Because I'm certainly not risk adverse and the concept you know, building bridges and connecting people, connecting with people really does resonate with me. I, I now I'm really confused. I don't know what I'm going to have to really dig into your book and try and figure out where I'm Well, I will try to send it as soon as possible. But here's the thing once again, are doing, as I understood, you're doing that protections thing because you want to feel safe and you have a family, you want them to feel safe. So this is protector inside of you for other people. So you're basically inventor who takes care of the people around you. Will that explanation do? can identify with that very deeply. think you're exactly right. Margo, we've got just a few minutes left in this segment, and we blew through that last break. I'm sure I always think I'll just ask for forgiveness rather than permission. So we'll get that all sorted out on the other end. But I want to make sure that we've covered absolutely everything that you think is important. Also want to make sure folks have a way to know how to get a hold of you. I don't know if you have a website or however it is that you advertise what it is that you do. Want to make sure that that is available to our listeners. And just any closing thoughts you might have in these last few minutes. of all you can find me on LinkedIn, I'm active there, which is Margo White. If you will not find specifically Margo White, so just type Prospecting next to it and it will get you my name. Prospectingbroker .com is the website of the company. And the last few thoughts, there they are. Know yourself, that's one. Find out whether you're a survivor or inventor because that is going to help you in life and business a lot. And secondly, whether you're a or inventor, try to explore new things. Try to... you know, find something new, but at the same time, don't forget about building walls. Now, are you going to do that by yourself or with your partner or business partner? It doesn't matter, but you have to have both inside of you, okay? And that's why we're social creatures and that's why we help each other and that's why we have friends. So once you know this difference between survivors and renters, you know what you lack and you know what to surround yourself with to become part of an infinite game. I love this saying, like infinite game. That's it. I love that. Margo White, thank you so much for being a part of our show today. Prospectingbroker .com, also look her up on LinkedIn, Margo White, and then just add prospecting at the end and you'll find her. All of those resources are going to be available off of our website as we always do. Make those available for all of our guests. So check out pwbass .com, click the radio button and then go to guest resources. Tomorrow we've got another great show lined up for you. Don't forget to check that out. And again, thank you so much for listening to the Patrick Bass Show on the Vanguard Radio Network. We'll catch you tomorrow. Patrick's passion is to open up any and all conversations. Because in this day and age, the snowflakes are scared to get real. We'll fly that flag till the very end. That we can promise you. Keep updated by liking our Facebook page at RealPatrickBass. For more information, visit us on the web at www .pwbass .com. Thanks for listening and tune in next time for more Real Talk on Patrick Bash Show.

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